Things To Do, Things To Buy, Things To Get Rid Off
With the move happening in a couple of weeks, it is time to get everything in order and list out the things that need to be done. I have three categories: Things that I need to do, things that I need to buy and things that I need to get rid off.
So what do i need to do? Arrange with the movers when to come, the pre-move inspection with the landlord and any fixing up that needs to be done in order to get back the deposit, cancel the utilities, mobile and Internet subscriptions.
Then the next thing to take care of is what to buy. Extra masks, some vitamin supplies, things that we like such as sunblock, travel adaptors and the socket adaptors. But this list grows.
Then the next thing is what do we get rid off. Lots of stuff in the kitchen and fridge, some of the cleaning supplies in the toilet and also a lot of old clothes and toys. Some old creams and excess soap that can't be transported over will also have to be thrown away.
Hopefully by keeping things organized, I can avoid missing out things as I wouldn't want to come back just to settle them.