Why are Black People Protesting Gucci?
Why is this even a discussion? Why? Spike Lee been so-called woke since the damn 80s. T.I. just became woke within the last 5 years or so. How come niggas like this haven’t been putting their money into black fashion designers and promoting these people if they really gave a damn about the respect levels of the black community? Spike Lee is up here talking about he’s not going to buy anymore Gucci until that company hires more black fashion designers. Well, how come somebody like Spike Lee doesn’t help to finance the fashion designer dreams of one of these black employees he’s calling for Gucci to hire. Damn near every fashion designer in the world has dreams of starting their own fashion line and having that fashion line becoming the biggest and most coveted fashion on the planet. Matter of fact, that’s how Gucci got started. Dude who started Gucci was a fashion designer for Louis Vuitton at one point. So if somebody like Spike really cares about the input of black fashion designers, then with his influence, he could really help a young black fashion designer out there potentially get their line more notoriety and fame. So why is he advocating for a Gucci to hire more black people when to me it seems Spike should be advocating for more black people to show out and support aspiring black fashion designers who are trying to get their brands launched etc. What is Mr. Do The Right Thing really doing here?
Then T.I. is running around talking about how’s he’s a 7 figure/yr customer and he feels appalled at Gucci’s actions and won’t be supporting the company because he’s tired of these companies treating black people like shit. But once again, how come T.I. isn’t using his influence to help promote an up and coming black fashion designer? T.I. is Mr. pro-black these days right? He’s all over ATL protesting shit in some form or fashion and then he’s all over social media speaking the black economic empowerment language right, well ok. How about using your platform of millions to shine a light on black fashion designers who are really out there doing the damn thing in terms of creating genuine fashion products, but for some reason can’t get enough traction to their businesses for whatever reason.
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