Recent Develonments in Science and Technology

in #blog6 years ago


Wmld's smallest

ttanslslor created

A research team at the US Department of Enctmr‘! Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has eteated the world's :mallst mm: Wllh a worlung one-nanomette sue. For companson. a strand of human

hmr Is between 80.000 and [00.000 nanomcus duck. The marchers 39"“

3:]!le thus feat by usmg a class of semiconductor material: called transtuon metal dlchalcogemdes. or

teen um 1 nanometer ea ~ TMDs, 111.8th of sthcon g oxide g“ nanotube (gate conventtonally used 1n "$71555... .

making chips (Santa. 7 Oct I

Fleld-ef’feet transistors consul: of three termmals. a source, a dram. and a gate. Current Hows from the source to the dram. and that How :5 controlled by the gate, which Witches on and off m response to the voltage apphed. In an Integrated circuit (IC). the tmnSISIOI’ gate length is the mtnlmum feature swe of a tranststor on whtch the How of current through the Junction depends If the mammum feature size can be reduced, It would mean the tranststor gate length tan be reduced effecuvely makmg the ttanststot smalier wuh the same electnal properttes This would allow for lower current How for the same purpose and lesser heat dtssqaatton.

An Integrated cucuit is a set of elecuome cutcum created on one small wafer of sthcon. often contatmng several blllton tranststors “ind other electrontc components packed m an area the 512: of a human fingernau. In conventional silicon-based ICs, the mmlmum gate length hatherto achieved was around 5 nanometres. One tween why 5-nanometre transistors were consldered to be the theoretical him: was because. wtth stllcon, 1f size IS reduced further,a phenomenon trolled quantum tlunnelhng effeet' comes :nto play. makmg c ecuons start lapmg from one transmtor to

another and s'gnnls gotng haywire and the extent: breaks down.

The Berkeley researchers, led by All Jnvey, graduate student Su ay 3 Desat and that colleagues succeeded 1n overcommg the size banner by teplacmg Sillcon With a combtnauon of urban nanotubes and

Molybdenum disulitde

(Credit Sujay Dem)

molybdenum dtsulphlde (M052), which Is sometimes used as an engane lubncant. MOS: belongs to a Famnly of matenals with Immense potential for apphmttons m LEDs, lasers. nmoscale ttanststors, solar cells, and more.

According to the researchers, beause eleetrons Bowing through M051 face htgher resistance. then How can be controlled wnh smaller gate lengths. MOS: tan also be smled down to atomtcally thm sheets, about 065 nanometre: thlck, wath a lower dielectrle constant, a measure reflecnng the ablluy of a maternal to store energy 111 an electric field. Both of these propane: help Improve the control of the flow ofcurrent mStde the ttanststor when the gate length is reduced to l nanometre. In tesdng, the researchers' promtype dance which comblnes
M052 mammr mt}; I-namzmtm earban nanombe gate

Birnan Beau E a b 0

M05, wnh a l-nlnomctte-Wlde n nanotube showed that the mum")! effectively eonttoiled the How Of ciecttnm thhout being lecl'wd due to tunmums eITect.

Accordmg to the researchers, the development could he to keeping alive Intel tofounder Gordon Moore’s prediction that the dam“? of tranststors on Integrated etrcutts would double new two years, enabling d1... 1ncreased performance of our laptops, moblle Phoneu, televmons. and other electromes However. the researchers mutton, “It’s only aproofofconcept Itmaytakg some tune to develop lug:smle fabneauon tethmquu for commercial manufactum and applicattons of the new device to become ptacucal."

I rain

Micrnplastic pollution Is devastating our oceans

The harmful unpacr of plasmas on envu'onment is well known. Plasnc polluuon Involve: the accumulation of plasuc ptoducu 1n the environment that adversely aEeem wildlife, wtldhfe habitat, and humans. The

Eotbpwu mnmmng mtmbeadsSm“”P""”‘

attack: sat}: a: time are Ppradum. {Grain Georg Mayer/Gmnpeace)

Recent Develonments in Science and Technology

Wmld's smallest

ttanslslor created

A research team at the US Department of Enctmr‘! Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has eteated the world's :mallst mm: Wllh a worlung one-nanomette sue. For companson. a strand of human

hmr Is between 80.000 and [00.000 nanomcus duck. The marchers 39"“

3:]!le thus feat by usmg a class of semiconductor material: called transtuon metal dlchalcogemdes. or

teen um 1 nanometer ea ~ TMDs, 111.8th of sthcon g oxide g“ nanotube (gate conventtonally used 1n "$71555... .

making chips (Santa. 7 Oct I

Fleld-ef’feet transistors consul: of three termmals. a source, a dram. and a gate. Current Hows from the source to the dram. and that How :5 controlled by the gate, which Witches on and off m response to the voltage apphed. In an Integrated circuit (IC). the tmnSISIOI’ gate length is the mtnlmum feature swe of a tranststor on whtch the How of current through the Junction depends If the mammum feature size can be reduced, It would mean the tranststor gate length tan be reduced effecuvely makmg the ttanststot smalier wuh the same electnal properttes This would allow for lower current How for the same purpose and lesser heat dtssqaatton.

An Integrated cucuit is a set of elecuome cutcum created on one small wafer of sthcon. often contatmng several blllton tranststors “ind other electrontc components packed m an area the 512: of a human fingernau. In conventional silicon-based ICs, the mmlmum gate length hatherto achieved was around 5 nanometres. One tween why 5-nanometre transistors were consldered to be the theoretical him: was because. wtth stllcon, 1f size IS reduced further,a phenomenon trolled quantum tlunnelhng effeet' comes :nto play. makmg c ecuons start lapmg from one transmtor to

another and s'gnnls gotng haywire and the extent: breaks down.

The Berkeley researchers, led by All Jnvey, graduate student Su ay 3 Desat and that colleagues succeeded 1n overcommg the size banner by teplacmg Sillcon With a combtnauon of urban nanotubes and

Molybdenum disulitde

(Credit Sujay Dem)

molybdenum dtsulphlde (M052), which Is sometimes used as an engane lubncant. MOS: belongs to a Famnly of matenals with Immense potential for apphmttons m LEDs, lasers. nmoscale ttanststors, solar cells, and more.

According to the researchers, beause eleetrons Bowing through M051 face htgher resistance. then How can be controlled wnh smaller gate lengths. MOS: tan also be smled down to atomtcally thm sheets, about 065 nanometre: thlck, wath a lower dielectrle constant, a measure reflecnng the ablluy of a maternal to store energy 111 an electric field. Both of these propane: help Improve the control of the flow ofcurrent mStde the ttanststor when the gate length is reduced to l nanometre. In tesdng, the researchers' promtype dance which comblnes
M052 mammr mt}; I-namzmtm earban nanombe gate

Birnan Beau E a b 0

M05, wnh a l-nlnomctte-Wlde n nanotube showed that the mum")! effectively eonttoiled the How Of ciecttnm thhout being lecl'wd due to tunmums eITect.

Accordmg to the researchers, the development could he to keeping alive Intel tofounder Gordon Moore’s prediction that the dam“? of tranststors on Integrated etrcutts would double new two years, enabling d1... 1ncreased performance of our laptops, moblle Phoneu, televmons. and other electromes However. the researchers mutton, “It’s only aproofofconcept Itmaytakg some tune to develop lug:smle fabneauon tethmquu for commercial manufactum and applicattons of the new device to become ptacucal."

I rain

Micrnplastic pollution Is devastating our oceans

The harmful unpacr of plasmas on envu'onment is well known. Plasnc polluuon Involve: the accumulation of plasuc ptoducu 1n the environment that adversely aEeem wildlife, wtldhfe habitat, and humans. The


mam problem Wlth plasua 15 that they are non-btodegtadable. that Lt. they are not decomposed astly and temam Intact for yum (see Dream 2047. june 2016). TI“ teoently It was pmumcd that damage due no plamc waste was ltmtted to only erCI'S. water bodies. and coastal waters. But new It appears that no envtronment on Earth has mped plastae pollutton. Recent studies by tesarchets from the untversmes of Bristol and Oxford In UK. worktng on the Royal Regard: Ship (RRS) fame: Cook at two sttet have revealed that plane wane tn the form of microplasms is already thtmtemng deep me life.

Mtcmplastat: are defined as small parades that axe less than five millimetres long, and Include both mtctohbts and nncrobeeds found m many cosmettc and cleaning products Aecordmg to the setenttsts. mtcmplasttcs Includtng polyester, nylon and actyhc waste can enter the sea Vta the washmg ofelothes made from synthetic Fabrics. In studtes at two sttes m the midAdam": and south-west Indian Ocean, the mrchets found plastic mtctohbtes Inside a Wide tange ofdeep-m creatures. Including hemut crabs, lobsters. and sea cucumbers at depths of 3004.800 metres (Smuttfc Rtpam, 30 September 2016 I doulO 1058/ Step3?! 997). The ammals were collected using a remotely operated underwater vehtcle The finding marks the first evtdenee of tngestton of microplasttrs by ammals at such depths. Accordtng to MtchelIe Ta)dot, lead author of the study, “What’s pameulatly alarmmg is that these microplasttcs were found In the deep ocean, thousands of mtles away from Iand-based sources of pollution.”

Macroplasttts ate roughly the same sue as ‘martne snow’ the shower of organic nntenal that falls from upper layers ofwater to the deep ocean and whtch many deepasea creams feed on. A recent study by sctenusts of Plymouth University m UK has shown that more than 7.00.000 mtctoscopic fibres “Nld be relaxed into waste water dunng each use of a domestic washmg machmc man t hich ' “W Y 0 W 31: likely to pass through (M age treatment and Into the environment I 03317."! galliumn Butlmn. September 2016 11: OlGJ-marpolhul.2o16.o9.ozs).

°"Sl'udlts shouted that t ‘

, p asttcwaste could

‘8 way degP lnlo the ocean thtou that laundiismkmm studies have shown

3 an "Crag: washing load

of 6 kn Ogmms could teleue an esttmated

1.37.951 fibres from polyester-cntton blend Fabric. 4.96.030 fibres from polyester and 7.28.789 from acrylic.

Pllsllcs ate enormously beneEctal manuals. but If manne plasttc polluuon. spectally mlu’oplastu: polluuon m deep su waters eonunues to increase, Its Impact on martne hf: could begnve. Ins important that the aceumulatton ofplastlc and mtctoplastic debns ll'l mattne habitats is prevented through better wastehandhng pracuces and smarter chotces 1n the materials we use.

The UK Government has mecendy announced that It would ban plastlc mtcroheads. found In many OOSmctIC and cleaning products. by the end of 2017. The move followed reports by the House of Commons Envnronmenta] Audit Commmec about the envtronmental damage aused hy plastics. late last ya: US pmtdent Bamck Obama SIgned a bill oudawtng the sale and dtstrthutton of toothpaste and exfoltaung or cleanstng ptoduets containing plasne mtcrahads. It is time that the Indian Government takes nottce of the problem and brings In suttablc lcgislauon to counter the growmg menace.

Towards a universal llu vaccine

Influenza, commonly known as Eu. Is a tesptratory Illness caused by mfluenu viruses. The dtscase is summed to muse between 3-5 million we: of severe Illness wotldwtde and between 2.50,000-S.00,000 deaths every year. accotdmg to the Wutld Health Organisation (WHO). '11“ recently,




the best way to protect agamu the muwan through flu ‘Ihou‘. hut mtdtng w the Centers fol Duane Conttol and Prevention (CDC) :1 the US. how we" a tin vaccine works each year depends on the health and age of the person bung mmted. the sumlartty between sasonai vast?” mm and cueulaung Viruses. and whether a live or mactwated vacant was used. The mam mson for this is that the nu vmu often undergoes sltght geneuc things dumtg rephauon. tanking m a vnrus wtth dJHerent anttgemc propetues, making the vancme ineH‘eetwe. Researchers have been uyutg to develop a umvemtl Hu came that could effectwely protect agau all flu maths and prevent the occurrence u pandemtt: An tntemanona] team ofsetentlm at McMastet Untvetstty m Canada and mo Amman untvemtté have now moved a Step closet to , developing an effective. "one-shot" utyrernl Hu vaccme to protect against futuxe global pandemus that could lull mdhons.

Seasonal flu vaccines. Whlch usually protect agaunst three or four inHuenza v1tus Stmlns. work by musmg mttbodtes to develop In the body about two weeks after vaectnauon. These anubodxes bind to the vuus and prevent it from tnfecttng cells. Unwetsal vaeemes work tn the same way. but they also Involve wI-ute blood cells to destroy Infected cells. Whale certam anttbudtes work together to recrutt the helpful whtte blood cells. other antthodts block then: recruitment. The researchers found that whete the anttbodles bmd on the

The untumalflu Damn: II designed '0 Pmduu « magma a pm aftht umu rim rem remnant ejémwfér a lung tim

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