Hey. Can I come in?
It's been a while. Where am I?
What is this place? Why there are ads on a crypto site?
What are you doing gang?
I hope no one died in my absence. Although, I guess statistically speaking one of you lads is up there.
Anyway. What have I been doing for so long?
The Adventures Of That RedBeardGuy
Yes yes. I went on an adventure. A rather unusual adventure.
One that doesn't involve wizards, dwarfs, spaceships, horny blue monkeys and whatnot. It's one of those "here I come world" adventures that happen every 2-3 years.
Really nothing to write home about.
Hey, look! Another stereotypical redbeardguy blog where he starts writing about one thing and pivots 180. The reality is, I don't what hell I'm writing. I just wanted to stop by and remove the goo from my brain.
It's true though. My life has been increasingly intense. In a good way. In an awkward way.
I've been facing lots of unforeseen challenges I never expected to encounter. I've been writing a lot too. The kind of writing that pays the bill, ya know what I'm saying?
Made some new friends. For a few days. Didn't bother to smile as Carnegie suggests.
Got back some of my lost time with a few female feline thingys. That's always good.
But tell me, what's your situation rn?
Are you eating and sleeping and fucking well?
We never meet and that's a pitty.
It's almost 9. Gotta go.
Still fun to be around. I'll pop up again in a couple of years. Or days.
Who knows?
That's the beauty of it.