Entrepreneurship Is Not For The Faint Hearted

in #blog5 years ago (edited)


Do not know about other parts of the world, but from where I come from, many people opt to go into business, because they think it provides them with opportunities for more freedom than being somebody's employee and a descent income compare to what they can be paid in their current jobs and according to their academic level.

There's truth in this perception even if it may not be hundred percent true, but there's a kernel of truth. Nevertheless there so many other factors in entrepreneurship which are either unknown to some people, ignored or minimize by people.

Here are some important factors that may be unknown, ignored or minimized by some people who are planning to ditch their current employment to venture into entrepreneurship.

  1. Not everybody is cut for entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship may look easy but it is never easy even if you have a masters in business administration from one of the best universities. It is hard even if you have capital and other resources. To be successful in business you need more than the above things that I have mentioned. Business demands something that is inborn that money cannot give neither university. That's why people talk about passion for it, they say if you do not have passion for it do not go for it. That is a simplest way to say you need natural qualities too, to do well in business. Things like creativity, personal leadership, commitment, hard work, discipline etc. Are not taught, you may develop them, but they also go with personalities. So not everybody as a personality for entrepreneurship, you can be an excellent employee, doing the best work that every company or institution needs you, but still you may make a lousy entrepreneur. It's OK, to be an employee is not a curse to be employed. As long you are made for it.

It's cool to do what makes you feel you. There's no freedom which will beat this, and there's no income will satisfy you more than this. So your cut is important than what sounds cool to do, because its done by many.

  1. The promise as no security What entrepreneurship promises in terms of freedom and income may be partly true but not all entrepreneurs receive the promise. Entrepreneurship has no obligation to give you success, so it is just the promise that depends on so many other factors to become a reality but there's no security about it. Better be warned about it.

And some people are just lazy, they think they need freedom from an employee, but what they actual need is to learn self discipline and hard work. Because entrepreneurship is not for the lazy, or else everything will collapse. Entrepreneurship demands more than what your boss or employment will ever demand.

It demands everything you have and everything you are. Especially in the early days when delegation is never on the table.

You will need to do all the thinking, billing, planning, marketing, funding etc.
But when you are employed you have a portfolio, you do not worry about the future of the company, you only think about your future. You have hours that you should work and if you work extra hours you will be paid for those extra hours. But in entrepreneurship everything rises or falls on you. You do the thinking, the worrying, the planning and the rest.
And yet there's no security for making it big. If you're a lousy employee you will never be a hard working entrepreneur, if you're bad with money you can never handle well business money.

  1. Competition is fierce and permanent To get a job today is not easy and to keep it also is not easy, especially in the private sector. Nevertheless this competition is nothing close to that of doing business. It may be easier getting promotion in your current job than growing your own business.

Do not think you will find it easier in business to keep your your business floating than to give your employment.

In conclusion;
This post is not meant to discourage people who desire to come in the world of entrepreneurship but rather to encourage them to make an honest assessment of themselves. Before embarking on the entrepreneurship journey.

I hope you have found this post helpful

Thank you for your time.


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