My Diary-When bad things happensteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog6 years ago

When bad things happen

Did you ever notice that bad things all seem to happen all at once? I had one of those nights last night when I was working. I really let it get me down in the dumps tonight. Twenty-four hours later I’m still feeling shitty, what the hell?

I shouldn’t feel like that I should feel happy. After all I’m not the owner of the company I just get paid by the hour.

I just wanted to pack up and go home. But I need a job. I need to pay the bank so I’m not homeless. I’m free but at the same time I feel like a prisoner.

When I was driving to work tonight I saw a group of 3 boys hanging out in front of a bar that’s closed down on my way to work. I swear just like yesterday that was me. Not a care in the world. Just a boy on a bike with his friends goofing around on a Friday night. What the hell happened to me and how did I get all these responsibilities?

It all happened so fast and next thing you know your over your head and drowning in stress and debt and responsibilities. The stress level at my house is at a high with my wife. I really don’t want to be living like this but I don’t know how to get out of it.

Don’t get me wrong I love my family and for the most part my job is good. I always hear how lucky I am to have my job, but it always seems like they are the only who think it.

I don’t think anyone will read any of this. So it’s basically my own little dairy posted in plain sight. I’m pretty sure I’m not cool enough to get noticed. I’m not a vegan, hipster or a special world traveler that everyone wants to hear about. I’m some dude that has struggles and a family.


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