The shit deaf have to deal with - rant

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Yeah, taking a break from talking about you hearies for the time being and switching it up to talking about the bullshit I have to deal with when it comes to deafies in Deaf Culture. You would think them being deaf themselves they would have a little more understanding and be a little more open to others that face the same kind of daily life struggle they themselves do but that's clearly not the case. I've said previously that Deaf Culture is partly to blame where a lot of the myths involving deaf people come from, so let's go over some of this putrid horse vomit.

You can't be deaf if you use hearing aids or have cochlear implants.

This retarded argument comes obviously from within deaf culture, like all of them, proving the Deaf and Dumb trope to be quite true and I hate the fact that since I'm deaf I'm easily lumped in with these braindead idiots that can't see reality for their heads being stuffed so far up their own asses. A great number of us, 80% in fact, of the deaf population were mainstreamed, meaning we didn't have the privilege of going through a deaf school and being indoctrinated into deaf culture and thusly having to integrate into mainstream societies and mainstream culture and in those cultures of mainstream society, you need to be able to hear. We mainstreamed deafs can't be completely illiterate (literally) and be able to pass ourselves off as intelligent like the retards that had that upbringing can.

"That's offensive, we're not deaf and dumb, it's our culture" fuck you, your culture sucks and it's infantile horse shit. And you're offended? So what? I don't give a fuck. You're all a bunch of perpetually offended, toxic piss ants that do nothing but hurt the vast majority of the deaf population. So I believe I speak for 80% of all deaf people when I say "Fuck you".

You can't be deaf if you speak.

Sadly a lot of braindead idiots that were indoctrinated into the cult that is "Deaf Culture" believe this wholeheartedly. They think because their parents sent them to a school for the deaf that discouraged oralism and trained them in sign language that signing is the only way a deaf person can communicate. They literally believe it's impossible for a deaf person to learn how to speak orally. This is largely a problem with what's commonly referred to as "Echo Chambers". Surround yourself with people who are taught and think just like you and you're going to believe that everyone around you that's deaf are what all deaf people are like. This is in complete disregard for the deaf population that went through regular public schooling with nothing but hearies for their peers in a classroom environment taught orally.

In that environment, you're kinda forced to learn to speak, literally. They tell you to speak up, speak more clearly, to enunciate your words better, they even send you to a special class that has a speech therapist that literally guides you on how to pronounce the various sounds that we can't even hear.

I believe audiologists are the ones who decide who is and isn't deaf, so fuck you for trying to be the arbiters of who can and cannot be deaf.

If you weren't born deaf, you're not truly deaf.

This is largely because there are people who are born hard of hearing, even those like myself born profoundly hard of hearing. I'll just link to a video below that'll show you hearies what that's actually like. If you already have hearing loss, even mild, it's not exactly fair, but the video itself shows what it's like to be hard of hearing at various levels, including profoundly hard of hearing. But take notice to "Profound". That degree of "Hard of Hearing" is considered mild deaf by some audiologists and just hard of hearing by others, it's kinda split so you can say I was technically born deaf depending on the audiologist you speak to.

If you don't use ASL to communicate, then you're not actually deaf.

What's funny is deaf people in other countries outside the USA get this kind of shit even when they're involved in deaf culture in their region. For example. There's deaf people in the UK that use BSL (British Sign Language) and American Deaf Culture cultists will insist that they're not really deaf because they're not using ASL. I wish I were making that up, but I'm not. That and mainstreamed deafs who speak, generally just speak and lip read. So to say that deaf people have to sign in order to be deaf is just absurd. The video below is by British deaf Jessica Kellgren-Fozard and as you can hear (for you hearies) she speaks exceptionally well.

If you don't use an interpreter all the time, then you're not deaf.

I only have an interpreter when I go to an ER, doctors clinic or other medical facility. I'm skilled enough in lip reading that my casual encounters with hearies don't require me to have a terp present. Not my fault you're too stupid to be able to communicate with people that can't or don't sign, that's on you, not them. You're just dumb. Deaf and Dumb.

If you're in a relationship with a hearie, then you're not truly deaf

This is largely because a lot of hearies don't know how to sign, however there are many, MANY deaf/hearing relationships that go quite well. Generally these relationships are involved with hearies who know how to sign or are at least learning to sign in most cases, however not all cases are like that. My husband, for example, is a hearie and he has a learning disability that makes it exceptionally difficult for him to learn new languages, including sign languages. Plus again, I can lip read and often do thus this doesn't become an issue, he just has to remember to tap me to get my attention before speaking.

These idiots literally think it's impossible for a deaf person to be in a committed, loving relationship with someone that doesn't sign because they themselves are completely incapable of communicating with someone like that without a terp. Hence why I call them "Deaf and Dumb" because they're too stupid to learn lip reading, either that or too lazy... or both.

If you didn't grow up and go through a deaf school for your education, then you're not honestly deaf.

This is one of those deals that piss me off the most. They had enough privilege and grew up with enough wealth that their parents could afford to send them to a deaf school. And they had parents that cared enough for them to not want them feeling isolated, alone and not to be bullied for being different. And a deaf person in mainstream education OH SHIT does the bullying get fucking intense.

What these assholes need to do is check their privilege. That's not a something I say lightly either because I know "Privilege" is tossed around a lot in regards to things that don't actually exist like "White Privilege" and "Male Privilege" and "Straight Privilege", etc. So I know that "Privilege" bit and telling someone to check it sounds hella like an SJW and I'm far from that. Picture this. Upper middle class family has a deaf child and they can afford to send that child through specialized education that adapted the environment around their disability entirely with parents that actually cared for the child. Now picture a upper lower class single mother residing on Alimony and child support and government assistance who neglects her children and dismisses them even when those children are being sexually molested by their step father. Who has the privilege? Is it the deaf kid being mainstreamed and sexually molested or is it the deaf kid with wealthy parents that give a fuck and send them to a private school? You get the idea, I'm sure.

These kinds of people from Deaf Culture are always telling hearies that they need to check their "Hearing Privilege" alongside with all the other stuff like "White privilege" and "Male Privilege" etc. I'm kinda thankful I didn't go to a deaf school, because as an adult I've learned that they're heavily indoctrinated into the ideology of Cultural Marxism. I shit you not. Any Anti-SJW or Anti-Feminist out there wants to take a stab at some stuff you don't normally see and bitchslap this stuff alongside with me, please be my fucking guest, I'm tired of being one of the very few besides ATR that talks against this shit.

If you don't sign the same way I sign you can't really be deaf.

Says the very same idiot that told someone in the UK that they can't be deaf because they're not using American Sign Language. Sign languages change from region to region. Hell sign language is different from even city to city and town to town.
Just to show you that how I say the word "Selfie" (Above) is different from how others will say "Selfie" (Below).
So to say "You don't sign like I do so you're not really deaf" is the exact same as saying "The only deaf people in the entire world reside solely in my small geographical region and nowhere else." Congratulations, you're an idiot. Here's your sign.

If you weren't born deaf, then you're just hard of hearing.

Again people insisting that only people exactly like themselves in their exact same circumstances and upbringing are the only people who can even possibly, even remotely be deaf and everyone else is all just hard of hearing. Even people who are deafened or go deaf later in life that have less hearing that the cultists of Deaf Culture will still consider them just "hard of hearing". They don't consider it to be something that is a scientific medical diagnosis but rather something cultural that they can simply kick anyone out from the deaf label they so damn well please. It's a blatant form of Science Denialism.

So again I think I speak for the majority of the deaf population with this well known sign above. And for those wanting another way of saying "Fuck you", see the gif below.


Filthy fuckin' hearies xD Heh, nah in all seriousness i prefer the company of hearies than deafies.

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