Grow to bear fruit
"Always praying for you, we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, having heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love you have for all the saints, because of the hope that is kept for you in heaven, of which you have already heard by the true word of the gospel, which has come to you, as well as to the whole world, and it bears fruit and grows in you, from the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth, as it you have learned from Epaphras, our beloved fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ to you, who has also declared your love for us in the Spirit. and to ask that you be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and intelligence, so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, pleasing him in everything, bearing fruit in every good work, and growing in the knowledge of God; acid with all power, according to the power of his glory, for all patience and long-suffering; with joy thanking the Father who made us fit to participate in the inheritance of the saints in light; who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and transferred to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins. "
Colossians 1: 3-14
The will of God is that you and I grow in the knowledge of Him, to bear fruit in his good work.
Strengthen yourself in the power of the Holy Spirit.
He has displayed all his Grace on us so that we can be participants of Jesus Christ.
What it is to be participants of Jesus Christ, is to live with Christ in the heart. It is to grow in knowledge, in stature and in grace towards God and men.
The Lord redeemed us with his blood from all our guilt, he did not accept the Beloved through his sacrifice on the cross.
The same Grace that saved us that first day in which we accepted him in our hearts as Lord and Savior, is the same Grace that is working today in your life.
God, the Father, continues to love him like that day, then, because when he fails (we all fail him) he thinks that he no longer loves him.
To live Grace is to live Christ. Because He is Grace. He is the unmerited gift that the Father gave us so that we may be saved.
It is the same Grace that brought us out of the kingdom of darkness, to the Kingdom of his beloved Son Jesus Christ to participate together with Him in the eternal inheritance.
So, if you have failed God, if you humble yourself and recognize it and turn away from that sin, and ask for forgiveness, the blood cleanses you and repositions you in Christ by the power of his grace.
Ask God for wisdom and knowledge of Him, it is His will to give it to you.
The Holy Spirit reveals Christ to him, and Christ reveals him to the Father.
Be filled on this day with your love, your grace and your presence to live as a child of light.