Things are about to get really, really, weird......Information war....part 1

in #blog6 years ago

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Information war, part 1

I really don't have a clue how to write about this.....So I'll just start, and 'wing it', from'll be going off in all directions..

It covers a lot of ground.
From personal experiences, and some 'strange occurrences' (that I can now only draw upon, in retrospect) in my life, ones I've never really connected together.
Before now.

No, I'm not even seeing a picture, truth be told - I'm seeing parts of pictures that might just offer glimpses into something that might merit a much deeper examination....
There are a million different avenues to explore, and all connected, seemingly disconnected, and downright zany, and yet fit together, disturbingly..

If this sounds crazy to you?
How do you think I friggin' feel?
(just call me David Icke, I get it now!)

If these posts turn into the expanded version of 'encyclopedia Britannica', so be it... but I hope that 2 or 3 (or 4) posts will at least 'assemble the bones', if nothing more.
I don't pretend that it will put much flesh on them...and might throw out way more questions than it does answers.
In fact I already have some questions to throw out there, to you , that raise some very uncomfortable possibilities...

The areas this covers is immense.
From biblical writings, to the current criminal cabal of the CPS ('child protection'), child trafficking, new world order, big pharma get the picture...

Some paranoid rants first...

...maybe...I was reticent about even posting this at first...

Last week, my girlfriend ended up with night in the cells, for something not really concerning her ( I wrote a post on it), and while annoying and expensive, it was also kinda funny.

Last night, my online money transfer company from my business, are 'changing their systems', and until that is completed (4 weeks - or so they say), my money transfers into my bank account are unable to be processed...No notice, nothing.
Last week everything was fine.

This is not so funny.

I'd had some major headaches, 8 months or so ago, regarding payments etc. - but since then, no problems.
Until last night, that is..
Now we are back in the same place. Bollocks.
(.....this is a serious, serious, pain in the arse... Diet time again!).
Strangely, the company I use has not responded to my inquiries - which they normally do, and with some haste...mmmmm....

I really don't think it's connected at all, just to be clear...but I'm putting it on the blockchain, anyway...just a niggling feeling...

Ok, a timeline - Three days before the incident with my girlfriend, I started to research into something online. Places and pages I haven't been on before...(nothing dodgy or anything like that , in the normal sense of the word).

As Voltaire said , "To find out who rules over you, just surf the web and see who tries to stop you connecting dots"... or something.

OR am I just being paranoid?....
Time will tell, I guess...
I 'm very relaxed, objective, and philosophical, in my paranoia, so no probs! lol.

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It all started when I came up with some thoughts about 'the 4%,' and if there were any other correlations that we'd been missing, concerning these 'types of people'.
(I'll put the conglomeration of the 4% or 5% of personality types loosely under the one title of 'sociopaths).
It was the post I did concerning David Icke , that got me thinking...
He looks at things from the 'archon', 'bloodlines', 'matrix', 'computer simulation', type of thing, and I expressed in my post at the time, that my leanings of any explanation, were more towards the biological infestation of the sociopaths in hierarchical structures, and ones that could easily explain the reasons of the worlds problems today.

Then I started thinking about 'what other factors were there, if any'?
Ones that were possibly telling a story that no one had read..
What other factors, one's not so obvious - and ones not discussed too much, that might potentially, also be a reason for the shite we find ourselves in today.

Scientific reasons.
As much as the good old 'good versus evil' spiritual battle going on has some merit, you know, the fight between the nephilim of old and humans, kind of thing - with an angel or devil or two thrown in.
The 'religious' stories fit quite nicely and integrates smoothly into the 'Icke paradigm' - all it needs is a little altering of perspectives from religious to scientific.

But 'worldly old me', kept looking for other things - worldly things - that would satisfy both the 'esoteric', the religious paradigm's and the very worldly, practical ones...
(My knowledge on religion is woefully lacking, btw).

.... in Genesis 6:4 "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men, who were of old, men of renown."

Apparently, The Nephilim were hybrid children of fallen angels who had bred with human women.
Non-religious people can see the writings of the Bible , as an early incursion of possible alien races, who then bred with human women and created a hybrid race.

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Then we have the Darwinian perspective of course. Where all things are a genetic reproduction, and with environments altering the genetic information which is then passed through generations, in the process called evolution.
And that makes a logical sense, to some degree.
But it also leaves lot's of unanswered questions that science can't seem to find good reasons for - illogical anomalies, that make the very theories of evolution, illogical. .

Just one example, one argument...

by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.
Evolution Is Not Happening Now.
First of all, the lack of a case for evolution is clear from the fact that no one has ever seen it happen. If it were a real process, evolution should still be occurring, and there should be many "transitional" forms that we could observe. What we see instead, of course, is an array of distinct "kinds" of plants and animals with many varieties within each kind, but with very clear and -- apparently -- unbridgeable gaps between the kinds
....but the fact is that the billions of known fossils do not include a single unequivocal transitional form with transitional structures in the process of evolving.

Scientific method cannot answer it's own scientific hypothesis....(not even with fruit fly's).

I find the weakness in the scientific argument a little worrying....
I find the un-proveable theological arguments, equally worrying...

I find the 'intervention of biology' from somewhere else, much less worrying- and much more probable- than either of the above.
As a model, yes - but not it's possible consequences. For they seem to be precisely the same...
(it also satisfies the theological viewpoint - by 'story crossovers' of science and history - into belief systems in religion).

One of these anomalies that is unanswered in the schools of 'the evolutionary', is the 'rhesus negative' blood type....

It has no relation to primates.
It is not a product of genetic evolution.
'Mutation theories' have been put forward, that they are biological in nature - evolutionary anomalies , but they do not fit really into 'the evolutionary' argument.
For example,
One hypothesis is that due to the difference in CO2 air composition in the higher latitudes to where humans migrated from (i.e. Africa, where the RH- blood type is almost non existent, except in very tiny pockets), that the blood mutation was beneficial in some way.
A much higher density of RH- does appear in higher latitudes in Europe - but hardly any at all in the Asian higher latitudes, and so is not consistent with the theory.
Even in Europe - Spain and Southern France have a much higher concentration of RH - than say Finns, Swedes and Norwegians.
(he middle east, and Jewish populations also has higher than average than some northern European countries..).
The logical argument trips over itself, when comparing actual geographic concentrations.
It does not support the migration/mutation theory.

This argument actually supports the 'biological intervention from elsewhere', paradigm, rather than lessen it, more than anything...
IF this rabbit hole that I've now found myself going down, one I've discovered, uncovered - put together , has any basis in hidden has far reaching implications..

Sounds totally crazy, right?
That's what I thought... until I kept digging...and digging....and digging...Pesky holes.
Pesky holes that seem to be separate and independent, but are rather a series of large warrens very closely intertwined and connected.
From a long time ago, right up until present day...

Enjoy the ride.
(If I'm still around to keep posting of course! lol)
...because it's either a really weird and wild ride into reality, or it's an entertaining fiction that is quite astoundingly mixed up with fact, after fact, after decide...

Even if this sounds like total nonsense, the fact is that intelligence agencies of the world, believe that the Nephilim existed. Believe it seriously.

These people believe remnants of the Nephilim race can be found in the Rh negative human population.

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Health records alone are a means of keeping track of individuals. Almost everyone has, at some point had blood taken and classified.
What is disconcerting is that this is shared with insurance companies, governments, and any other agency that want's them essentially.
Every time you visit the ER, or have a baby, or get a vaccine, you are updating....
In the age of digitization, if a powerful entity wants your blood type, and locations - it's not too difficult at all...

part 2

....And so to statistics, personal experiences.... and the scientists who discovered the secret of the blood types, and the Rockefeller foundation....(are you really surprised?)


suppose it's not a binary solution set?
suppose there's something else other than supernatural (god/devil) and science?
what could it be?
that's the question isn't it?
fifty shades of grey?

fifty shades of grey?

I don't think sexual sado masochistic, sub dom tendencies, are part of the big picture, to be honest... said.
have you changed your mind?

just kidding. Although 'powerful men' tend to attract a bunchaton of beautiful wimmen. I'm sure it's just a platonic relationship, wot?

However... There Are More Things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, Than Are Dreamt of in Our Philosophy.

I only managed to read half way for now, cooking dinner and all, though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OR am I just being paranoid?....

Nope, and I tell you why, what does steemit, my email address that I made in Thailand years ago (hotmail) have in common with booking dot com?

When I was posting on my now defunct deliberator account, I made a post and mentioned Jomtien, Pattaya and Bangkok.

The only places I have been for 5 years (booked) on bookingdotcom, have been here where I live now, and the only adverts they send me are for here. After I made that post on here, within 15 minutes, they were telling me there were some great deals to Thailand, Pattaya, jomtien or Bangkok via email on hotmail, it got wierder when 5 minutes later someone I had never met in my life calling herself jeniffer, asked me via email if I live in Lublin, which is not far from where I now live, I had mentioned Lublin in a post 1 week before. Figure that out bro.


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