Surviving R. Kelly: Young Girls & Older Guys
For those of you who don’t know, I’m 38 years old, I’ll be 39 in a few months. So when this whole R. Kelly sex tape thing was going on in 2000 I believe, I was 20 years old going from my sophomore year to my junior year in college. The reason I’m mentioning this is because all over Facebook and Twitter everybody has been talking about episodes 3 & 4 of the R. Kelly documentary and these 2 episodes were focusing on the sex tapes that involved Kelly and that 13 or 14 year old girl. What’s shocking about this discussion taking place is that it’s coming from people who are in my age bracket who were in their late teens early 20s back then and people who were older. The shocking aspect about this is how now all of a sudden these same people are all high and mighty up on social media acting as if they are the moral authority police, but if you rewind the clock 19 years, these same people were literally out there breaking their necks to watch those R. Kelly tapes. I even recall dudes selling bootleg versions of the tape in barbershops. Now I personally never saw the tapes, I did however see still images of it and there’s no doubt that that was R. Kelly on that tape. But I just find it so fascinating how everybody wants to sit up on social media and bible thump people to death about liking R. Kelly’s music or questioning certain aspects pertaining to the entire history of R. Kelly regarding underage girls, but yet so many of these very same bible thumpers were the main ones back in the day either bootlegging or watching these child pornography tapes. You have to love how people can just pretend to be something today as if they weren’t the exact same thing they are calling out just yesteryear.
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