Writing habits and consistency

in #blog6 years ago

When I started in Steemit I mostly write when the mood hits me and it can be of anytime between waking up to before sleeping. I didn't have a set time to write and sometimes it is hard to do it when I feel procrastinating or doesn't have any inspiration.

When I decided to grow my account and reach a 1000 SP target as soon as I can one of the things that I vowed was to be able to write at least 1 post a day. Better if I can do 2 posts a day but sometimes life happens.

So one thing that I needed to have was to make a habit.

Having a habit is the best way to create consistency in what you want to achieve. Humans are creatures of habits and when we are accustomed to do something the easier it is to do.


From Unsplash - Thought Catalog

Setting a Time

This was one of the easiest things to do. Set up a time to start writing. Your mind will be conditioned to expect that at this particular time your creative thoughts needs to start kicking in.

I usually start writing at 11 PM my time after I had dinner, walked my dog and chatted with a few friends and love ones. 11 PM would be my writing time and have no other distractions.

Removing Distractions

Speaking of Distractions some people do well with a TV blaring or music playing in the background. I find myself unable to concentrate if there is sound so I tend to turn off anything that might make a sound, even discord notifications and put my phone on silent mode.

At this point my dog has been tuckered out from our walk and fed so he usually is asleep at this point.

Having a list

It is no surprise that I have created a list of topics to write about. Everything from a reaction to a piece of news, application, story and even contests that I want to join.

Each day I go through the contest tag and look for fun contests to join. I also place that in the Contest Channel in the Steemgigs server so other people can also join.

I also list down interesting topics that I have seen on the internet or talked about that day. Sometimes I get so many interesting things that I list it down on a notebook of mine with some of the key thoughts. I then transfer this in an excel file when I get home so that I can track it together with all the earnings I have in terms of Steem Power.

I have been keeping this list since January and out of the 89 topics that I have listed down. I have been able to do 29 topics. Sometimes I just get a spur of the moment topic that I don't put in the list anymore.


Okay once I sit down I don't like getting up to drink or find something to munch on. So I already prepare a light snack or some chocolates while writing.

I know it is a crutch and this came from my habit when I was writing in the school newspaper when I was in college. I usually have some cookies or chocolates while I tap away in the computer while offering a fuming editor some to get him off my back.

Bribery of food works well with my editors and so it has always been a habit of mine to have something sweet when writing. It just seems to have been hardwired in my brain.

Let the magic happen

Once you are physically and mentally prepared let the words come out naturally. I usually have a format written down on how I want it to look and flow.

Sometimes though I am not happy midway and then I usually would shelve the topic and write a new one. My computer is littered with half finished posts complete with images and markdowns already and sometimes I would pick it up on another day and finish it and post it to Steemit. Other days it remains there forgotten.


How about you? What are your writing habits? How do you get into the mood?


I've no problems to find the right moment, I think I can write every time I want. I'm having troubles with the topics. I mostly like to write about music, but sometimes I think maybe it's too repetitive, although I try to focus on different aspects and subtopics.

I wrote sometimes about topics like this one in your post: "steemit" and "steemit writings", but I enjoy more doing it about music.

Your tips are very good. I started doing it this way about 40 years ago... and it works!!! ;-)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

I think it is good to focus on your talent and having several other posts that is of a different strain just to show your followers a different side of you.

Yet your music posts looks awesome and joining open mic is a great way to share you music to the community.

Glad to hear that someone already tried what I am doing and it works for them so I know i am in the right track then hahahhahaha!!!

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I see spanish music. Followed you.

Hi there @maverickinvictus. I often find myself thinking about a particular topic to write everyday. Thus, my phone is cram with pictures.

Hahahha that is sometimes what I do, I take pictures of various things and try to make a story or think of something related to it.

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Hello, @mavericinvictus. I try to write three post a week, what takes me most is the layout.Thanks a lot for sharing your experience

I have seen your posts and I must say that they are exquisitely formatted indeed!

I would not be surprised if a lot of time is spent in formatting it.

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I admire your dedication. I'm not a seasoned wrier like yourself and my mind is racing constantly. I'm lucky to get out a few posts a week but I'm always weighing possible topics around in my head. I may need to get a notebook and start writing down ideas just to prioritize them

I am not a writer as well hahaha but I try to get some consistency because I know that what I do can make an impact on my desire to reach my SP goal of 1k SP.

I am banking on the idea that Steem will rise and it will be harder to get in the future so I need to work on getting as much as I can now.

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Hopefully you continue to share what you learn

Great advice and inspiration!

As part of the #minnowuprising initiative, I am providing you an upvote to motivate your commitment to the #Steemit community! As the platform continues to expand, it is imperative that we come together and support each others content. It is a long process to become a minnow here but also a journey well worth taking as the knowledge and learnings achieved are beneficial for our personal growth as well as a step forward to improving our financial position. Please consider supporting the #minnowuprising initiative by continuing posting content as well as curating and upvoting content of others. Details are in one of my latest post. Thanks!

Thank you for that and I like the idea of the minnowuprising as we all need the motivation to continue on.

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I usually write when its already silent. In the evening at around 12AM or when all the people had gone to work or school at around 10AM. I Will experiment on steemauto’s scheduled post. I will write during the time I have the ideas then post at steemauto with my desired posting schedule.

Thanks for this blog it helps us to choose the right time to write.

Thanks for the tips. I just started on a daily writing habit. Hopefully, it can help improve my writing, both in quality and consistency. Coming up with a list of topics is also helping since its one less thing I have to think about.

Yeah that is a good mindset getting into a daily writing habit!!!

Very nice of you to already haev a list of topics with you so indeed that is less one thing to think about and have problems.

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Yeah, its thinking about topics that really take my time and sometimes even takes away my motivation. The freewrites here in Steemit are also helping cause it chooses the topics for me and helps me stick to the writing. Although, its still early days cause I'm only Day 5 into this habit. Wish me luck!

Hey @maverickinvictus,

You've written a clear and simple road map of tips others can use to create good posts consistently.

I write topics as they come to me with a couple sentences of the idea kernel too. And I usually choose the specific series I'll add it to. I find it helpful to write in series to cover topics I like to write about. That also helps with graphics, because each series has its own graphic, so I don't have to create a new one each time.

In terms of time, I always write better when I'm fresh, so usually I try to write soon after I wake up. If I don't, it just takes longer to finish.

When I'm really pushing out a LOT of writing like during NaNoWriMo or finishing up a book, I also do 25 minute writing sprints, rest for five, then go again. I have to try to remember to use sprints now for #ulogs. Forgot about trying it for that! ;)

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Thanks Angelacs!!

I hope it would be of some help to some people and that they get an idea that everyone struggles from time to time.

Ohhh I never really had a series. I wanted to do my freewrites before and make is as one cohesive story but I stopped on some of my freewrites but should take them again.

I usually write my first post in the morning as well and the 2nd one when I get home in the evening and I try to respond to some of the comments I get.

Ohhh I have not tried writing sprints as I often just continue writing until I finish a post.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

This is a really good idea! Especially your snacks haha Truthfully, I'm been trying, unsuccessfully, to post more consistently. With everything going on with Brian, it's difficult, but I like how you pick a time and stick with it. Perhaps that's the 'trick' I should use.

We completely understand how you need to be with Brian and the amount of curation and comments that you do will definitely eat away time for posting.

Maybe even if you have at least 1 post a day that should help a lot in increasing your Steem Power.

Yeah it did wonders when I decided to try to stick to a time to start. When it ends though is anyone's guess ahahhhahahaha

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

hahaha @maverickinvictus, it's a bit like starting a diet or an exercise routine....it's all perfect in the beginning, but as time goes on, well, you know the rest 😅

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