MedicBtom Weekly Blog #1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Notehn Lights.jpg

I suppose instead of spreading everything out I should learn to compose everything into one daily or weekly blog. So first thing is first; had an incredible week at work. I am one of the few that enjoys my job more than my days off. Its exciting and perfect for anyone who is an adrenaline junky.

Anyway... I wont go into too much detail but 3 calls that really stuck out this week. I will also remain HIPPA Compliant to protect the identity of anyone involved with these incidents.


Motorcycle incident:
It happened a block away from where we were posted so we immediately responded. The person was found trying to put his bike back into a standing position but the pain made him lay down in the street. Wheel locked up and he flipped over the bars and flew 10 feet landing on his head. Broken collar bone and shattered arm.


Falling off a cliff:
Got a call way out on a trail head; took 40 minutes just to get to the park it was so remote. Then a pickup rode us out to where the patient was; leaning over to enjoy the view - a ledge gave out from under. Sliding about 15 feet down an edge. Broken ankle... carried out on the back of a pickup and another hour or so to a hospital.


Complete Heart Block:
Something you don't see everyday. Call was for difficulty breathing and we had originally thought she was in a slower bradycardic rhythm but when I ran an EKG it confirmed a 3rd degree or complete heart block. When the SA node and the AV node of the heart are running independent of each other. In this case it was bad; needed to transcutaneous pace all the way to the hospital.

third degree block.png

Dog Sitting:
Get to dog sit for the night... it will keep me motivated to go exercise. My dog; Dexter is on the left who is a mix Boxer/Lab/Pitbull and Gracie on the Right is a Black Lab. Gracie is older at 7 years old and is very mellow compared to my dog who is 4 years old and full of energy. In fact; everyone mistakes my dog for a puppy still even at 4 years old. I think its because his legs look a bit short for the length of his body. Anyway.. taking a break because it looks like they are ready for a walk.


Lets talk Crypto for a second. I don't care that the trends are fading for Bitcoin... its much better this way anyway. Back in December; it was too much hype and way too fast. I found myself trying to buy coins left and right. But when I heard people were putting their entire life savings into bitcoin or taking loans out to purchase; I knew something bad was going to happen. Now my portfolio is a fraction of what it once was. I'm not gonna lie; I was very discouraged but my girlfriend reminded me that the reason I first got into crypto was because I believe in the technology and its impact on our future - and fuck the Banks.


But I was never really a fan of bitcoin itself; slow - expensive and the impact on our environment is aweful. Therefore I will never really appreciate any fork from bitcoin such as litecoin because it will be in the same position 4 years down the road. I was a fan of Ethereum in the beginning and I made my biggest returns in this project ... but now I see its flaws too. In comes 3rd gen blockchain and a very special crypto that isn't blockchain at all. I took everything and went all in on EOS; I do believe it will be one to outlast all the others. I registered my coins and prepared to receive all future airdrops including EOSdac coins that are being dropped 1:1 if you own more than 100 coins on April 15th. With all future projects being airdropped; you might land an automatic investment in the next big amazon or facebook. Your initial 100 coins have the potential to be thousands with airdrops. I believe this coin is highly undervalued.

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Also plan on buying in the future; IOTA, NANO, ONT, NEO and ICON. Love those projects as well.

Tooth pain: I last saw the dentist about a year ago; had a cavity with some pain on my left lower jaw. The dentist recommended a root canal. He plugged the hole with a temporary fix and gave me antibiotics. Then I looked at videos of the procedure and said screw that. The thought of it gives me a bit of anxiety. Anyway... the antibiotics took the pain away and everything has been fine. Used soft bristle tooth brushes but then I recently upgraded to an electric tooth brush; the power is eroding the filling and now I have an issue with a hole being on the side of my tooth again; minus the pain. But food definitely gets jammed in there and I work long hours. So I decided to make an appointment today; not for today but when I come back from vacation. So that is something I will have to deal with at a later time; ultimately I know I will need to man up and get that root canal done.


So this is day one of my time away from work... I have 10 days off. I just got all the cleaning household chores out of the way like picking up dog poop; laundry; giving the dog and cat monthly flea medication. Called the dentist, made sure my shifts were covered for the next week. Blah blah blah. Anyway... starting to prepare for vacation. My birthday is next week on the 17th of April; I will be 37. This year it will be spent in Alaska. Never been but I have always wanted to go and I figure I need to see glaciers before they melt away forever. So currently I have booked a helicopter ride to land on one of the glaciers; trip to Denali Park; Whale Watching boat cruise to Kodiak Island; Kayaking in the ocean around glaciers. Unfortunately its not Salmon Season; kind of inbetween tourist seasons so I'm missing out on dog sledding too. Hopefully I will be able to capture a glimpse of the Northern Lights; currently days are around 15 hours of sunlight. The most exciting part of it all; my girlfriend will no longer be my girlfriend; but my Fiance. She already knows; we are planning this out for the best photo; hence the glacier helicopter ride. Now I need to run more errands; change the battery in my iPhone because Its aweful and hopefully the Apple stores are still honoring that deal.


Eating at my favorite restaurant tonight: Zareen's
Its a Pakistani/indian restaurant

Tikka Marsala is what I ordered and I can never get tired of this tasty dish



Last thing... she got me a drone for my bday. It has a camera on it... after hinting several times that's what I wanted through subliminal messages; it worked. I also got a GO PRO HERO... some toys to play with and I'll be posting my vacation when I come back on here and some drone footage. Think I can take the drone with me to Alaska?

Thanks for reading my first weekly blog of many to come and stay safe!



All photos (not from my iphone) are provided by bing search engine


Pictures of beautiful friends, there is a picture of a funny dog again fly.hihihi

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 61870.12
ETH 2401.56
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53