Finally Some Visa Progress
Countries that pursue a zero covid strategy are getting fewer and fewer as covid fatigue sets in. Which approach is right? That is one for the history books. I think governments were fearful that this was some form of easily transmissable MERS which is 30% deadly. So now that they have determined that the fatality rate is a lot lower, although it is still a lot higher than the simple flu, I think they have made the call to open up and let the dice fall where they may.
So, getting to a visa restricted country has been painful. We thought we would be out of here in September but it looks like we will only move at the end of November. 2 weeks of hotel quarantine and then 1 week of home quarantine. It will be an experience, that's for sure.
Why I put myself through such a pain, I don't know. It definitely isn't the wisest move, that's for sure. But neither is moving with little kids. Now that they're older, it is definitely easier for sure. The biggest consideration is school and once that's settled, the moving is pretty much easy. Just the booking of hotels and apartments which the Internet makes so much easier. Who remembers the days when you had agents and phone calls to make. I sure don't miss it.