Government admits being accomplice to banks counterfeiting!
And refuses to outlaw it.
Recent rapport proofs ZERO percent fractional reserve banking is real.
Long Cryptos, short banks?
On January the 17th 2019 the 'Scientific Council for Government Policy' {NL: WRR - Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid} in Nederland released its rapport 'Money and Debt' {NL: Geld en schuld}, after three years of investigation. It was presented to the current Minister of Finance of the Nederish Government. Who made a statement ready right away that was confirming that banks create (digital virtual monopoly fake) money out off nothing against an interest baring debt. Yet, the government would not create legislation to outlaw it, as that would be like a 'revolution'. Instead the Government of Nederland would opt for a path of 'evolution' in which they would make changes in collaboration with the banking industry. Now for you who recognizes bollocks when they see it, yes, this is a total and utter crap statement. As this 'evolution' path is what got us in this mess in the first place. Maybe you have come across the so called 'self regulation of the banking industry' bullshit before? Well, so, in effect nothing changes.
In the money realm there is something that we, the people, know as 'legal tender'. This is mostly known as 'Cash' and only the Government is allowed to create it, as states the law. Nobody is allowed to copy things like coins and bills that pretend to be 'legal tender'. If one does then one could be taken to court and get punished for counterfeiting. There is a reason that it has been made law that only a Government is allowed to create (interest baring debt free) money, as legal tender, that is known as 'cash'. The Government is supposed to be our representative and it should serve and protect us, that is what it gets payed for, through taxation. We as 'the people' are the ones who should be in control and the Government has to submit its own actions to fit all of our needs. One part of that is to make sure we have a stable economy. Meaning, for instance, that there is no inflation at all, or at least it (the Government) will do its best to keep it within limits. Otherwise the many will suffer, because everything becomes more expensive quickly and the income does stay way too far behind. And so, at the end of the month there will be bills to pay and no money left to do so. When it becomes a choice between buying food for the kids or to pay a mortgage, the choice might become very obvious.
Money supply needs to fit demand
That is a tough one for any government, making sure there is enough of the so called 'legal tender' in the economy. Please note, dear reader, this is still about 'Cash' in the form of coins and bills. There is a reason (private/commercial) Banks want to end 'Cash' and this means the privatization of the money creation proces. People in the United States of America already know what it means when a Government is supposed to borrow money into creation, against an interest baring debt. And a lot do get angry at the Government, which is understandable because it does not serve and protect its people, but instead became a 'ruler'. Still demanding, like in every other country on earth, that the people pay taxes to the Government and even can get punished for not doing so. That is a bad deal and it looks a lot like that institute has gone rogue, a long time ago. Under the make-belief that 'we, the People' have a democracy. But where do these politicians and public servants come from? As it seems they have a different master than 'we the people'. This is a phenomena that can be noticed all over the globe. And somehow this seems connected to 'money', as if the worldwide supply does not fit the real economical demand at all...!?
In come 'the (private/commercial) Banks' and their fake 'money' creation. Now guess why these (private/commercial) Banks want to get rid off the so called legal tender, as created by the Government, in our (we the people) name, for our sake. We, the people, do not need to make a profit on our collective services and products, that is something the private sector does. Big business, being investment groups, want a return on its investments. And where there is a lot of value inside a collective good and/ or service, there is also a possible return on investment. But, as a collective of 'we, the People' the value stored inside a service and or good is a build up of generations of human beings putting effort, time and energy in. Now why on earth should 'we, the People' give that away to private investment groups? Even more strange, why should our representatives take it away from us 'the people' and give it to what the Government calls 'the free market'? That is theft by a so called Government that apparently steals from us 'the people', who even pay their salaries to serve and protect them...!? Why then are the (private/commercial) banks allowed to create (digital virtual monopoly fake) money, if only the public representative of us 'the People' is legally allowed to create money, being legal tender, commonly known as 'Cash' in the form of coins and bills?
Private Banks are not Public
It got out off control, because it is and was not even taken into account that what the (private/commercial) Banks do is in fact unlimited counterfeiting. They do not have a legal public function in the money creation and destruction proces, as they are not Governmental. Would you loan something to yourself that you would have to pay back with interest? Exactly, that is how much sense it makes. Where a Government should have to proof if is there for 'the People', as a whole, it should stay away from taking away value from this public collective and give it to the private market. And instead submit itself to all those it has to serve and protect. Allowing (private/commercial) Banks to create its own digital virtual monopoly fake money, claiming it is self regulation, makes the Government, that facilitates it, an accomplice to this counterfeiting. It is a scheme that is not just limited to Nederland, it is a worldwide problem. Where any Government seems to have become a rogue entity, forcing 'the People' to pay more and more higher and different taxes, while the (private/commercial) Banks flood 'the market' with enormous amounts of counterfeited money. Created through interest baring debt, not backed by anything. And whatever those so called Governments claim to be, in reality they have become a rotten apple, causing 'the People', it actually has to serve and protect, misery. While facilitating the destructive economical fake money creation of the (private/commercial) Banks.
Interest, that is money that does not even exist yet, so that will create even more interest baring debt, meaning even more fake money will be created. This is an economy gone out off control! It will lead to one economical crisis after another, even if it were possible to do a so called economical 'reset', the problem will come back faster and faster. Why? Because the root of this evil is being saved, but in the name of who or what? It is hard to still believe in what we, 'the People' of the world, believe is there to serve and protect us. You know, that what we pay for, no, are even forced to pay for, that what we know as 'the Government'. Who's side is 'it' on? And again this is not just something that people in the United States of America experience, it is a global thing. Something is playing a major role in this all, and it really should be stopped. Because these (private/commercial) Banks caused the crash of 2008. And according to any Government anywhere, what did we 'the People' have to do? Save 'the Banks', with our taxes, and by selling off our collective services and goods, for instance. On every media channel we were told by the programming that this was the right way, it would be horrible if we did not save 'the Banks'! Who cares if the (private/commercial) Banks made it even worse with its so called derivatives. 'The People' had to bleed for this, like every bleeding time before and the ones still to come...
Economy flooded with counterfeited money
If a Government, as the representatives of we, 'the People', would be here to serve and protect us, it would prohibit the counterfeiting of the (private/commercial) Banks as soon as possible. There is no revolution in that, it is just part of its function to serve and protect us, 'the People'. Not to rob us through taxation and cuts, while handing out control to a worldwide 'Banking Monetary Governance' {BMG} system. It is stunning though to see it happen right in front of our eyes. In Nederland people with a private business education will go to work for huge multinational companies, like (private/commercial) Banks. Then suddenly get into Government trough Politics and some become a Minister of Finance. As such then setting the (private/commercial) Banks free, claiming that business can regulate itself perfectly. And after that become the head of a multinational (private/commercial) Bank, earning multi-millions! What are we, in the eyes of those corrupted fellow humans, deaf, blind and dumb...!? How stupid is it to claim a country with hundreds of billions of (fake/make-belief) debt will be saved by giving it more hundreds of billions in interest baring loans. This is crazy, those 'talking suits' must really be full of shit! How can one even claim to save some instance from going bankrupt by pushing them even deeper into debt!? Is it just me who finds that just plain dumb?
And then it turns out that in fact the country, with its People in need, was not even saved with those hundreds of billions. No, as a matter of fact, the (private/commercial) Banks in that country were, being branches originating from other nations! So taxpayers in other countries, already 'saved' their (private/commercial) Banks and also were tricked into saving the (private/commercial) Banks (or their branches) in another country. And you know what this poor country was forced to do for the 'help' it got? All the collective goods and services had to be privatized, that means given away to the private market. And guess who has a lot to do with that so called 'free market' part? Yes, the (private/commercial) Banks! How on earth can we still believe that what we are told is 'the Government' is here to protect and serve us, as it is supposed to do, being payed by us, 'the People', through heavy taxation. While in every day reality it does seem very corrupted, favoring the (private/commercial) Banks, as if that were the system that is ruling over us all, everywhere on earth. If that were so, and it really does look a lot like it, then how do we, 'the People', still take this crap, again and again? As it seems those in Politics are far more interested in the highest bidder, even when it comes to putting us 'the People' in chains of debt.
Bank run is no option
While a Government, even a minimal one, should control the creation of debt free money, as legal tender, also available in 'Cash', it should prohibit counterfeiting by (private/commercial) Banks. As this takes the economy of balance, simply because the money needed for an economy to function needs to be in some kind of balance with the production of goods and services and needs of 'the People'. Any Government should have to take such a role very serious, so there is enough money, as legal tender, and not too much, nor too little. That is already a very tough job. Further more it needs to prevent a rogue entity take-over. We, 'the People', need measurements to protect this legal tender money system. And as we pay taxes to the Government to serve and protect us, that should be an honor to those who are allowed to do so, this entity should make sure no rogue entity could take full control over our economy. Yet, from the rapport 'Money and debt', as presented to the Minister of Finance from the Nederish Government, it came forward as a fact that (private/commercial) Banks are indeed creating (digital virtual monopoly fake) money out off nothing against an interest baring debt. And it seems it has infected the Government too with its own agents. How else could it be stated when a Minister of Finance, by name of the Government, claims that forbidding this counterfeiting as done by the (private/commercial) Banks would be considered an 'unwanted revolution'? Now, you try to put on the printer to make some 20, 50 or 100 bills... Do you think you will get away with it?
You'd be flooding the economy too with that counterfeited fake money, causing the value of all the money to drop. That is called devaluation and will create a growing gap between income and costs, for most people, leading to an economical crash eventually. Or as most know it: "Everything is becoming more expensive..." and "The end of the month, still bills to pay and no money left to do so." This is caused by the (private/commercial) Banks constantly creating (digital virtual monopoly fake) money out of nothing (backed by ZERO fractional reserve) against interest baring debt. It is flooding our economy on a global scale, causing enormous devaluation. Even most people working at those (private/commercial) Banks do not even know that this is a fact. And many have been told to put on a 'tinfoil hat' when they wanted to point this out to 'the People'. Because, well, that must be a 'conspiracy theory', right? And nobody was ever taught this at school, were they? No, there had to be something in deposito for any (private/commercial) Bank to be able to lend it out. But yeah, they do this, like they already did this when they stored gold and gave out value certificates. The digital realm and internet just gave 'it' unlimited resources to be able to take counterfeiting to the next level. And there is no chance a so called 'Bankrun' could help as there is only an extremely small amount of 'Cash' available, the (private/commercial) Banks would run out off it within a few hours.
The proof is out there
In Nederland 'the People' took a public initiative to have this alleged counterfeiting by the (private/commercial) Banks investigated. Even though many of the Nederish already believed it was done that way. And in 2015 the Bank for International Settlements {BIS} acknowledged that it had been going on for years. In a press release it stated that their members, the (private/commercial) Banks, were advised(!) to use a minimal Fractional Reserve of 8 percent. But in the case of a reasonable secure loan, 4% was alright. And when dealing with a loan that has collateral attached, well, then 'of course' no fractional reserve was needed, at all! It took the 'Scientific Council for Government Policy' {NL: WRR - Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid} apparently three years to be able to confirm that indeed it was true. Banks were creating fake money out of nothing against interest baring debt. Yet, at least it is out there, it is out of the box. And that the Nederish Government refuses to do something about it, well, it was not really a surprise to me. It is even hard to believe those inside of the 'Banking Monetary Governance' system would not know. It seems more that they do not care and somehow believe that we, 'the People', are there to serve 'them' and protect 'them', while paying 'them' through taxation. Seems to me things have been flipped over at some point. Because now 'the People' who protest against it all are shot in the head by rubber bullets and are tear gassed. Where does that abuse of might by force end...?
People still are being 'programmed' through all kinds of mass media channels to believe that the Government, everywhere on earth, is their 'ruler'. While other shocking breaking news is filtered out, as if it was done by design, one could easily mistake it to be as such. Take the impact of the presentation of the rapport 'Money and debt' in Nederland, concerning all of us anywhere on earth, who came to know about it, except those who already were paying attention? It is almost unbelievable this just faded out like a burned down candle. The silence is almost deafening, what the crap is going on here? Why is a Minister of Finance stating that the Nederish Government will let it be solved by 'evolution'. Yeah right, the (private/commercial) Banks will 'self-regulate' us into another worldwide economical crisis. And then? We, 'the People', will be made to belief that 'we' need to save the Banks, again!? While more and more people everywhere on earth experience how their money seems to become worth less and less, faster and faster. Take a second job? A third one? Let your kids work? What...!?
It is out there in the open, for everybody to see, finally it has been admitted, but it seems the (private/commercial) Banks are getting away with their counterfeiting scheme. And because the Governments worldwide do facilitate this, allowing it to happen, because 'it' does not want a 'revolution' by stopping the (private/commercial) Banks from doing so. That makes Governments accomplices to the counterfeiting as done by the (private/commercial) Banks. Is this article hurting both instances their 'good name and honor'? What 'good name and honor', they are deceiving all of us and taking away almost anything we still have as we, 'the People' of Earth. And now it is up to us, when any Government apparently has turned into a rogue entity, just like the (private/commercial) Banks they let do its evil thing, we need to unite and find ways by using the legal system to stop it. The last resort might be to turn to Justice as being the one that is able to end this wrong doing. As the next worldwide economical crash might already be on its way. Cryptos could be a safe haven, but it does not change the rotten root of all this misery. More to come, at least that seems for sure, as this is another beginning.
Links to the mentioned rapport of the 'Scientific Council for Government Policy' {NL: WRR - Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid} in Nederish:
Summerized rapport (pdf file):
Full rapport (pdf file):
Article posted at Steem and Whaleshares blockchain.
It's only a matter of time and it will all crash/collapse, with this "borrowing" from the future. And I believe this time the consequences will be worse and go far beyond previous crashes.
There is a crisis guarantee build into that system. Indeed not as much an 'if', as more as a'when'. And I think you are right, it will be far worse then ever before.
Could be (I think) that a lot of money will float into crypto when that happens ....
Yes, I think so too, it seems to be the only safe haven left. Wonder how long it will take before we can witness this starting to happen.