"If God gives you the tests, he will also give you the exits."

in #blog6 years ago

How many times have we been in difficult times and complicated situations, at times they seem to have no way out, and it is precisely at that moment that we ask God and more than anyone else to help us solve all kinds of situations that come our way, truly It is in those moments where we are closest to him and he is always there to help us.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own prudence. Acknowledge him in all your ways and he will make your paths straight. "Proverbs 3: 5,6

Without a doubt, when we cling to our Lord, things flow in a fantastic way and there are no problems that can not be solved, but why do we remember more of God in difficult times? Certainly when we walk without problems, anxieties, fears, few of us are grateful to be in such a good time, right? Then because we get away from him and only approach at certain times.

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing. "... John 15: 5

We must rely on God at all times, this is where in the book of Jeremiah 33: 3 it says; "Cry out to me, and I will answer you and reveal to you great and inaccessible things that you do not know". And if in truth we are clinging to our Lord, why move away in the best moments that we are going through?¿ And not to stay in it all the time? Difficult things and stormy moments are presented to us many times in life and if it were not so, it was not life, they are simply proofs of life that our God gives us, this is my way of thinking, my opinion.

Many times we make mistakes in life and make mistakes like every human being, however in certain circumstances facts may arise, from my point of view and my way of thinking, which are like tests that God puts us to prove ourselves, and see if in reality we are entrenched in it, there are truly difficult moments and we come to think that even impossible, however for our God nothing is impossible. We must not turn away from our Lord at any time, we must always be clear that we have a God who can do everything, to the difficulties and problems of life we must face them at the hand of God, his glory is infinite and we must remain in the whole moment.

Many times we even deny God, and he because he is passing us those difficulties, and we come to think that they are punishments that he imposes on us, and that is where we forget that the tests he imposes on us so that we learn a lesson, and why not to take us from lesson of how much we have learned. How many times have we believed that we know all or that we are relatively good or that we simply have certain areas under control, and that is where we are presented facts to test if we really walk on their side. God will always bring proofs into our lives so we can learn the lessons he wants us to learn. See you in the next post and as always I wish that my almighty God keep blessing me.

"Put all your worries and anxieties in the hands of God, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5: 7

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