Freedom isn't free - Grow a pair - FFS !

in #blog7 years ago

Frustration at the procrastinators...........

You are you...... BE you.

We are in unique times, like never before - opportunities like never before.
With these opportunities, comes responsibility.
There are a small percentage that see these opportunities - for themselves, not for a better place for us all to live.

Governments of the world are taking our money- through taxes - and transferring it to the wealthy.
Giving the value of our labors, to the wealthy.
This is not a sustainable paradigm. It must change.

Crypto currencies and the internet, are two tools, that can help in bringing this change.

There are more weapons, if people had the balls to use them. And they are available to nearly everyone!

Anything that decentralizes power, is an enemy of the state.

To allow this vampirism by governments - letting it continue, is to promote, and to endorse (by inertia) -an Orwellian vision of the future.

This march towards a dystopian horizon has been going on for far too long, and left unchallenged for far too long.

Materialism and decadence, lulling us, and thus allowing, the insidious advance of lethargy, apathy, despondency..


Freedom is not dependency, no matter how many times the governments tries to convince us otherwise.

It cannot be.

And freedom really isn't free. There is a price to pay. There is always a price to pay.
It starts with independence from within. From being YOU.

Once you feel independent, - what being 'you' really means - everything is different.
The taste of being you, is sweet fruit .
Dependency is a hollow existence, waiting for the approval of others.

The more you are yourself, the less you can live by 'an other's leave'
For governments, it's all about YOU living 'by their leave'.

And if you don't obey their rules (to keep you free of course), the threat of force is forever held above your head.
Taxes, fines (tax), asset forfeiture (tax), and even incarceration.

All for not living 'by their leave'.

Government control is violence mandated against the population, while endorsed BY the population.
And legalized violence is the very worst kind .

You can never be YOU, with this specter, these threats, forever present.

I have seen a thousand brilliant, productive results, from the voluntary cooperation of free people.
It works. It is efficient. It is honest.
Government programs, or projects do not the same.
It breeds corruption, nepotism, laziness, and dangerously encourages sociopathic behavior.

Making decisions on other peoples lives, without consequences...
A sociopaths paradise..

The cost of being free?
Doing things for yourself, by yourself, and with others. Cooperation, not coercion

The government doesn't own you.
You are not a slave.
It tries to enslave you, through the education system, the tax system, the banking system.
Debt slavery is still slavery.

Small governments, with limited powers, and self limiting laws of government, is the only way for our communities, our world, to move forward.
Small governments are a 'necessary evil', I feel ,but with judicious, open oversight, can be kept that way. - Tiny.

A one world mega-government is the evil of all evils.

So how to get to a world without any governments?

Just be YOU, and don't accept anything less. Don't accept the value of your labor, being taken away from you by another authority.
Government by giving, not by taking under threat.


How long governments would have any force to control anything, if no one paid taxes?

Freedom isn't free, and it's not an intellectual exercise in an echo chamber, for people to feel good about.

To wax lyrical ,and then return to paying, to supporting, your own enslavement, is insanity. Stockholm syndrome at it's finest.

And it doesn't matter how much you rationalize putting off rebellious acts of deviance - If you know, you know.
There is nowhere to hide once you know. Tough shit.

What about my job, what about my mortgage?

Cowardice? Fear ? - That's just you admitting others have authority over you.
I hope there aren't many mirrors around, to look into...

You are culpable.

What about your backbone?
What about your integrity?
What about your self respect ?
Grow up. Be a man . It feels good.

It's real, and it costs.
Do ....something...... .

....Or be another echo chamber advocate – and wait for someone else to do it, right?

Start paying.
Because if you don't pay, your kids will pay and it will be a much heavier, deadlier price.

Be a Man
Be a Woman.
Be a parent.

Be an ADULT, goddamn it !

And here endeth this Saturdays frustrated rant.


Such a beautiful Saturday inspirational speech @patriotwargamer.
It seems you got it going when you had no thieves around you to steal your time :P
I must admit that was a great rant. Only if all your rants are like that. lol

I enjoyed it a lot. Many thanks for sharing the fruits of your mind :D

thank you, I think. Pesky thieves.

I think you will like the story I just posted!

another post? Amazing. You are in a roll man!
I just curated your freedom post ;)

oooooooh! darkside - now ! lolol (in an all domineering voice lolol)

  • if you want to, of course.

I'm glad you posted what you told me

Freedom isn't free, always remember that. -@patriotwargamer

I actually had to go back to my old posts to check who told me that. Then this post made me remember.

@freebornangel @freebornsociety - check this out.

@curie, please reward this man greatly for he has written what I believe, a great product of his mind.

Maybe you missed this - Now sleeping is the last thing I want to do

freedom isn't free- yeah I got that off the song in

Team america ! lol

Aha! Ok lol. At least you gave them a credit now.

yeah, you will find most glass less transparent than I am

Haha. That's all i could hear in my head this whole post

Taxation is theft!

If we could all learn to respect eachother and that you own yourself, then government would be obselete

There will always need to some form of government, I think.
shit but true.
There are always going to be followers of charismatic people.
If those charismatic people are sociopaths or psychopaths, then conflict will ensue - and the reality is, a 'government' of sorts, that can rally defense against these morons will be necessary.
Nothing in history tells me any different..

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