RE: Website Live!
I want to challenge you here. Not to start an argument but to help each other grow. I believe that when you decide to start teaching others about God you should be teaching truth. If you don't want to engage me, I understand. My stance is this, God is one and the Father alone is God. The trinity is a false doctrine and is a tradition of men. This is clearly proven through the Scriptures.
Genesis 1:26 Let us make man in our image...
There is no hint of there being more than one god person here. You have to admit that it doesn't actually say who God is speaking to or of. Since the rest of the Bible tells us that God is one and God is the Father, we can safely assume that God is not speaking to other parts of himself. I think the safest and clearest answer is that God is speaking to the angels who were present at the creation of man and who are also made in Gods image. This is confirmed in Job:
Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
They are called sons of God because they are made in God's image. We are made in the image of God as the angels are.
John 3:16 For "God" so loved the world that "He" gave "His" only "begotten" Son.
Even this verse teaches against a Trinity. He gave His(singular pronouns) only begotten(Jesus is made, had a beginning, brought forth) son. If Jesus is God then this verse makes no sense in itself.
The Holy Spirit is God because it is God's Spirit, not a separate person. God pours out His spirit, sheds forth His spirit, and baptizes with His spirit. The Spirit is never worshiped, never named, and doesn't have a throne in heaven.
The Bible tells us that there is one God and one mediator between God and Man, the man Christ Jesus.
You can't get much clearer than that. This is my plea to you. Start at the beginning and think about the Scriptures without the influence of the traditions of the church. We are told that the trinity is a mystery. It is a mystery because it is not found in the Scriptures. Those who adopt this teaching do so not because the Bible teaches it but because they were told it was true.
If Jesus is God, then he didn't die for us and he can't mediate for us. Sin and death comes to all through one man and likewise through one man, grace and life comes to many. Jesus is not just any man, he is the perfect man, the last Adam, born of God, who was chosen and sent to atone for our sins. God raised him, God exalted him, and God gave him the Kingdom.
I truly wish you blessings in your studies and an not trying to become your enemy.