Mindset to Win the Game part 2 (CATAN)
Me: Last night I won the game again. I think I have created a good momentum of winning because I win most of the games we play.
Can you explain what has changed? I didn't win many times before. But now I win most of the games we play.
My Inner Being: You have found the sweet spot. That means, your focus is on “I will play as best as I can, and have a lot of fun”.
You are not overwhelmed by winning, but you expect a good game. You believe that you can win, but you are not overwhelmed by it. You don’t play the game to win, you play the game to have fun. That is the sweet spot when you allow yourself to enjoy the game, and at the same time, your focus is on progress in the game.
Me: Can I use that mindset in other areas of my life too?
My Inner Being: Of course, you can apply the same mindset anywhere you want.
Find your sweet spot in relationships, for example. Have a relationship for the fun of it. Don’t take it so seriously. Expect to have a good time with the person, prepare yourself for it and then, just enjoy it, don't be overwhelmed by it.
It is the same with money. You take money too seriously. Money is the game you can enjoy it or hate it. You are too serious when it comes to money. We see you. :) That is why you have so many problems with it. You don’t have enough fun with it. Money comes, and money goes. Expect the money, and don’t be overwhelmed by it. Take it lightly. It is just a game. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you don’t. Play the game for the fun of it.
Me: Thank you. I know I shouldn’t take life so seriously.
I am sure I will have more fun from now on :).
Photography by Sabina Susnik
That was a conversation with my Inner Being. When I have a question, I always ask my Inner Being about it, and then I listen for the answer that comes in form of intuition. I always get answers. It is a fun and easy way to find a solution. Everyone can get answers that way. Everyone has the ability, to speak with their Inner Being.