Emotional intelligence

in #blog7 years ago

The human race lost a prized member on the 14th March, I for one will mourn the passing of one of the greatest minds to ever grace our planet, In terms of heroes my top 3 are Isaac, Albert & Stephen in about that order they each took the work of their predecessor to the next level. Daydreamers who made a difference by daring to think differently outside the realm of usual paradigms (our comfort zone as creatures of habit). All I can say to Stephens family & the memory of him is thank you sir for your life's work & commitment to Physics. I only hope the rest of the world remember him for his contributions to science rather than his appearances on the Simpsons etc.


We have a measure for intelligence we call I.Q it is worked out by calculating a said persons speed of thought through mathematical & spatial awareness , The logic is the quicker & more accurately that you can solve the problems the more intelligent you are. I happen to know one lie that Stephen repeatedly told, He was often asked what his I.Q was & his reply was that he didn't know. I can fully divulge to you that he was well aware of it & just being modest. I have heard it quoted at anywhere between 160 - 250 & that's quite a range. I know refuse collectors with higher than 160 & politicians with a sight less. I would estimate Stephens to at least 240+ he wasn't just a genius, he was a trailblazer like Isaac & Albert before, they didn't just stand tall they stood on a different level entirely. Nobody else was thinking like them.


That brings me full circle back to the title of this composition 'Emotional Intelligence' it's also known as emotional quotient or E.Q & can be measured just like I.Q, The difference is E.Q is the future, If this is the first you have heard of E.Q find out more & soon because employers in the next few years will be testing prospective employees for their emotional worth as the value to their business of having your emotion rather than intelligence attached brings greater profit to all involved.
Stephens Emotional worth was flattened when he fell over as a child he didn't even know if it was worth finishing his doctorate in cosmology the doctor who saw him at Barts hospital washed his hands of Stephen he said there was nothing that could be done.for him, Stephen didn't know what was wrong with himself all he could sense was that it was very serious by the way folk were acting around him.
He managed to go on from there get married have 2 children & become the most celebrated mind of the baby boomer generation. Well played sir, good innings.

rip sh.jpg

Post dedicated to the life of Professor Stephen Hawking

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