Thought Of The Day - Questions For Men

in #blog7 years ago

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Answered By A Woman

Today I decided to start a new series, called thought of the day, where I would like to share my thoughts on random topics, from video's to current news, pretty much anything that I stopped to ponder about.

So I would like to give fair warning, these are just my thoughts on certain on these topics, where I try to use critical thought to get to the underlying motives behind them, most of the time it will be absolute speculation on my part. The idea behind this is to have a conversation about these topics, if you disagree with my thinking please do so in the comments below.

This was a video from a while back by a Youtuber called ShoeOnHead, she is pretty funny, and she points out the utter hypocrisy of some of these Buzzfeed video's which in my opinion are mostly intellectual falsehoods and more than often just complete lies. The video in question is "36 questions women have for men", and it was as if these questions were asked by by young children. I'm going to illustrate the complete stupidity I found in some of them, for example the first question, "How does it feel to be the same sex as Donald Trump?", I honestly don't even know how to answer that? I don't know I does it feel like being the same sex as Hillary Clinton, am I suppose to feel bad because I am a man because he is a man? That's like asking how does it feel to drink water like Trump does or how does if feel to be the same sex as Dana Loesch, the face of the NRA, or Margaret Sanger who wanted to exterminate the black race.

"When hypocrisy is a character trait, it also affects one's thinking, because it consists in the negation of all the aspects of reality that one finds disagreeable, irrational or repugnant." - Octavio Paz

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The questions are completely stupid, almost each and every one is based on either, assumptions or in some form of sexist bigotry.

The idea behind this is to perpetuate stereotypes and make huge generalizations about men, the later which I don't actually have any problem with. What I do have a problem with is, god for anyone else make such generalizations then they are literally Hitler, it's the blatant hypocrisy. The unfortunate truth is that the two sexes are different, this is just how things are, women can do things men can't and men can do thing women can't, it is called reality.

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This is nothing more than a form of ideological propaganda, the video is from two years ago, but how many of these things are today considered actual a form of oppressive speech? To question the existence of the gender wage gap is almost a human rights violation, oh sorry is it call "hu-person rights" these days? How did we get here, well with stupid videos like this everyday, that's how. Please don't get me wrong, I'm all for equal right, which everyone in this day and age has, but don't advocate for equality and in the same breath hate on the opposite sex.

"Submitting to censorship is to enter the seductive world of 'The Giver': the world where there are no bad words and no bad deeds. But it is also the world where choice has been taken away and reality distorted. And that is the most dangerous world of all." - Lois Lowry

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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It is a thought-provoking topic for sure. I am all for equality and in many cases, it has been far too long reaching a point where we are close to that. The problem I have is that it feels like men are scorned for statements that may potentially belittle women while at the same time many women are bashing men and its supposed to be ok. Many "people" are guilty of many things. leave it at that and avoid the stereotyping that has created so many of these issues already. pfft, how does it feel to be the same gender?? You know, you're absolutely right. I think I am going to have a gender trasformation, I am so upset.

That's just great. Thanks for a great catch.

Maybe best comparable with: One fool can ask more stupid questions than 1000 wise men can answer.
While social media is a blessing for lots of us, it is also abused by certain groups of the population. This abuse is mostly based on creating money.
And to give the female audience on answer on the following question. Why can't me do multitasking?
Well we can. We can watch sports, drink beer and speak utterly nonsense at the same time. :)

But the fact is that men and woman are different. It is programmed in our genes. Like a mom wakes up when the child is crying, the dad most of the times will not notice it. But when a strange sound from outside the house is loud enough to hear, the dads will wake up, cause they were/are programmed to protect the family.
I do believe truly in equal rights, but this doesn't make us the same!

Lol your meme made me laugh

Glad you enjoyed it

Thought for today.

It's good. I look forward to your new series.

Have you noticed that this was an issue before, but that that big of a deal until the last US election campaign? Once the last US election campaign kicked off it's like the whole world went nuts with all the ridiculous pr shit. These are all 1st world problems though, you don't here these arguments going on in 2nd and 3rd world countries much. I would wager that if there is another economic downturn all this stuff is going out the window and people will re-prioritize their lives.

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