Q: Is @berniesanders good for Steemit?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

A: @berniesanders reaches deep into the hole that very few plummet into to pick over the philosophical chicken bones of life. His abyss provides the contrast that many ignore to their own detriment. Many see, but very few understand.


I think he's good in his own way. A lot of people only see the brash, outspoken, and mostly controversial side of him. They completely miss the behind-the-scenes, quite-supportive-of-community-projects side of him.

Now, you on the other hand...I'm fairly certain that you're not very good or useful at all. Are you still doing that last-minute, vote-scheming bullshit with your whale buddy on your spam posts and comments?

I still don't understand why @mindhunter was singled out and flagged for buying votes.
Was it because he wasn't buying them through @randowhale or is there a different reason?

He was “singled out?” That’s news to me.

Yeah, there were lots of flags, but I never understood the motives behind the flags.

Yes absolutely agree he is so nice he even blocks people who just want to comment on some ones steemit page. That is a person who cares about community! lol he is a shit.

Salted variant please .... :)

Let's say I hope Bernie notices Hindpunter is back, so Bernie can show again he can be a force for the good.

Everyone is useful for a specific task.

Your becoming an existential nihilist in your old age @ats-david ;)

You shouldn’t use words that you don’t understand.

... or enter the #philosophy tag without advanced thinking :)



Well, if you consider actions like flagging @heajin for raping the reward pool and pointing out and flagging things he considers to be bullshit, I love him for that, even when he did it to me. I've also seen him upvote cool shit that he likes including a couple of my posts and support good projects so he is obviously good for steemit for those reasons.

I've seen him piss a lot of people off too, including myself, but that's actually a cool thing sometimes in my opinion. In fact, his behavior has been the clearest sign of a truly decentralized community that I have seen.


I think the whole vote buying phenomenon that he pretty much started is not good for steemit. I mean it's the most profitable way to work with the platform in the short term right now so I can see why it's done, but if it gets to the point that good content isn't the driving force anymore that would ruin steemit in my opinion and I feel like we have moved that direction with all the voting bots.

In a nutshell: In complexity theory @berniesanders is the shepherd of Steemit's bad actors. He constantly mutates between good shepherd and naughty sheep. Sometimes all you can see is sheep. Sometimes all you can see is shepherd.

All people are a mixture of good and bad and I, personally, haven't got a problem with that. I do, however, have a problem with hypocrisy.
You had your own private vote buying whale, but why can't BernieS, or anyone, explain why that's different from the public vote buying schemes?

The way I see it: quality isn't a valid argument because there is no quality control on most vote buying schemes. Scale isn't a valid argument because there are many people using publiv vote-buying to vote themselves up to $500+. Also, I understood that the services were for minnows, but dolphins e.g. kaylyinart use them to massively up-vote themselves too.

Steemit has problems, and it seems to me that demonising a handful of individuals, like mindhunter or even haejin is never going to solve the problems.

I understand voting bots , I don't understand people giving hundreds of dollars to someone just because they are "popular" , I imagine I will never know why the herd do what they do.

He's the greatest entertainer in steem show business.

agreed, all you need is some popcorn

Maybe, and a bottle of scotch.

I have some good stuff in the cupboard ... the bernie show shall begin shortly :) ....

Put the cup on the board and let's get this show on the road!

I enjoy reading his posts, It's quite funny to see the hate that @haejin gets

Best comment of this year

aww cute, I got a lil flaggie :D

Its good to have someone playing devils advocate to try to improve the platform, its bad that hes a complete asshole and doesn't articulate his points very well

One does not need to articulate well to be a philosopher ;)

He's aite

Its an unpopular opinion, but it's none the less true. Bernie is a net positive to the platform. Yeah, you can think I'm an idiot for saying this, but he brings a lot of traffic to Steem as sircork pointed out. I may not agree with the methods most of the time, but that is a whole different story. Good to see you are back @mindhunter, I thought you had abandoned steem, good thing you did not.

@mindhunter, I thought you had abandoned steem, good thing you did not.

God bless my right hand. Steemit is indeed like 'Hotel California' - you can check in, but you can never leave! ;)

"You can checkout... any time you like, but you can never leave!"

I am not sure if I would say it is an unpopular opinion. I guess there is a question of whether he is fighting those who drain the reward pool or scaring off people from investing and reaping the benefits. All my math fell out of my brain when I hit puberty; I would probably have to move numbers around to figure out the truth and the idea hurts me.

I'm nerdy or crazy enough to have ran numbers, its a net positive, i promise. :)

Some would just call that smart:) (Hey look; we have the exact same reputation)


Nice this posting @mindhunter.
I like this posting.

Vote posting me @yassir1

His musings are fistfuls of steel!

hi brother, where have you been in these months? is your brother okay? brother still know me @berkat?

Growing a beard. Yes and yes :)

ooo really my brother

My motto is to always treat others the way I want to be treated, irrespective of what they are doing.
We always have the choice to focus on the negative or the positive side, two sides of a coin yet glued together inseparably. Focusing on the negative only creates more of it and it is somewhat pointless, for it only adds on to our own suffering. Some will like it, others not. Instead of giving our power away on judging we should create own content.

That sounds like a summation of your own profile Alex. Thank you :)

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