The long and short of it - An Explain of the absence - Living it up in the Hotel California.

in #blog7 years ago

So you may or may not have noticed that I had to have an unscheduled leave from Steemit and from PAL/MSP/Discord.

This was not due to a move as many suspected or were informed.

I was put away (incarcerated in an institution) by my darling mother.

She told the wrong people some lies... That I was suicidal. That I was threatening harm to her and her partner, and that I acted on those threats and abused them both.

This is an outright lie.

Due to this unlawful incarceration I lost out on many many posts, and if it wasn't due to the diligence of my amazing and wonderful ghost writer who I am indebted to for the rest of my days my account would have been completely silent for over a month.

I am so very sorry for the departure from normal activities to the many that have enjoyed my posts to this point and who have followed and voted me and I ask for your forgiveness.

This was abnormal and has been resolved to some extent by a complete separation from my 'family' who 'care for and love me'.

I ask for this one thing, please stand by me today and show your support, be it with an upvote, a resteem, or some sage advice for I am very hurt and feel extremely angry about what has happened.

If it is just a friendly word, or some legalese I am happy to hear it, or even if it's just a GET OVER IT MAN, I'll take that too.

Tomorrow or later tonight I will attempt a more normal post.

Much love,



not to mention, after she did what she did, she then entered the premises without consent, and took his possessions.

doesn't sound like the thing i would do, if someone had threatened MY life ( to take their possessions to my house )

but maybe that's just me

fuggg, Dood!
Wow, that sucks, it's too damn easy to have someone "committed" down under, ain't it? Here's where I say "GET OVER IT, Man!" and now that that's over with, how can we make this happen?

That's BS dood

Working on all the things now mate. Just gotta power up some of my super top sekret botty stuffs and things are sorted for the long haul. Problem was I missed out on a bunch of server payments and things kinda FELL OVER.

That month away cost me many thousands. :|

I wonder if I can sue her.....

Wrongful Imprisonment, False Reporting, etc... I think so!

I have a busy day today and wont get much discord time but xome visit pal discord channel recovery. We can explore your situation. I have gone through this with three of my friend. I bet the stories are similar. Everything thar happens in life happens for a reason. Once you can get through the hurt you can begin to search for the lesson life is trying to show you. The lesson ia meant to help guide you on your path. Dont let anger and resentment cloud the message

I'm not angry, that would be a waste of energy and time, I'm a little afraid of her delusional behavior however. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me today Sostrin. <3

Always really sad to hear of family being everything it shouldn't be. Sorry for your pain, brother. Take the high road, forgive them and keep the necessary distance, going forward. I hope that makes any sense.

I will forgive, but never forget. Beyond a joke, cost me thousands of dollars, tried to steal my freedom and modify my life according to her wishes. This is not what a Mother should do for Her Son.

Been thinkin about you brother

So sorry to hear this @sammosk! I know it's not easy but my advice is just take it day by day. Life can be strange but keep on fighting the fight no matter how hard, the sun will shine again. Being betrayed by those closest to one, hurts the most. Take it slow & easy.

Head back, chin high. I will be okay.

Thank you for your support. <3

I am here if you need an ear to listen. Much Love and Many more earnings. All. The. STEEMs.

You have been invaluable Sir. I got the letter by the way, and have been carrying it with me since. <3

Sweet man! I am glad it could bring some joy into your world when it was needed. You are a fucking incredible human yourself.
Lots of love!

I've got way more experience with this than anyone should. The whole process of "involuntary commitment" is a minefield.

Glad to see you made it through.

Here the code has not been updated for I think 10 years, so it is horribly outdated and difficult to get through.

Min stay was exactly what I was hit with, and they had me in the 'high dependency unit' for about 3-4 days. Hard to remember with all the meds they pumped me with. But in there they take away every single tie or lace you have to ensure you can't harm yourself.

Pretty funny when they give you 80-90*c hot water to make coffee.

Hmmmm... Wonder what could be done with that.

Thanks for taking the time mate, much loves. <3

I was wondering about you brother... i don't know what to say, this is pretty intense stuff... im glad you are back tho... there are many things that have happened since you absence, but you will soon find out...

see you on discord man!

Yeah I noticed a few changes.

I was wondering why I didn't see you around for such a long time, man that is messed up. I know you are not one to harm either yourself or others and I hope they come to realize it soon. Just stay strong brother. I am always here if you need someone to talk to.

I was pretty cut up about it when I got out, but I'm just annoyed I had to go to great time, effort, and expense to get away from it all. Regular sammo broadcasting will return after this post.

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