Don't let alcohol become your master
I guess I was born a little lucky, because I was never a big fan of alcohol. But many of my friends are.
I have gotten drunk my fair share of times. I still do, maybe thrice a year. But it's the kind of drunk you get after 3 shots of whisky, not the kind of drunk you are when you have 9 shots of Jack Daniels and are puking over your mother's Camry.
Part of this luck is because my parents don't like drinking. I haven't really seen my dad get drunk, or even go out to the bar for a night with the boys.
Now, don't get me wrong. This is not a tirade against alcohol. I admit it can be enjoyable. Which is why I drink at all, even if it is rare.
The problem I have with is that people often times associate it with fun, which is completely hazardous. For instance, if a friend calls me out and we are in the city, it is almost a prerequisite that I have to drink. When I politely decline, most of my friends give me a scowl, like I'm killing their vibe.
I used to shrug it off, and just enjoy the night. But little by little, that scowl got to me. Not because I was offended because they thought I was a square. But because I realized that they had this social dependency on alcohol, which could become a physical dependency if it went unchecked.
In our generation, we say things like, "if you still remember last night, then you weren't drunk enough,"which is indeed funny enough, when it is taken as banter. However, in places like university, when individuality isn't as rigid, and people are much more subject to peer pressure, this becomes peoples' mentalities.
It is not fun to pass out drinking. I did it once. The last thing I remember was throwing up and I woke up the next morning feeling as if someone kicked me in the head.
Nobody enjoys a hangover, but people, for whatever reason, do not take it as a warning sign that they are doing anything wrong. Although what a hangover should be is your body telling you what to regret, in reality, it is readily normalized in a university environment. Have a big breakfast, maybe down some coffee, and you're ready to go.
Many drinking problems start in college, but carry on to peoples' twenties. Year after year, the dependency grows subtly stronger, until people can't sleep without two glasses of wine. People who do not consider themselves alcoholics cannot have so much as a good night's sleep without the substance. It is terrifying.
If you are one of these people, I plead with you, stop it. Take a good look in the mirror, and have a long, honest conversation with yourself about your drinking habits.
And, if you were able to take that step, develop some physical hobbies that will allow you to compensate for not drinking; to fill that void. If you are not able to sleep, pick up meditation. If you are going out with your friends, suggest hiking or rock climbing. Find something you like and you can keep in the background of your life, as readily as a glass of red wine.
And don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends, or if they are in the same boat, a member of your family or a professional. Quitting is very hard, much much harder than starting something. But when the reward is freedom, you have to try your best.
Good luck.