I wonder...
Do other people's noses also itch when using an electrical toothbrush?
Or is that just me?
As it turns out, it's not just me! Other people's noses also sometimes itch when using an electrical toothbrush. Fun, huh?
Well, now that that's out of the way...
Hi! So I've been busy in my garden these last few days. Good for me, right? It's been a month or two since I've managed to kick myself out of the house for this. There are lots and lots and LOTS of weeds to be pulled, but with waiting so long, they've grown so big, it's very easy to pull them out.
Bright side!
I am far from finished and with the weather getting colder, I wonder if I'll managed to make the entire garden weed free-ish before I give up again, but we'll see how far I get. Atleast it's good and healthy while it lasts.
Mum visited us yesterday. It's hubby's birthday on tuesday, which he never really celebrates, but mum wanted to visit with a gift either way. That was fun! We had tea and apple pie and I made my vegan bean lasagnette, which was just as tasty as the first time. So yay, that dish wasn't an accident and I now have a new recipe to place amongst my favorites!
On tuesday, we'll most likely order sushi for hubby's birthday. That, my friends, is not vegan, but it's hubby's birthday and sadly, he does not care about being vegan. He's being really great with my whole plant-based eating though, not ever getting meat inside the house and using as many replacements as I can find, so I can put aside my wishes for one evening aswell. Marriage is compromising, right? And he's doing most of that in the plant-based department.
I'm sorry fishies!
Oh! And on friday, we'll go out to dinner with hubby's co-workers. It's like a department dinner, combined with a 12,5 years work anniversary for hubby. The latter being the reason I'm allowed to join. I'll get to meet hubby's co-workers, which is fun (and scary). It'll be at an all you can eat restaurant, so I'm sure we'll find plenty of yummy things there.
Anyways, enough rambling for today.
So! Does your nose itch when using an electrical toothbrush?
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P.S.: The pictures in this post are mine and not to be used anywhere else.
When using a toothbrush if the nose itches a little, it is because of the sensation that the brush itself produces, it is a slightly strange sensation.
Amazing pictures, I like it, let's visit each other to be able to share photography knowledge
It was a varied day :gardening -remove weeds- and fun . Good! Greetings.
From what you say you broke the vegan eating style for one night, it is not bad to vary from time to time, also, I see that you are strict and for one night it will not hurt you. The toothbrush does sting the nose a bit, but not everyone.
Nice picture sister, thanks you for sharing 👍
Terimakasih banyak atas informasinya sangat membantu sekali 💯