Here’s Why Your Social Media Posts Aren’t Worth As Much As You Think They Are

in #blog7 years ago

And What You Can Do About It

Regardless of who you decide to ask, they’ll all agree, Social Media is big, BIG business.

Tally up the most recent valuations for only Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snap Chat, Pinterest, Twitter plus Reddit and you’ll hit a mind-blowing $693,300,000,000, give or take a billion or three.

To put that total into perspective, if this were the the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year (GDP), it would rank above Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, Finland as well as Hong Kong.

On top of that, it’d be over half of Russia’s entire GDP. (Source)

How wonderful it feels, then, to get that weekly check from your favorite social media giant, am I right?

What’s that you say?

They don’t send you a check?

No biggie, it almost certainly just got lost in the mail.

Have you considered perhaps having it deposited straight into your checking account?

Eh? They’ve never sent you a check? Ever?!?

Hold on just a second . . .

You mean to tell me you have been creating content for them day after day after day over all these years for them to host on their site and turn it into billions and billions of dollars but they have never, ever sent you a check?


How exceedingly charitable of you . . .

On the other hand, if that really sticks in your craw, here’s how to get your just due.

Get all of the details right here.

Here’s Why Your Social Media Posts Aren’t Worth As Much As You Think They Are was originally published in Saske on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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