
While this post is fairly long and well written, it seems to insinuate that all conspiracy theories are untrue. Yet the closest examples used are Y2K and 2012. You mention GMOs, fluoride, etc. So you're saying concerns of fluoride and GMOs are like concerns about Y2K and GMOs? Wow! Talk about cognitive bias. Look, whoever was concerned about Y2K or 2012 was an idiot. Don't lump them into the category of being a paranoid conspiracy theorists. It actually is possible to think outside the box without being paranoid.

You act like everything is perfect, and we the mainstream narrative tells us all we need to know, while some are delluded doomsdayers lol. There's lots of reason for concern and the mainstream isn't giving any answers. For example:

  • autism rates have skyrocketed and still climbing
  • we've eroded the topsoil to the point of there barely being anything left
  • we can't breathe without inhaling toxins, including mercury
  • the oceans are polluted
  • we have a revolving door between the corporations that are harming us and regulatory agencies that are supposed to be protecting us from those corporations
  • 1 in 6 kids have a developmental disability
  • we're seeing childhood cancers that didn't exist a short time ago

We don't have to wait for the sky to fall some day in the future. It's falling now! These things aren't theories. These are facts. And you want to discourage people from researching and talking about things outside of the mainstream narrative, which is mostly propaganda and brainless nonsense?

The vaccine schedule has never been tested!
GMOs weren't tested before introduced to the food supply.
Fluoride isn't tested for toxicology, though it's extremely toxic.

But don't worry folks, we can trust the government. We're all so sure of it we don't even need them to study these things for safety. All these new diseases are genetic. The media wouldn't lie to us.

And as far as economic collapse, you're going to be eating your words when it does. We're close too.

We need people to be allowed to think freely. Too many people already take the info they're spoonfed. Maybe some time show us how conspiracy theories are wrong, instead of merely implying they're wrong.


Well I guess that just proves every single conspiracy theory correct then. Case closed.

Oh sorry, @rok-sivante. I was deliberately not replying to you because I actually agreed with some of what you said and had no desire to get into an argument. But @arevolution made so many points I also agreed with, I thought I'd talk to him direct in the comments. Peace. It's a tough area.

T'is indeed...

If I believe the following am I woke?

The national debt and global debt is of no consequence. Bitcoin rising at an astonishing pace doesn't indicate something is wrong with fiat currencies. Seth Rich died in a botched robbery (where nothing was stolen). The Podesta's taste in artwork is that of perfectly normal and harmless individuals. Russia hacked the election.

Well I don't. I guess I'm a conspiracy theorist.

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the two of the first picture are so similar :)

"Yet, there is this particularly funny dynamic at play within the subcultures of "truthers," "anarchists," and tinfoil hat clan that while they've successfully called the mainstream media out on their capitalistic-corporate propaganda, they seem to think that anything that stands in opposition could not possibly be susceptible to its own distortions of cognitive bias and straight-up misinformation."

Well spoken! I find it strange to see seemingly intelligent people propose absurd conspiracies... People who seem to feel that they KNOW what is true. In its worst form it turns into smugness - "Oh, you don't believe me? You're a sheep."

The idea to analyze and disprove your own beliefs is strong. We learn much more by challenging ourselves than by challenging others...

Intelligence itself, like anything else, can be directed wisely or succumb to distortions of perception, immaturity, false beliefs, emotional interference, etc...

but the multidimensional transformation is happing NOW and somebody would be moved up and somebody down.

Each according to their own choices...

Lol, I did remember Y2K. I thought I was 13 or 14 years old at that time. And i just heard from news that all computers may have error and maybe even nuclear weapon will be out of control.

And what make me remember that much is I count down to the 00:00, and sit to wait. I am not kind of fear but just want to see will it be a new world like missile flying above my home or explosion everywhere. But of course we know, finally there are nothing happened. But I do enjoy that time as no one can ensure what will happen, even the rich. (but of course maybe I am too naive at that time XD)

Yep. I also remember 14 years ago, trying to convince my dad to empty his mutual funds and buy gold, because of what I was hearing about upcoming economic collapses then.

Thank God he was smart enough not to listen to me. Lol.

Instead of fearing it, just be prepared for it and go on with your life in the meantime.

Very thought provoking post. Get your information from a wide array of sources which will enable your wise decision.

And never take any single source as truth, questioning it ALL...