NZ Book Month: author 5 - Juliet Marillier

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Last but by no means least on our unofficial NZ book month tour, I'd like to present author five ...
Juliet Marillier

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Her interests in the subjects of history, fantasy, folklore, mythology and druidism have created the basis for some wonderful stories.
It is the first in the Sevenwaters Series (and I read through them as quickly as I could!).

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Her characters have a realism and amongst the love stories, she isn't afraid to write about heartbreak and loss as she tells tales cleverly interwoven with folklore and myth. She also knows how to throw in a few good plot twists to keep the reader guessing.

and her
Saga of the Light Isles duo.

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A list of all her currently published works can be found on her wiki page here.

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Bibliography: (a fan page, but apparently she does read & comment there)

(extra tags: #authors #books #fiction #literature #people)
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Great quote at the end. May you have courage and hope today @ravenruis :)
@ravenruis Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!