Good evening Steemit

in #blog7 years ago

What a great and productive day we've had. I'm a happy girl tonight!

Header sunrise

I should take pictures and share them while I write this story, but my phone is charging, so no pictures just yet. Instead, I'll just tell you everything from yesterday up until now. It's gonna be a long talk!

Yesterday morning, we got into our car to drive to my house. I wanted to clean it up for pictures, but once we arrived, my plans changed. I still had too much stuff lying around, so cleaning would be quite challenging. Instead, I packed up a couple of things and we decided we'd have to arrange to take my boyfriend's mum's car some day. A trip to the junkyard and then a car loaded up with everything I wanted to keep... that would clear things up!

We decided we'll try to do that in two weeks. My dad and his wife did come over to pick up the stuff they wanted from my home. A storage cabinet, two lawn chairs and another cabinet. Good riddance for me!

Then, we gave up and drove to my mum's place. We sat there for a while and then the three of us drove over to my grandmother for her birthday. The whole family was there and we got to meet my cousin's new girlfriend too.

My grandmother had decided that she wouldn't make a complete dinner for a change. Instead, she made soup and let us all order something from a grill restaurant. I got some spareribs, yum yum! This made cleaning up much easier and everyone was happy with their food.

We stuck around to chat for some time after that and then we drove back to my mum's place. We slept over and this morning, we drove back to my house. It wasn't completely planned, but it was trash pickup day and my bin desperately needed to be emptied. It was a good choice though, because I got to pack up a lot of stuff again and we emptied out upstairs a bit more. That means less trips up the stairs next time!

When I didn't want to pack anymore, we drove to the hardware store. We wanted to check for a new small bin for next to the woodstove (plastic and some hidden hot coals are not a good combination) and some other stuff. We walked around there for a long time to find everything we wanted, but eventually, we managed to get most of it. Not a good bin though. I would love to get a simple metal one like this:

metal bin

But the store that image is from tells me it's sold out!

Anyway, after the store, we went to have lunch at McDonalds. I made many unhealthy choices and I do not want to talk about it.

After lunch, we drove back to my home and lucky for us, we pulled up right behind the garbage truck! Our bin had just been emptied, so we rolled it back to my yard and hopped in the car to drive back to the cabin.

Back at the cabin, we unloaded the car, started a fire, got new wood and I started unpacking while my boyfriend started some chores. We had gotten window blinding tape for our bathroom, so we could finally take down the sheet I was using as a curtain. It looks great now!

My boyfriend also added a little pole for my kitchen stuff to one of our walls and then took a break. I made tasty dinner and while I was cooking, my boyfriend drove over to his mum's boyfriend's work to pick up a little cart. This cart was going to come in handy for our evening activities.

See, we had brought over our dishwasher a little while ago, but had no room to put it yet. We first needed the bathtub out and shower in. Seeing as that had happened already, we figured it was time to do some moving. So, first we moved over the washing machine to the bathroom, where there was now room and also the proper connections. Then, we moved the dishwasher to take the former place of the washing machine: in the kitchen!

After we hooked everything up, we packed up the dishwasher (oh yes, we had many dishes, so you now understand why we were extra eager to hook up the dishwasher!) and started it, eager to see if everything would work like it should. And that it did!

Let me tell you, dear Steemians, I might have been happier than I should be about a simple dishwasher successfully completing its program!

That was it. My evening couldn't be ruined! I don't have to do dishes anymore! How awesome is that? Oh how I've missed my dishwasher. You truly learn to appreciate something once it's out of your life! Just like central heating... It was so amazing to wake up this morning, head downstairs and be greated by an already warmed up room at my mum's.

Anyway, so that was my very productive day today! I am so happy we made such big steps. And to top it all off, after all of that, I also took a nice, long shower. Yet another simple luxury in life I've learned to appreciate by its absence.

Right, well that was long enough I think! I'll start going through my replies now. Please don't feel bad if it takes me a while to go through them. I promise you I really do read all of them!

Hope you're all doing well!

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Life is Wonderful ,Enjoy It ! Thanks for sharing with us @playfulfoodie

Awesome and beautiful written, Good Evening

Life is a gift, I think we have to take advantage of every moment and live it to the fullest!

That's great, you appreciate all the little things in your life.

We all forget to do so when we wind up in bigger problems, we forget how these small things like a dishwasher, a good day, when nothing wrong goes and everything else matters.

I got to learn that and keep remembering myself that I too should appreciate all the little things in my life that makes me happy, like my bike and t.v....hahahaha...

Actually I thought over it now and just remembered that everything was good today and my day has gone quite well too.

Thanks a lot for making me happy.

Ooh I'm so happy this post reminded you to take a moment to appreciate your day!

So lovely a wise man once said

Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!”

Tony Robbins.

Steam on!!!! 😀

enjoyed reading, that taught me a little on my path, fueled the engineIMG_1689.JPG.

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