Suppose You Could Give A Child Their Freedom?
Would You?
Once upon a time, we lived in a ruthless world where sexual exploitation destroyed the lives of hundreds of millions of children.

The sexual exploitation of children is far more widespread than you could ever imagine.
Every day, particularly across the world’s poorest districts, countless desperate mothers and fathers sold their young children to become slaves because it was the only way they could possibly make enough to survive.
One day people who were sickened and completely fed up with this came together to finance and build Saske so anyone with a smart device, no matter where they lived, could earn enough to take very good care of themselves and their young ones.
Because of that, brand new economies flourished throughout the globe.
Because of that, poverty started being wiped out in one region after another.
Until finally, little girls and boys all over the world were free to grow up happy and become happy adults who worked tirelessly to build a happy world for us all.

Are you sickened by the sexual exploitation of little kids?