Blood and pie
Don't worry, it's not blood in pie, I'm not a vampire.
Would vampires enjoy a blood pie?
Yes! No! No blood in my pies please. I'll use tofu for the iron content, thank you very much.
Okay, that color is just a coincidence, I swear.
I'm starting the blogging part now!
It was tuesday morning, around 6 a.m.. This foodie had been awake for about an hour and was a little annoyed that in a few days, it would be her womanly, bloody week again. Ugh!
Now, I take the anti baby pills, which happen to also help a little against severity. So I can do a little more than just lie on a couch, being super tired with an aching (understatement) tummy for a few days. Yay! They also allow me to postpone this crappy time, so I now only have the bleeds every 10ish weeks. Sadly though, they do not help mitigate the terrible migraines I get every fudging time.
The internet tells me that this might have something to do with a sudden drop of hormones (estrogen). This same, 'wise' internet also tells me that tofu has some kind of fake estrogen. It will not give you man boobs, but I figured, with no scientifical proof whatsoever to back me up, that hey, it might fool my body into thinking there isn't a huge estrogen drop. Fast forward to today, spoiler alert: I was wrong. But it's not like tofu is bad for a person. At the very least my body could use the extra iron with all of that bloodletting.
So tuesday at 6 a.m. in the morning, I got up to bake a pie.
I took my tofu pie recipe, replaced the cookies bottom with a simple, whole wheat flour bottom with less sugar than suggested, and continued to making the filling while my bottom was baking in the oven (the pie bottom).
I took the base ingredients from my tofu pie recipe, used a little less sugar, dropped in some orange and vanilla extract and then figured, what the heck, I'm up now anyways, let's just make some raspberry sauce aswell. So I heated up some raspberries with some water and not enough sugar, added the raspberry sauce in the mix, poured the mix on top of my baked bottom and mixed in the rest of the raspberry sauce on top.
Then it was just some time in the oven, some time cooling off outside of the fridge, then inside of the fridge and my pie was done! It is quite a bland pie, mainly because I didn't use enough sugar. But I made this thing for my health... ish. Good for all of the 'snacky' moments these next few days and maybe it could help keep my body balanced with the fake estrogen (it doesn't) and the extra iron (that IS helpful). Also, because of the blandness, it is all my pie. Not good enough for the hubby! Which makes me very happy this time!
Now, onto the blood part of this story. I told you I went to get my blood checked last week. I called for results yesterday. Turns out, nothing is wrong! Well, my vitamin D is on the low side, so I should get out into the sun more, or otherwise think about using some suplements. So we ordered suplements for this winter.
It's good to know everything seems to be fine, although it's frustrating that apparently, I still suffer from the stupid burnout. So I'll just have to continue being nicer to myself and taking more breaks and rests. And who knows, maybe a little more vitamin D will help me recover more quickly... Can't wait for spring.
Well, that's it for the update. Hope you're all doing well!
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That cake looks like a piece of meat and with that intense red even more so. It is good to know that the exams went well, although it is good that you continue with the medical control so that you can monitor everything. Greetings.
Keeping busy as you do with your peculiar cakes among others helps you distract your mind and even improve your health. Greetings.
Speaking of blood, it reminded me of the True Blood series. With regard to the advice that the internet gives, you have to investigate very well, since not everything that glitters is gold. To give color to food, especially pasta, I use beetroot, making a kind of sauce, which by the way is very good. Saludos.
Ha, I used beetroot to color this pie aswell! It's a good way to add a nice color to your food :-)
Wao someone became a vampire, and that we are not in the vampire era. I'm glad your blood tests are fine, if you're still exhausted you have to keep investigating where that tiredness comes from, it's recommended that you control that. Greetings have a good day.