The trial run

in #blog3 years ago

I found some time alone to write, so here we go!


It's hubby's week off and during such times, I usually don't write much. I spend my time with him, mostly gaming, and might write early in the morning. Which would have happened yesterday, but hubby was up even before me!

Anyway, I was going to write about my trial run at the job I'm applying to. I say trial run for lack of a better word. It was more a couple of hours of them showing the applications I'd be managing and talking a bit with two of my co-workers.

I arrived in the pretty hall, waited to be picked up and then one of my (hopefully) future co-workers came to pick me up. We walked up the stairs and then on the top floor we walked straight into the... open office.


I pushed that bit of new knowledge straight to the back of my mind and concentrated on my (hopefully) future co-workers. They showed me a few applications, I asked questions, they answered and showed me more. They are two very nice women and I definitely think they'd be great people to work with. I also think the work would fit my past experiences and I'd be good at it... after learning a lot about the applications, organisation and processes.

After a couple of hours, we were done and I headed to the city center to sit on the grass and eat some lunch. I called hubby who drove me that day and then did some quick shopping before he picked me up.

I was checking out some clothing shops, but they had nothing interesting for me! Which, it turns out, is something mum completely agrees with in that particular city, so I guess I'll have to go to a city more my style to find new things.

I was happy hubby picked me up, because it was a warm day in the city and by the time he arrived, I didn't feel all that great. So we drove back home and talked about the trial run and then I sat back home for the rest of the day, thinking about the trial run, pulling that bit of new knowledge about the open office back to the front of my mind.

Have they punished whoever came up with open offices yet? Can we?

Okay, so the job seems doable and the co-workers seem nice. Having to work fridays sucks, but I'll get over that. The open office is a no-go though. They told me that on thursdays, they get together and book an meeting room for the team to work in all day. It's a good way to have team meetings, an easy way to ask questions and to exchange knowledge. That would be a very energy draining day for me, but a valuable day, so I can definitely make that work. The other days though... I'm going to have to make sure I get to work from home. I can not, will not, work in an open office.

I'll hear in about a week if we're going on to 'the finals'. Meaning a talk about what I'll earn and when I'll start and all that. This time, I have some conditions. One is that, if the option ever becomes available, I no longer want to work on fridays. This is pretty open ended and not a real show stopper. It'll only happen when someone else starts working fridays. The other condition though, is that I will not have to work in that open office. I am going to be really strict there, so this can be a show stopper.

I've never really had conditions for my new job before. I usually just sit there, listening to whatever they tell me and nod and agree. I'm usually not that fussy. Having to stand up for myself is new, but shows growth, so good for me I guess. I know what I need.

It's simple for me. I want my next job to last, which means I need good working conditions and an open office is the worst thing you can do to me when it comes to a workplace. It is uncomfortable with all of these other people around. It is too distracting with all of these other people around. I will feel miserable and it will break me up.

(Do people EVER think about introverts or the highly sensitive? Come on...)

They told me now that lockdowns have ended, meetings are getting organised at the office more and more and you'll be expected to attend them there, even when it's not your office day. For me, riding with hubby, it would mean a full day at the office, having to work in that open office once the meeting is over and/or before it starts. I can't do that. I also can't buy an extra car until I've earned the money to do so, which means that for the first couple of months, I can't attend those meetings in person. Because the only way I will attend those meetings, is if I can go back home after to finish the rest of my work day there.

So... I feel like they most likely will invite me for that last talk, but I'm not sure I'll get the job. I'm afraid the open office and my stance against it will ruin this for me. I have no other choice though, I can't work in such an environment. I won't last.

I'll keep you updated!

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Its nice that you have found nice co-workers. It will be easy to work with them

Hello, you write a lot after a long time. I hope you manage to find the ideal job that matches your husband's activity. Do what makes you feel happy, I can't imagine working in a place where you don't feel comfortable. Greetings and have a nice day.

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