Rothschild Zionism.....

in #blog7 years ago


Anyone offering up antisemitism as being the same as antizionist are a big part of the problem we face today, in finding the truth
They are part of a large social community network known as.... 'the useful idiot society'. (TUIS)

Their level of ignorance is such, that most of them don't even know they are in the TUIS.

I would recommend people to read get a grasp of what is really going on in the modern world of politics finance, and world domination...

Global banking = ....COMMUNISM.

When is a conspiracy theory not a conspiracy theory?

Maybe when the numbers of coincidences and the weight of evidence begins to suffocate you...


Below is a very small excerpt from the website I linked to above....

I have set out here to reveal the true face of Zionism - the House of Rothschild and its networks - and how its agents in Big Government, Big Banking, Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Biotech, Big Media and so on, are working as one unit to impose a global Orwellian dictatorship on the human population - including the mass of Jewish people.

Zionism is a subject that all but a few are either too ignorant or too frightened to tackle and expose, but it must be made public and the web dismantled if global tyranny is to be avoided in the very near future. In fact, it's not even about the 'future'; the tyranny is already here and it is just a case of how deeply we are going to allow ourselves to be enslaved by it.

The Rothschilds have spent a century hiding the true and ever-gathering extent of their global control and that veil must be lifted for the mass of the people to see. I should also stress that when I say 'Rothschild', I don't only mean those called 'Rothschild', nor even all of the people who are known by that name.

There are many in the Rothschild family and its offshoots who have no idea what the hierarchy is doing and there are many 'Rothschilds' who don't carry the name itself.

When I say 'Rothschild', I am referring to the Rothschild bloodline because, as I have detailed in my books, they have long had breeding programmes that produce offspring that are brought up under other names.

So when these people come to power, they carry the Rothschild genetics and answer to their control system, but they are not officially called 'Rothschild', and in this way the scale of the Rothschild infiltration of government, finance and so on remains hidden behind an army of offspring known by different names.

It is time to put the Rothschilds on public display because that's the last place they want to be.

statistics graph...


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Our Purpose


Many thanks for this brilliant series.

For 18 months on Steemit I've been blaming everything from WW2 and the CIA to 911 and donald chump on the zionists.

Next time someone calls me an antisemitist I'm just going to send them to your blog.

😂😂 Thank you very much matey... and you're welcome to.

Still have a few things to write yet..........

I disagree with the conflation of Zionism with Globalism, when the Rothchilds ( Who I would assert are tools of the Vatican) bankrolled American hegemony were they pushing "Americanism" when they bankrolled Britain was it because of "britishism". If they were really Zionists (which means believing in a jewish homeland including Mount Zion) would they have allowed %78 of the land promised them to be split off and given to King Hussien, would they then have allowed another %5 chunk to separated right out of the middle of Zion?
Yes the US gave them money they also gave their worst enemy money and coerced the Israelis into letting their worst enemy, PLO/Fatah, take control of the territory right in the the middle of their country.
Oh but they made them promise to be good so its OK, its not like they reneged on their promise and launched wave after wave of terrorist attacks.
With friends like the Americans who needs enemies?
I also don't think that Global Banking = Communism
rather I would say Global Banking= Communism+Islam+Vaticanism+any other culture that enslaves its participants.

It requires care to parse language at times, particularly when hidden things are spoke of.

While if you go ask your local Baptist preacher, he'll tell you zionism is about the holy land, neither I nor many others reckon the political machine that has sprung up from such roots is limited to that effort.

The Rothschilds are clearly from the zionist ilk, and just as clearly have deep roots in international finance.

From where I sit it is difficult to spy much difference between any of the groups with significant usurious interest in global finance (which pretty much eliminates Muslims) you have named. It may well be that the Vatican bank is ultimately most puissant of their ilk, or it could be the City of London, or DC.

I couldn't tell you and I don't care.

They're peas in a pod, and doing us dirty.

I reckon we can agree on that.

Absolutely I agree to that, but what I can't agree with is a premise that

  1. The Rothschilds wield enormous power that can raise or raze a country
  2. And they're Pro-Israel.[their changed to they're thanks to @stegep99 who is a grammar na..... something or other]
    yet somehow can't manage to give the Israelis a country without their enemies occupying the middle of the country.
    Either 1 or 2 is true I have no problem with 1 but I find 2 laughable, if this global conspiracy that controls the finances of the world were really pro-israel their enemies wouldn't have received so much financial support, and I'm not talking about zakat but support(more money than the Marshall Plan) from the financial powerhouses like the USA.
    Next thing your going to tell me is that George Soros is part of the Black power movement and their plan to take over the world because he gave money to BLM.
    Bankers are nobody's friends whatever their ethnicity. So why call it Zionism? If these people were really Zionists Israel would be free,
    From the Jordan to the Sea.

Well, I din't name busses either, but it's the word folks use.

"Next thing your going to tell me is that George Soros is part of the Black power movement and their plan to take over the world because he gave money to BLM."

Not me. I reckon he's using BLM just as zionists are using Israel--as a goad to drive their victims into the defensive corrals they want them in.

Israel is being used as exactly that, in a Hegelian Dialectic manouver to continually grant more power to the financially connected, as is the USA. Zionism is essentially a pretty racist and segregationist force, yet one of it's primary weapons has been multiculturalism, which is destabilizing Europe and the US.

Both carcasses can be picked over and their people enslaved if they collapse, and the carcass pickers I reckon are the zionists. Zion, for them, isn't really a mountain in Palestine, but world domination, IMHO.

Which is a good reason to name them properly, Globalist Bankers, and who do they work for?

No matter what you call them, they are most decidedly in it for themselves.

And no one else.

Well done for this, there can never be enough info getting around and I feel the more the small timers get their pieces out into the ethos every little bit slowly takes away from the MSM and the like who are dictating how society should behave.
The issue with this is something I have personally faced, as an ex-jehovahs witness, I grew up in a horrible cult herd mentality with no sign of escape, once out though, I felt so sad for those still in it as they are, and still are to this day, wasting their precious lives in a stupid brainwashing cult. Yes there were upper echelons that took the whole weight of my blame, but slowly over time I realised those who are still in it deserve to be so. They thrive in such disgusting environments and pander to it and promote it at all costs. Yea, chicken or the egg I know, but Hand on my heart, Im yet to meet a jew who I like, Im yet to meet a sane jew who doesnt want utter segregation over anything else, and Im yet to meet a sane person who is willing to call it how it is. As bad as zionism is, judaism is the fuel to the fire, they are brainwashed, they are a race of people racist towards all others, they hate us, they hate gentiles, they do not race mix with any of us. Yet they happily degrade us, tell us to water down our heritige or lest ye be racist, and worse than all that combined, they literaly own the banks, media, education, big pharma. My god I could go on. As hard as it is to draw a hell of a correlating line between zio’s and jews. They are one in the same and work together to segregate the rest of us.


If you want proof of this, I need only recommend a book, “Culture of Critique” it is truly an all encompassing book on how such a religious think tank can be so far reaching, so driven and so organised.

If you dont believe me start googling any big company, and media group, any bank, literally all have one or two jews at the top or are highly populated with jews all the way through.

Also beware of the crypto-jew. The ones who claim to be atheist, while still practicing their faith behind closed doors. They know what game they are playing, they have been playing for much longer than we have. And as it stands they are winning.

If you dont believe me start googling any big company, and media group, any bank, literally all have one or two jews at the top or are highly populated with jews all the way through.

this is what my last few days of post have been about.

Also beware of the crypto-jew. that a new currency I haven't heard about?

Well, sad to say I hadnt been keeping up with every blog post you make, this one merely caught my eye. Neither my fault or problem.

And if you dont know or have never heard the term “crypto-jew” then maybe you shouldnt dive in head first on a subject that you clearly are not very well versed in. Pretty basic terminology that has been around for quite some time now.

“crypto-jew” - you have zero sense of humor do you? lol.

hint -consider what type of platform we are on

(Interesting fact - lack of wit is often associated with low IQ...)

God you are pathetic. No the humor wasnt lost on me, your just a prick who assumes an aweful lot, and its just simply not a laughing matter. But thats ok, you are the one making up all the bullshit like “ interesting fact, lack of wit is often associated with low-iq” or “dont blame the jews blame an even smaller minority with even less chance of being the actual culprits, and if you blame any one else or disagree with me ... ill fragment every word you type and call you an idiot!” You are so pathetic you scape-goat the jewish problem onto a whimsical few, when the jews are genocidally murdering palestinians, furthering the greater state of israel, funding everything wrong with the world and here you sit, defending an abhorrent group of evil people. You are probably a flat-erfer, mandela effect toting wanker.

Are you always so repsectful and polite? lol

are the one making up all the bullshit like “ interesting fact, lack of wit is often associated with low-iq

....research - it's a fact! - you fucking idiot!

On the upside - you made into my latest post - you are that special, you see?

Feel free to comment. Please comment. Please comment a lot.

Was @stegep88 already taken?

No, if you are referring to 88 as the white nationalist number or whatever it does mean, then congratulations you and your boyfriend can take the cake on presumptuous arse holes.

He told you he was my boyfriend ? He hasn't even bought me chocolates!
What kind of people have you met that you do like?
If Jews don't mix race why every time I turn around do I stumble over a half-jew?

To understand the links between Rothschild and Zionism, one simply has to look at the Balfour Declaration. The Rothschilds are also linked to the creation of almost all the major central banks in Europe.

Rothchild and zionism - are one of the same, imo.

mmmm, really yes.

Ha, a last name is a noun and a word ending with the suffix -ism denotes somebody in a state or condition. Yes these are one in the same.
Mr. Grammar nazi is just so clever guys!

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