Papa Rodin Reconsiders - Well, forget everything I said yesterday!

in #blog7 years ago

Greetings, Steemians and Steemettes!

Here I am, back again at this wednesday evening, clearly not in the best of moods. The only thing that really ended up being any kind of positive today were the rainy weather and work, strangely enough. If your 9 to 5 job, no matter how much you may or may not enjoy it, ends up being the highlight of your day, well.......the day must either have been remarkably great or ended up making you say "Guzbucket!" a bit more than you would have wanted.

Sadly, I had the second option today.


Tell me how you like these new designs. I really wanted to try something new for a change.

Off to a good start!

Woke up in the morning, felt decent. I went to sleep early the day before so that I could get up early and I did. Was on the computer for a short while at around 4 AM, replying to some comments and felt like the day was going to be great. Then I made a big mistake. Probably the biggest mistake I made all week.

I listened to what a certain butchers handmaiden told me.

If you remember, I got the threads of second to last weeks procedure pulled out yesterday. I was told that the day after, I can take a shower no problem. Which I was looking forward to because I enjoy a good shower. Hot or cold, long or short, with or without shampoo, entering a shower is always a field day for me. So I did the reasonable thing and went to take a shower.

I should not have taken that shower.

The scare I had that was supposed to be fine and looked and felt fine to me decided to rip open again a bit under the shower. Not the greatest experience to have while doing something you like, let me tell you! The worst part about this is that I was actually planning to start working out a bit again today! I was ready to do all the running and lifting and sporting and now I am left with not being able to do any of that because this wound leaves me unable to do so.

A good start indeed....

So I spend the morning before work treating my wound, patching it up to the best of my ability. And then I did what every good german citizen would do. I went to work. Had a sore feeling in my stomach, not because of the resurfaced problems with the wound. It was because this unexpected turn of events left me unable to post in the morning. But alas. Better now then never I suppose.

Work, as I said earlier, was quite decent. I am in a new working environment at my working place right now. Learning a couple new things and skills that I will be needing in a couple of weeks. Colleagues are nice and caring so that is a plus. I even found out that the break rooms we are having spread all over the building have bookshelves where are you are free to take and leave any books you desire. I will make good use of that, but for the moment, using the breaks in order to further get in touch with new colleagues is more important to me.

My working times took yet another shift and I have yet to determine whether that shift is for the better or worse. Where my 9-5 Job was more like an 8-4 job, it now became pretty much a "somewhere between 9 and 6" job. While I am the kind of guy who prefers to take care of things as early as possible and enjoys to get home after work as early as possible, having to work at around those times does have the advantages of being able to avoid the worst trafficking times. Even when traveling by train, this does make quite the difference. Being able to freely sit during your ride is much better than feeling cramped up into a train like an sardine in a can.

Talking about sardines...

Needless to say that I ended up having to throw out my plans regarding doing sports for today. And probably for the next couple of days as well. That does not stop me from tackling the whole "getting fit in a month" thing I have going on. A couple people around here know this about me already. I do fast on a daily basis, usually limiting myself to one meal a day. Even when I am not living healthy in any particular way, I still do it because it has become second nature to me.

A relic of better days if you so will that I am glad to have kept around.

Said meal used to be pretty much everything but healthy in most cases. While my body is unable to do sports, I am still able to at least shift this part into a better direction. Having that in mind, I whooped up a meal that was both delicious and healthy overall.

This is probably the one and only time where I really make anything that resembles a food post in some way. BEHOLD!

Picture taken by me. That is my fork and you better not take that away from me. Get your hard forks elsewhere!

I am far away from being a good chef. I am even further away from being any good at arranging things and food in order to look as pleasing to the eye as it was pleasing to my taste buds.

What you are looking at here is the result of me throwing kale, spinach, peppers and onions into a bowl together with some Kerrygold and ghee butter. Added as bunch of herbs and spices into the mix like tumeric, black papper, salt, cayenne pepper, thyme and what not for taste. To make the whole thing a bit more exciting and because I usually do eat with a ketogenic diet at the back of my mind, I also made some tasty guacamole to go with it. Sprinkled some flaxseed over the whole mess for good measure and had myself a meal.

It tasted good. The herbs and spices really are what makes a meal a meal. You could probably cook a meal using nothing but spices and still would find yourself having a decent time.

I also drank a poor attempt at making my own variation of bullet proof coffee. Maybe it was a good attempt and I just did not realize it because I do not even like coffee. One way or another, the result wasn't as disappointing as I thought it would.

As a dessert, I had......well, I doubt that there is an actual name for this, so I make one up. I had a bag of frozen blueberries and threw it in a blender (after I removed the bag of course) and added a can of coconut milk. I sprinked in some chia seeds and tumeric, just for good measure and blended the entire thing until it was smooth. Because the berries were frozen, the whole mix ended up getting a decent consistency, so it was very enjoyable to eat. Put some of that into the deep fridge for later days.

Overall, the meat definitely was a close contender to todays working day, so that's a plus!

After all, there really isn't any reason to complain. I had a decent healthy meal and find myself ending the day doing something that I like, sharing this mediocre yet interesting day with you. Here's to all of us having a much better day than that tomorrow - and then posting on the steem blockchain about it so that everyone can get some of that!

With that being said, I have been Papa Rodin and I am seeing you tomorrow, with better news!

Read more of Papa Rodin!


Tell me how you like these new designs. Wanted to try something new for a change.


Super glue works good on cuts if it continues to give you problems. You would have thought the doctor could tell just how far along the healing was when he pulled the stitches, if they come out fairly easy it isn't anywhere near healed has been my experience and I have removed plenty of stitches in my life time. I haven't placed any yet, but there is still time for that I'm sure.

Wound looks better than yesterday. But I don't think that taking a shower right now would be helpful. And I am all out on waterproof patches.

Scrubbing it is.

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