Prayers are not enough - Re: the Acceleration of Violent White Nationalism in the United States
While thoughts are prayers are undoubtedly good things to add to any situation, especially a travesty such as the one in El Paso and then followed up at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California, they are painfully inadequate during such a time as this. We don't have something "only thoughts and prayers" combined with a lack of systemic or mental changes can even begin to touch.
That's because we have an entrenched, systemic problem on our hands, one that has been with us since the establishment of what we call America. It's an epidemic of colonial proportions and it has to do with White European entitlement.
This land was not empty when Europeans came here, bringing their weapons, diseases and colonial mindsets. It was in fact inhabited, and had been inhabited for 10s of thousands of years, by indigenous people. It is ironic that Europeans seeking freedom from a tyrannical English rule and religious persecutions came to the land currently known as America and took part in widespread genocidal efforts to dominate this land and wipe out any presence of the indigenous peoples who lived here. They did so under the guise of wiping out "the evil and inferior indigenous peoples to establish colonial White European rule." They dehumanized the indigenous people to make their colonization & cultural control of the continent ok. We see this intent even in the words of previous President Thomas Jefferson,
"However our present interests may restrain us within our own limits, it is impossible not to look forward to distant times, when our rapid multiplication will expand itself beyond those limits and cover the whole northern, if not southern continent, with a people speaking the same language, governed in similar form by similar laws." Quote taken from An Indigenous People's History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Now we see mass shooters who are citing fears of "White Genocide" in their manifestos.
The shooter at El Paso, who I will not glorify by naming, cited the New Zealand Mosque shooter as inspiration. For people who think that these are disconnected, not racially motivated attacks, realize that that couldn't be farther than the truth. In both of these manifestos, the white men make articulate though disgusting claims that their intention is to kill "the invaders"- in these cases Mexican, Muslim and Jewish people who are attempting to "take over this country".
To be brief but clear about the ideology, the main concerns I read from their manifestos are a fear of the disappearance of White European culture. That America is for and by White Europeans and that they fear the loss, disappearance and "take over" by "invaders" - namely people who come from other countries who are not white Europeans who, and this is a main fear, will slowly but surely genetically, culturally, economically replace White people.
In response to this invasion, there is a growing subset of the population seeking to wipe out these people, threaten and scare them into "going back where they came from" and they are also seeking to destabilize our country to a point of Civil War. Through these mass murders, they are hoping to inspire others to also take part in mass killings and inspire a governmental crack down on weapon sales in America. At this point, their theory is that Americans (ever-tied to their guns) will reach a critical mass in rebelling agains the government inciting a Civil War. In their memes, on 8chan, discord groups, twitter, etc, they refer to this as process as "Acceleration".
Source: @kendriana.speaks on Instagram
I write all of this to clearly distill the information I have gathered (even though it makes me sick to my stomach) because I think a huge problem we have is that we minimize these mass shootings, incorrectly labeling them a symptom of "mental illness" instead of rightly calling it what it is which is a White Supremacist/Ethno-Nationalist Uprising. Through these shootings they are gaining momentum and we need to understand what they are about to be able to even begin to face what we are really up against... to clearly see what is happening. It is not mental illness, it is White Supremacy.
I think the "thoughts and prayers" & silencing that usually accompany these shootings are keeping us in denial about the true threat facing this country and that is the escalation of violent racist actions by White Men (but certainly upheld also by White Women and the White Family) that hold these beliefs. White European culture has an unchecked history of violence within the United States. As mentioned previously, it is how this country was founded through the genocide of Indigenous peoples and it lives on through the actions of these men that are entitled, wanting total power and control of the evolution of the United States.
Source: @elizabeth_gilbert_writer on Instagram (same for the following comment slides)
Commonly when people make statements calling out White Men, there are a lot of people who race to say "not all men". Writer Elizabeth Gilbert shared a true meme on her Instagram page only to have countless White Mothers say - "Not My White Son, I am offended by this generalization." Luckily many people stepped into the comments to provide insight into why we don't need to defend ourselves as White People- we need to in fact step up and keep the conversation going. I'll provide a few examples for clarity. Also realize that if you are having a similar reaction thinking I am saying "All White Men" know that if you (or your husband, sons, etc) are not aligned with these racial ideologies, plain and simple, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU. Set aside the defense for a second and hear that we have a very serious problem with some White Men right now and that this problem is a very old insidious one that we must face!!!
The fact is that if we don't start looking at this, shining a light on it, being aware about it, who will? We have for too long put the burden of toxic Whiteness onto people of color and people facing the impacts of racism. It is time for us indeed to step up, break through the taboos about talking about race, and create dialogue.
I personally am not a white person afraid for "pure white bloodlines" to be phased out. I am not afraid for our country to continue getting more diverse. In contrast to what the shooters talked about in their manifestos (about diversity being a weakness), I see diversity as a strength and I don't believe other cultures are seeking to wipe out White People or White Culture. I have no allegiance to White Culture. Many of these White Nationalists are separatists, truly hating people different from them or in the least promoting segregation. What is interesting is that there are some people raised in White Supremacy who change their ways as they go out into the world and meet people who are black and brown, different than them, practicing other religions, and from other cultures. Sadly, on the other hand, many White Supremacist groups are targeting colleges with a "We are Pro-European, Pro-White Framework" (instead of the more blatant anti-other cultures/religions/races previous rhetoric) and we really need to be conscious that many young college-aged males are vulnerable to this rhetoric.
Notice that nowhere in this article did I bring up Conservatives or Liberals (Republicans or Democrats). For anyone trying to reduce the argument down to this type of stereotyping, look deeper. This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. In fact, though the shooters referenced Trump saying that he was "the closest they've come to having one of themselves in office", they also mocked him and didn't ally themselves with the binary political framework. This is not a political issue as much as it is a racial issue that runs deep into this country's core.
While I am a believer in amping up love in instances like this, I also don't think we can solely be "love and light" right now. Alongside prayers, we need to take a good look at the foundation of this nation which was founded on "might makes right" and question the current powers of silence & writing this away as "another mentally ill white guy." This is an act of racial terrorism and it's not going to go away anytime soon. We can slow them down by taking away 8chan and we can pretend it isn't happening, but there will be more shootings as the violent rhetoric amps up, as the cries for "Acceleration" are fulfilled.
We need to have more conversations about race- not less and we need to uncover the fear underlying these hate crimes which is White Men's fears that they will be subjected to the same cultural and racial genocide they have enacted on people groups throughout time. Many of them refer to it as The Great Replacement and it is this which they are fighting against.
White men, you who have held so much of the power in this country since it became called the United States of America, this is an inevitable evolution of humanity. There is nothing you can do to stop immigration, cultural blending, other people groups from having children and living happy lives. Your fight is futile, your rhetoric tired and washed out. You will not win this fight you seek to put our country through. You will not get a chance at this Civil War of which you speak. Your love of your own European blood is founded on the hate & exclusion of other blood heritages.
The time for the divisiveness of hate is over. Take a step back. We know any perceived loss of power (because you have held it for allllllll of these years) must feel like the biggest slight, but it is only things righting themselves for you held that power unjustly & violently at the sake of all other beings. Perhaps you have a reason to fear the "flip side" of what you have enacted on these people groups for so long. Face the inevitable equalizing of America which could have happened from the beginning if White People didn't see the Indigenous peoples of America as evil & inferior from the get-go. You have every right to hide yourselves away somewhere with your "Pro-European beliefs", but you don't have the right to inflict hate crimes and mass murders on people fueled by hate. That's not my America.
Source: Instagram of @shaunking
You can stop this by taking away 8chan and facebook and making a special secret police and court system.
Then anyone that is human can be sent to the death camps when the mob doesn't want to hear the opinion.
We have a drug problem. These shooters are on prescription drugs and I lost a friend to this behavior.
Too many of these shootings are gun free zones. When the people defend themselves this kind of crime is stopped nearly Instantly.
And the most recent shooter was a antifa member. So was the ice center shooter. And the antifa member that got Into a shootout with police at his child's school?...
Too bad there is so much division. Anyone right wing is neonazi? Really?
Sorry the biggest issue is people like you having these thoughts. You make your reality and project it about you.
What's the problem? Young men that are in fatherless families and on Ssri medications.
But the ft hood shooter was Muslim. And the Dc beltline shooters were both black.
Seems there is alot of hate for the white people. So should I hate my white half?
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No where have I ever heard it mentioned that these shooters were on drugs.
Your comment is really inflammatory and accusatory so let's de-escalate this a bit, unless your intention is solely attack and not actually to communicate.
Again, it's not about hate for White people - you obviously just became inflamed at my first words and didn't really read the article.
Funny how racist this post is as well as ignorant of the real facts.
The 2 shootings? Only one was white.
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First of all, thanks for writing this post, as I agree, we need to keep talking about the issues (ALL the issues) underlying these types of events. However, I believe "keeping the dialog going" is just about as effective against shooters as light, love, and prayers. They're all important, but none of them can stand up to armed individuals with a strong belief.
On the other hand, some of the things you mentioned that seem like they might stand up, meaning censorship and gun control I am completely against myself. Slowing them down by blocking 8chan, or making the manifesto unavailable (like they did in NZ) is not just hypocrisy, it is ineffective, and I would even go as far as saying counterproductive.
Fact is, though, that white supremacists, are there and they are not going to go away, lay down their guns, and give up on their agenda, quite similarly to extremist jihadist, or the Mara Salvatrucha. Now what got them here in the first place is a super interesting subject, and I believe you are absolutely right mentioning European colonialism, but I'd say that's just a sliver of the whole story. Rampant overpopulation, exploitation of resources, and emerging culture of control world wide has just as much to do with it. Oh, I forgot to mention environmental degradation and the global finance system. So in a way, Nazis, Jews, Muslims, and the Japanese are equally victims and perpetrators.
Finally, I wanna mention mental instability. I see it as a convenient way to explain away a problem. It seems like American mass shooters are all declared crazy, just as European subway pushers and knife stabbers. Well, if you ask me, they're probably all crazy! But so am I (and I don't want to presumptuously include you too by saying "we all are"), even though I don't go out killing people. However, just like most of us are likely to snap if we're forced into a corner. It's just natural. And in a way, it seems to me that globally we are all being forced into some type of corner or another. So I think it's just a matter of time before people start snapping by the dozens, hundreds, etc. And each of them for their own personal reason, which at the same time is a great global reason we are all part of. I believe civil war is inevitable, as much as I would like to avoid it. And I would be a fool to assume others haven't realized this themselves. Unlike me, who's merely trying to avoid it (until it's too late), they are getting prepared for it.
Spot on here. Actually in the manifestos I read they all brought this up. I couldn't cover it all in the article and didn't want to delve into this side of the complexity, but it was clear that they are also fighting for these issues. That's why I said above that also this is not a bipartisan issue, it is a racial issue and as you bring up all of these issues as well, which are systemic and entrenched in our culture.
Definitely. Yet as you say, we aren't going around with guns. I think my "snapping" has led to my total loss of trust in any American systems which is why I try to live as self & community sustaining life as possible. However, make no mistake, the rhetoric and purpose behind these shootings - very explicitly laid out in the manifestos I read - is also very Pro-White, Anti-"everyone else taking over this country" - this rhetoric can't be passed over as I believe it's heavily fueling a lot of these activities as well. That's where there's obviously a huge difference between "the breaking points".
If there is a Civil War or groups doing guerilla warfare in the United States, I doubt they'd be unified groups (all the different people snapping) because how can anyone non-white ally with someone who wants them dead and gone?
We also aren't getting prepared for a violent civil war, just an economic, structural, food and other basic need systems collapse.
Thanks for your reply (and for not taking offense at my words)!
I haven't read any of the manifestos, either of the Christchurch shooter or this most recent one. There is, however, one terrorist's manifesto I consider to be part of the basic reading list of environmentalism. It's Industrial Society and its Future by Ted Kaczynski. And yes, he mentions all of these things, and more. Yet, I wouldn't say he is anywhere close to being a white supremacist. On the other hand, there is no reason why white supremacists should not go through the same reasoning process, only to arrive at their own conclusions.
Now, I may be completely off here, since I really have no interest in following the news on the regular mass-shootings in the US, but it seems to me that most didn't even have a manifesto. The ones who did, had something about their teenage angst, or sexual frustration. As I said, I can't back this up by any facts, it's just my impression. So while I agree that white supremacists are real and present, I don't think they are as formidable as your post makes them seem like. But please throw some facts at me, to correct me if I'm wrong.
Regarding going around with guns, civil war, and militias: Could you imagine the reaction of the state if these kinds of things keep happening (especially before election time next year)? I'd say increased police presence, militarized law enforcement, and a perpetual marshal law-like state (if not fully declared marshal law) seem very likely. Obviously, the far right is going to respond to it in its own way. As a result non-white people, and whites with different opinions will be the target. So why would these people not organize themselves into militias too? After all, the US still gives everyone the right to arm and organize themselves to ensure their protection, including from the state, if necessary. Sure, not everyone is going to want to fight, but I doubt people would willingly be put on trains en mase without resisting. In return, this will provoke even more backlash from the state, pouring even more fuel over the fire. So I don't think a civil war would be like the last one, the USA vs the CSA. It would resemble more like something we saw in Bosnia a few decades ago.
Finally, I believe food shortages and violence feed into each other, even without any underlying political, religious, or racial tensions. So preparing for one, necessitates the other.
yes i think many of these people are inspired by ted kaczynski's words indeed. i also hear ya on that cultural trope of a depressed, sexually starved white guy.. none of these current ones, as far as i can tell, are going along with that narrative. but what i do find is similar is that if any brown muslim person does anything it's immediately terrorism, terrorism! outcry in the news media.. whereas even when this string of related white supremacist terrorism mass murders happens (with manifestos to prove their motives), we never use the word terrorism. i think we need to re-define the word terrorism, and as i've been reading, there isn't currently any protocol for domestic terrorism for the FBI or anyone to follow, so those legal practical measures need to be created, too, for this uprising.
no, i couldn't!
i hear what you're saying. i wouldn't allow anyone to put me on a train and i also do feel that the far alt-right is very very very armed... which is quite scary because many of us aren't equipped for that kind of scenario. i agree with your predictions, but i just can't get myself to "arm up." i do know some people who are into that, but, even with this potentials floating in the air, i'm not sure that i would want to live in a world that is basically a guerrilla war-zone... my thoughts!
thoughts themselves are not terrorism. acting on those thoughts with an intent to harm others is. using words with ideas to bully and shame is a form of violence. thoughts put into words by a person who holds power can have influence many people. making laws that discriminate against a race or races because of fear or hatred and calling it "protection" is a form of hidden racism and prejudice.
if five people in the el paso mob had guns, and the normal people where running and screaming, and the shooter was hidden, who would those guns be aimed at? how many more people would have been shot on accident by people who might not ever have been trained to deal with a terrorist situation?
Oh so normal citizens would murder more people during an active shooter?
Or should all people be disarmed and left to the mercy of a killer?
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I didnt say that, and im not getting into it with you. you can disagree respectfully and say why, but take your emo attitude elsewhere.
it's a good point that we should train for terrorist situations. however, our collective discourse hasn't even come to terms with the fact that this is a terrorist situation. we still think the only terrorists are muslim radicals with planes, guns and bombs. It's an entrenched racially based silence centered around protecting the white male which refuses to acknowledge these acts as terrorism. the manifestos these people left behind clearly state the motives which are an effort to threaten, accelerate the wipe out of mexicans, muslims and jews on a mass scale in order to get back to a mostly white nation. that's terrorism against the non-white people of the united states who have every right to live here that we do.
i agree with you that thoughts aren't terrorism, but we've moved past this subset of the population merely thinking and we need to call a spade a spade: these are terrorists.
its lost in context, but i wrote the first reply in response to creativetruths statement.
I have always thought these guys are terrorists. my second sentence: acting on those thoughts with an intent to harm others is (terrorism). and my third: using words with ideas to bully and shame is a form of violence.
I think we as a society know these guys are terrorists (those who arent in complete denial), but don't want to admit it because they are typically white, born on home soil, and could be someone we know. and that becomes a who can we trust? scenario. we are slowly becoming aware that we arent as innocent in the world theatre as we had once thought.
We are just starting to ask ourselves if our government uses tactics which provoke terrorrism, and if so, do they care? they seem to want to provoke civil unrest as an excuse to kill off the unwanteds. It's times like these that I revisit George Orwell's 1984 or Pink Floyd's Animals, and believe that they werent that far off the mark.
i agree, on some level it seems intentional-- they obviously aren't decrying it or calling war against it like they did immediately after 9/11. guess we've nearly tapped all the oil here.
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I am terrorist now, because I push "conspiracy theories" that this is all bullshit and Illuminati propaganda to transform the world in an alchemical matter. The Christchurch shooting in New Zealand was the most coded event I have ever seen in my life. Stuff has not been slowing down ever since. Just wait for next weekend. My eyes are on the Outside Land Arts & Music Festival in San Francisco. Not sure if the agenda will be white supremacist there. But a hate crime will be likely, as San Francisco is the largest LGBT community in the world.
This was an eclipse sacrifice from the elites, who are pushing the White Supremacy agenda ever since Trump rose to power. I have been reporting about this for the entire year. it is all about Astrotheology.
I wouldn't label you a terrorist Flauwy "just because you push conspiracy theories" -- that's not what I'm doing in this article either.
No, but the United States does call that local terrorism since a few days now. Good thing I am not a local. Sorry for the outburst but this reaction of yours is exactly the pushed agenda. So sad to see how every little bit falls into place.
Flauwy, more than anything I am reacting to the actual manifestos these people wrote and then going into the dark corners of their meeting places in 8chan (before hosting was taken away). I believe in a lot more free will than succumbing to a political agenda pushed by elites. Drawing my conclusions from the things these people actually said in their manifestos and chat rooms -- the news isn't even writing about the Civil War these people are trying to spur on.
True, we are slowly driving towards a civil war.
Thoughts are not a form of terrorism. They are imaginary. Words can be treated with discipline. Thoughts are a human freedom we cannot take away. To do so is to destroy a person's primary sense of self. Without that a person is destroyed inside.
Skin color... oh my. That is crazy talk to pass judgements based on this alone. Hope people can be acknowledged by the quality of their character, and less by their appearances. Humanity would be truly evolved past primal emotional instincts.
Agreed and of course I agree with freedom of speech, yet I also believe in calling a spade a spade and bringing this rhetoric to light. The more we "talk it away" as just another mentally ill guy, the more we do ourselves a big disfavor. I wish we could be "evolved past primal emotional instincts" too, but that does tend to underpin most of our actions and behaviors.. Rational belief is only one side of ourselves, truly - the emotional aspect is huge. Yet I too wish we could address these things. From some of the comments on this post, it's clear that we are a long way away from being able to have these discussions in a respectful clear manner.
It was shocking when the news came out and more when the manifesto was shown.
Now we have politicians saying that it is video games and the internet as well as mental illness is to blame for these incidents. That politician is Trump by the way.
Yet we have seen an uptick of violence all in the name of making America great again. The racist feed coming from the White House is making racism acceptable and showing patriotism to America, a White America.
Buzzwords like White Nationalism in an effort to hide what it is truly which is White Supremacy.
Sad day to see this crap happening.
Holy smokes.
I see a totally different reality than you.
Which people with white skin color are to blame for recent shootings?
People are mistakenly, I hope, interpreting white supremacy for being synonymous with patriotism or conservativism. That is nearly the majority of this country.
As I understand, a very small perportion self identifies as white supremacists who support violence and genocide. Am I wrong?
Religious groups often have teachings about things they are not allowed to do with people outside of their group. People outside these religions and cults often feel persecuted by these racist teachings. In a free country, this is supposed to be protected, as long as they follow the law. Am I wrong? Controlling what people are not allowed to believe or think about is what happens in North Korea.
yes always a need to deflect against what they actually said in their manifestos. you hit it spot on. Trump is fueling the flames.
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