Are we getting more and more STUPID!? ...DEFENSE of 2 latest generations and the cloud storage
Haye everyone!
earlier today, I've read a post from @krakonos here on Steemit which got me thinking . And of course, why should I work on my massively behind the schedule Master thesis, when I can write something here on Steemit instead....sounds legit, so here I go:
Example situation
Several years ago, I remember my math teacher at high-school repeating over and over again how stupid we are and that we're not even learning half of the stuff they had to when she was younger. Poor lady...BUT! the fact is she's right. While my father, who never seen any math after left high school is completely familiar with e.g integrals and derivatives, I've had to take part in an advanced seminar for guys who plan to study IT to learn it. Currently, my little sis is taking the very same course for future IT students in the very same school - but there's no mention about integrals in their schedule. Does this validate a theory of the math teacher, that we're more stupid?Knowledge vs. Intelligence - they are not the same!
I honestly don't think so. To talk more about this, I feel we need to define what being stupid means. Is it a lack of knowledge or lack of IQ? There's a huge misunderstanding among people regarding answering this question. I think the correct answer is the option B - lacking IQ. Actually, I know it :DStupid person is not necessarily a person without knowledge..
When I compare myself with my father, there's no way in hell I could do better in "Who wants to be a millionaire" competition against him. But I don't feel I'm stupid compared to him. "Just gimme my computer with internet and I can go all day!" .
I hope we've already agreed on equation stupid = not intelligent, but what is actually the definition of intelligence? I've heard once a pretty cool one and I think it makes all the sense. Actually, I know it again.
Intelligence is a skill of being able to effectively solve complex problems.
Boom, I love that punchline...Also this definition closed the circle and brings me back to my request of computer and internet connection.
Millenials, Generation Z, evolution and the "cloud storage"
One undeniable strength of human race is being able to assimilate to the environment. Eskymos living near the poles have more body-fat to keep their body temperature up and Africans living near the equator have the black skin accustomed to the daily heat. Last 2 generations in first and second world countries live in the information boom. News, movies, podcasts, social media, youtube - all blasting information in our direction. It's impossible to process it all so evolution took control of the situation and made our brain's guard and filter much stronger.There's a huge cloud storage of knowledge called Internet and we know we can always go back there and find what we need. Carrying knowledge in our brains became obsolete. We tend to forget and we even tend to not even try to remember. But all this not because we are stupid but because we know, how and where to find these information much better than any other generation before. If there are some programmers here, I guess they'd agree that it's more effective to store a pointer to the array rather than array itself :)
Thanks for reading! Martin
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- Writing down notes after jiu-jitsu practice
- Don't work through injury, work around injury
Mother tongue version
Cavte vsetci!
hned na zaciatok otazka o niecom uplne inom: Vsimol som si, ze v tage #cesky nepouzivate botov. Aj ked mi koncept botov prijde uplne nechutny, viem ze ich budem aj nadalej pouzivat, pretoze chcem aby si ludia moje clanky precitali. Proste taka moznost existuje a nebudem ju silou mocou ignorovat. Chcel som sa spytat - nevadi, ze tym vpodstate spamujem trending page #cesky tagu? Mam tento tag prestat pouzivat? Alebo pripadne postovat cesku verziu separatne a bez upvotov od botov? Aky je na to Vas nazor, nechcem byt ten o ktorom si kazdy potichu mysli - "hm to je ten debil, co vkuse pouziva botov a cela trending page su len jeho posty". Dajte vediet! A teraz k clanku...
dnes doobeda som si precital post of @krakonos, ktory vo mne nastartoval prud myslienok. A samozrejme, preco by som mal pisat diplomovku, kde som mesiace pozadu za planom, ked mozem vysedavat na Steemite :):
Pamatam si, ako sa pred par rokmi ucitelka matiky na gympli dokol stazovala, vraj ze sme sprosti a to ona ked studovala, tak osnovy boli omnoho tazsie.Chudatko pani ucitelka...ALE! na druhej strane musim povedat, ze ma pravdu. Moj otec, ktory od gymnazia matematiku nevidel si pamata, ze na gympli robili derivacie aj integraly. Ja som sa musel prihlasit na pokrocily matematicky seminar pre buducich studentov informatiky, aby sme tieto veci prebrali. No a moja segra, momentalne maturujuca na tej istej skole je zapisana na ten isty pokrocily seminar - no o derivaciach a integraloch ani chyru ani slychu. Potvrdzuje to teda teoriu mojej ucitelky matematiky, ze dnesna generacia je jednoducho hlupejsia?Vedomosti vs. Inteligencia - dve odlisne veci!
Nemyslim si. Aby sme mohli pokracovat, treba definovat co znamena byt hlupy. Je to malo vedomosti alebo nizka inteligencia? Myslim si, ze spravna odpoved je B, nizka inteligencia. Popravde, nie nemyslim, viem to :DClovek s malo vedomostami nemusi byt vzdy hlupy clovek..
Ked sa porovnam s mojim otcom, viem, ze nie je najmensia sanca aby som ho porazil v Milionarovi. Ale zaroven sa necitim oproti nemu hlupy. "Dajte mi moj pocitac s pripojenim na internet a mozem hrat milionara cely den!" .
Dufam, ze sme sa uz zhodli na rovnici hlupost = nizka inteligencia...ale co je teda vlastne ta inteligencia? Raz som pocul super definiciu a myslim si, ze dava zmysel a je spravna. Popravde, nie nemyslim, znova to viem
Inteligencia je schopnost efektivne riesit komplexne a zlozite problemy a situacie.
Boom, zboznujem tu vetu, uplne kladivo!....Zaroven tato definicia uzavrela kruh a znova ma dostala ku mojej poziadavke na pocitac s pripojenim na internet.
Milleniali, Generacia Z, evolucia a the "ulozisko v oblakoch"
Jedna z nepochybnych silnych stranok ludstva je nasa schopnost prisposobit sa na prostredie. Eskymaci zijuci na severe maju viac podkozneho tuku, aby predislu podchladeniu a africania maju ciernu pokozku zvyknutu na obrovske horucavy. Posledne dve generacie zijuce v krajinach prveho a druheho sveta su denne pod tlakom explozie informacii. Noviny, filmy, podcasty, socialne siete, youtube - zovsadial sa valia cisla a fakty. Je nemozne ich vsetky spracovat a preto situaciu znova do ruk zobrala evolucia a zosilnila ochranu a filter nasho mozgu. A teraz sa jednoducho informacie dovnutra tak lahko nedostanu.Existuje obrovske ulozisko informacii nazyvane internet a dnesna generacia vie, ze tam moze kedykolvek nakuknut a najst co potrebuje. Nosenie informacii neustale so sebou v hlave sa stalo zastarale. Zabudame a niekedy sa dokonca ani nesnazime si veci zapamatat. Ale to nie preto, lebo sme hlupi, ale preto, ze vieme kde a ako najst tieto informacie omnoho rychlejsie ako ktorakolvek generacie pred nami. Ak toto citaju aj nejaky programatori, myslim ze budu suhlasit, ze je efektivnejsie mat jednoduchy ulozeny pointer na pole, ako to dane pole samotne :)
Co se týká botů, osobně je mi to také jedno. Také sleduji new, nikoliv trending.
K článku:
Máš pravdu, že starší generaci se lecos pamatuje. Ovšem naučit se s nynější technikou je pro ně problém. Stejně tak pro dnešní mladou generaci, bude problém se s něčím naučit zacházet za 50 let v budoucnosti.
No ja dufam, ze budem super dedko co bude v technologii drzat s vnukmi krok :D
Interesting article. better for you to have learned integrals and derivatives, as for me i can't even remember how i was able to pass it. One thing i know is that i wasn't able to make sense of it then nor will I be able to make sense of it now.
Thank you for such a great post.
Yes. Having knowledge like you mentioned is what's best. We can look up facts and figures all day, but having the knowledge of practical skills, like how to do complex math, or understanding how computers work is the knowledge that will help people now, but it is hard to learn, and many people choose not to learn it.
Interesting way of looking at the current information and knowledge situation at present. I have always leant towards the notion that we are, on average and in some ways, not all, getting dumber because we are relying more and more on technology to do the thinking for us. Throughout history past generations could work many things out in their head or using technology of the day, paper, that today's generations would struggle with, yet with the aid of modern technology today's generations can work out much more and much faster than generations passed. So I don't think it is all black and white, it's all relative. Today we have great abilities with the aid of technology, for example, I would look like an uneducated buffoon were it not for spell-check to fix all the errors when writing this comment (apart from 'leant'...). But at the same time it is our Achilles heel, what would happen if our access to technology was cut off? How long would it take us to relearn what took our forefathers centuries to master? How smart would we be without Google? Of course I think we would adapt but we seem to adapt faster to methods that make our lives easier, rather than reverting to a more difficult way.
Hahh I'd be fucked without Google for sure :D It's a valid and very good point that tech dependency is our achilles...but I still don't feel dumber dumber than any of those walking encyclopedia people :D
Já treding skoro nepoužívám, "jedu" new nebo feed. Takže mě to nevadí. Ale asi jsi si všiml, že se tu řešilo neco podobné. Z výše uvedených důvodů, mě to nevadilo ani před tím.... ;-)
Ale asi jsi si všiml, že se tu řešilo neco podobné - co myslis tymto? kde sa nieco take riesilo? Som tu len par tyzdnov, mozno som nieco prehliadol :)
Jsem příliš líný, abych si spočítal, který bot se v ten který okamžik vyplatí. Proto je téměř nepoužívám.
Hmm ok, tak si dam asi pri #cesky tagu pozor...a budem sem postovat len posty bez botov. Vpodstate to v cesky tagu aj tak nema zmysel, kedze uloha bota je dostat ta na oci a v #cesky nieje az taka velka "tlacenica"... Ja som aj tusil, ze to tu ludia asi nemaju radi...tiez by som nemal..vlastne ani nemam..
Sám jsem ještě včer experimentoval s boty. Neoslnilo mě to. Ekonimcky je to nula od nuly.
Taky jsem začal s boty experimentovat, asi poslední dva posty,ale protože se musím spoléhat na google překladač,tak to mám někdy jako sázku do loterie. Buď to vyjde,nebo ne. :D A taky nemám dost SBD abych "to rozjel ve velkém". Tak uvidíme.
Zkouším boty s minimálním vkladem max. do 1SBD, ale většinou okolo 0,1 - 0,5.
Projíždím si tu stránku se statistikami botů,ale někdy jsem z toho zmatený a nevím jak to počítají. Včera tam jeden steemiťan na jednom botu byl sám a v kolonce "last round". Poslal mu 0,2Sbd a měl tam vypsanou odměnu 89$ (nebo SBD, už nevím) ,ale když jsem se podíval na ten jeho post,tak hlas od bota tam měl. Jenže celková hodnota odměn tam byla jen kolem 4 dolarů. Tak nevím, jak to mám chápat.
Ahoj, ty si muz? :D ja som myslel ze zena..podla mena :D
Aku stranku so statistikami? ? No to co popisujes fakt nedava zmysel, tie prepocty na steembottrackeri ale nie vzdy sedia....aspon to som si vsimol pocas mojej kratkej existencie na steemite.
:D Jirka je mužské jméno,ne? Orlová - není příjmení ..... :D ....... Jinak, ano to je ta stránka... ;-)
No vlastne nieje :D Ale tak pre Slovaka meno Jirka budi trochu zensky dojem. Asi tym, ze konci na "A" a to je vecsinou typicke pre zeny. + existuje Jarka (skratena Jaromira..alebo Jaroslava? ani neviem :D)...
I feel as if the internet in general is a lot different from what it used to be circa 30 years ago, quite "dumbed down" as they would say. Luke Smith did a good video on the internet for bugmen called "Where the Internet Failed, Bugmen Arose", which is a segment from his guest appearance on a podcast, where he talks about decentralization, etc. You should give it a watch.
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Knowledge of math is greatly aided by iq owned by students, slow in calculation does not mean the student is stupid, but he must seriously practice, diligently dilatig in various kinds will remove students from the existing blessings, thank you
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ale nesouhlas stím že dnes máš informace dostupné ... a tohle bude na další post :) dík
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