in #blog7 years ago

A study by the Center for American Progress revealed that 42% of mothers were providing for their families as breadwinners, also 22.4% shared this burden with their spouse, this research was released in 2015, and the rates are expected to increase in the next few years. Clearly, the days of full-time stay-at-home mothers are gone, women are now bringing home the bacon more than ever.Where does that leave the men? They are now the ones frying it!
As opportunities for women to earn equal wages continue to improve, the chances of contributing a greater amount of money to their families will also grow. in previous years women could only collect from the male spouses: their clothes, cars, vacations, even make up kit was fully paid for their men simply because the men earned more hence they had more extra cash left for such expenses with this new trend the roles are gradually reversing with more women paying the mortgage in their homes, financing the cars, saving up for their kids education, and even paying for their men to get a few toys and good time out with the boys, obviously misogyny might allow some men to see this for what it is but to a smart reader like you, I know its crystal that as women get better pays, they foot the bills that their men accumulate.
Clearing invoices and paying bills is not just the only way women are nursing men these days .there's a subtle unnoticed free babysitting women do for men-they provide emotional support. Older ladies are more compassionate on younger males than females of the same age, the reason for this is not exactly known. There is a soft spot women have, and most men use this advantage to seek confidence and support from women although some men abuse this by being violent to women, preying on them, or out rightly exploiting them, none can deny that women provide the most emotional and compassionate support to them in crisis. When trouble hit, they are either running home to tell their mothers, chatting up their girlfriends or hinting their mistresses, women most times provide a soft landing for men. They are good listeners, they show a lot of empathy, and are good cheerleaders. If you've noticed a number of business men prefer to have women as secretaries, the reasons are obvious. By having a more evolved ‘sixth sense', women are the strongest emotional pillars men have, to the point that some research even suggests that the level of success men attain depends on the motivation they receive from the closest women in their lives.
Talking of success, one of the highly successful movements in recent civilization is the feminist movement. They have opened up the minds of society to see the benefits of women liberation. This movement has made women aware of their abilities by pushing them to emphasize their importance by taking up roles that were previously exclusive to men. In the military, sports, engineering, science and a host of other fields dominated by men, these Amazons have not only shown interests but have demonstrated excellence and leadership skills, they have risen to the echelon of their careers and are held as archetypes of hard work. In today's corporate culture of mentoring and in-house training, it is common to find younger career men work as interns under these women. The women share their skill with these, grooming them to make the best of their abilities .such career women are invaluable to men, they are mostly the main stay of large organizations where they are serving as founders or top executives responsible for recruiting and training staff. Without these women, a lot of men would not even have jobs to do. They would not even be employed. Just like in other places, in the business world, by founding companies, and rising to leadership positions, women are providing men and other women a means of lively hood.
As things continue to change and society advances, the fact that women are taking care of men becomes clearer, and even more pronounced. The place of women n the lives of men will no longer be complementary, it will at least a fairly shared role and from there move to a point where men will unashamedly depend on women for support .that is of course a long way from here, but it has already started .with women remaining more emotionally intelligent than men, taking more higher paying jobs and serving as business owners, this will not stop, women will continue to take care of men.