17 food by increasing the love between husband and wife
After entering into married life, the relationship between love between husband and wife makes the whole life beautiful. If the mind is healthy then its effectiveness is also on the body. But you know what your daily diet plays a very important role in raising love between husband and wife, four plays.
To make the married life more beautiful, the matching of the food chain. Find out what foods need on diet charts to take good care of husband and wife: -
- Noodle: It is necessary to eat nuts to keep the heart healthy. Almonds also keep the blood vessels clean by reducing harmful cholesterol levels.
2.Dark Chocolate: Experts have said that dark chocolate can immediately make your bad mood better. It contains plenty of anti-oxidants and phyto-nautrientes. There are also magnesium which relax muscles and nerves. - Tomato: The tomato contains plenty of anti-oxidants and other essential nutrients, which in particular increase the flow of blood in the genital genital region.
- Strawberry: Strawberry strawberry contains plenty of vitamin B which is suitable for muscular and nerve. As a result, the food that keeps your nerves healthy will undoubtedly enhance love.
- Chia seeds: Chia seeds contain iron, zinc, fiber and proteins, which increase blood flow and increase stamina.
- Copy page: There are plenty of vitamins B and magnesium in the copies page. When the body gets increased during sexual intercourse.
- Gajar: You can get all the benefits of making carrots juice or raw or vegetables.
- Meat: There are so many omega-3 fatty acids in the fish. Playing that makes the relationship of husband and wife more beautiful in bed.
- Leaf Leafy: Fitro-nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, mineral deposits in the leafy green plants. All this increases blood flow to the body.
10.Brokeri: Experts say there is a content in Bracoli that increases the level of love a couple of times. The market can rely on broccoli rather than using different types of pills. - Wheat: Potassium, magnesium and iron are minerals which are also essential for the body.
12.Lanka: The length of time spent on playing the lunar is increased in the bed. It is one of the main qualities of many qualities.
13.Shasha: Cucumber is very useful for the body. It also works as a catalyst to increase the love of husband and wife.
14.Susun: Applying garlic on the food enhances the taste of cooking. It can also increase love because it can speed up blood circulation. - Kala: There are magnesium and potassium in the solution. There are also many beneficial minerals. Everyday a banana is very essential for the body.
- Butterfly: Onion juice to increase the sexual needs. Playing onions with salads every day will give them more benefits.
17.Adha: Aadha is necessary to increase sexual demand and increase the time of sexual intercourse. Taste ginger juice before mixing, and get benefits.