Me, Myself and Technology
I stare blankly at the number pad before me as I try to remember my P.I.N number for the debit card I just used to make a purchase. I know I chose a number I wouldn't forget. I know that I know what that four digit number is but it has escaped me. I try a number that could it be. It was incorrect. So, try another and again incorrect. So, I end up cancelling the sale, finding my hint that left myself on the back of the debit card and do it all over again. I asked the clerk if I could use the debit as a credit card but she knew less about technology than me...sad to say. But rejoice, I did manage to buy that very expensive cookie at the mall so...Just a second while I eat it...not bad but a bit under baked.
Me and technology have a love/hate relationship that goes way, way back. I miss the days when technology was simple...kind of simple...okay, I screwed that up too! My collection of the hottest cassette tapes couldn't be undone. It could never be dethroned for everyone knew the best new releases were on cassette tapes. 8 track tapes were nothing and LP vinyl records could not hold a candle next to Def Leopard blaring through the car speakers as you cruised down the road to the mall with your friends and newest perm. Then came this thing called compact disk! Something about lasers and scratches and I was lost. Just as lost as when I had to take "computer lab" in high school on the Apple 11e computer system that had floppy disk that did flop around a bit and code that I had to somehow write. It confused me and I saw no use for that stupid machine. I thought for sure computers would be a fad and fade away....Funny just the opposite thing happened.
I loved my camera as a young teen and adult. It was so cool to take color pictures, some were even instant pictures and all you had to do was peel off the backing and waved the small Polaroid picture until an image appeared. Then came digital cameras. I couldn't quiet figure out where the film went. It seemed to have vanished! Suddenly, my 8mm camcorder was so old old that when I asked a clerk at Radio Shack for a new battery he laughed at me. He told me to go online. I guess the last laugh is on him since I went online and my camcorder still works but he's not.
I loved Radio Shack in the 80's. It was so cool back then. You could get anything you wanted: transistor radios, police scanners, remote control toys, solar powered calculators, Citizen Ban radios, HAM radios and do it yourself kits. I once made a potato into a clock as a kid. Now, our Radio Shack is no more. Sadly, the 80's really did want the store back.
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