In praise of corruption....questioning a perspective..
A intellectual meandering....
“...would you sleep with me for 1 million dollars? ” He said.
“...yes I would,” She said.
“..would you sleep with me for 1 dollar..” He said.
“..No, I would not! I'm not a whore..” She said.
“...We have already established that you are, madam, now we just negotiating the price...”, He said.
We all know that little conversational tit bit (real or not, and by whom is not important).
What is important is the principle that's examined.
Rather than seeing corruption as the result of immoral people, why do we not see it as something else?
Independent of human motivation, and more of a force- like gravity- it take's on a much more useful role...
We are all whores, and we are all corruptible. If you are unable to conceive of this possibility you do not know yourself.
This is being human, and that is what we are.
Morals and societal values come after being human first.
Corruption shows the difference's between lofty principles and concept's - and the reality of the world inhabited by people.
People are not principles, they are flesh and blood.
Is all corruption bad? - No. It is an opportunity.
It offers a fantastic opportunity for self examination, and a deeper understanding of ones self.
Trial by fire is far more robust - and accurate - a tool, than theoretical discussions to self realization.
Corruption act's as societal barometer in many ways - It's an organic, dynamic system that continually acts as a check's and balances within a societal framework.
And it is a very good one.
The last 50 years or so has shown us just how good a tool it is.
See it as a measurement of social cohesion - as a tool, and without emotion, it can be an 'empirical' assessment of society.
When we are use it in an emotional framework, and concentrate on the moral outrage - we undervalue the use of it.
The moralizing becomes a distraction.
If we are all corrupt, moralizing corruption is pointless. Understanding it, isn't.
Focusing on the result of corruption, is cheap.
Looking at the journey, and not he destination, can offer insights.
Corruption is an indicator .
Corruption is a 'price discovery' mechanism for societies success (or failure), and it's cohesion.
One great aspect to corruption. The more it used, the louder it becomes. It will not be ignored.
The current levels of corruption today only shows us how this barometer works, and seems to be impervious to peoples wishes.
It will have it's voice.
It doesn't stay quiet just because some people want it to be quiet.
Corruption is when the reality it's the tarmac.
Corruption is free of morals. Corruption is pragmatism.
'It' is reality, and 'it' cares not for smart theoretical economic principles or hyper intellectualized political theory.
Corruption is the acid test of intellectual political and economic theory, in fact - and their use in the real world.
While any principles may appear perfect, and a solution to the worlds woes , corruption is the hydrochloric acid that burns right through any concepts without fear or favor.
It has no respect for any concepts.
Without corruption, where would be today?
some people claim to have morals
others claim to have ethics.
not the same thing.
...but they are all 'compromisable' (is that a word?), to some extent..
if your ethics can be compromised then you have the wrong ethics.
... an example of 2 or 3 ethical principles you would never compromise..?
I'll protect my family as best I can.
I'll never lie to my wife.
or my son.
obviously this is a silly example - but an extreme situation to prove the point...
"I will give you million dollars if you come have a whiskey and cigar with me. You have to tell your wife you were on your own - or something equally silly - but you see my point...?
It's always by degree...
I see your point..but I wouldn't do it.
somethings are a constant...
either you trust those inside your monkeysphere....
or it all falls apart..
I have always been unflinchingly honest when it comes to money. Other things I seem to be able to slip a bit.
Don't you think some greasing of the wheels, particularly that free of politics and outside the law, actually is not honest corruption. It is that sort of "corruption" which can be good for society.
Money corrupts all. It is very rare to find anyone who can not be bought. Very rare. It seems even more strange to me that humans function this way at all because it should not be an animal instinct instilled in us to survive. Money and wealth there for has to be a learned trait that somehow overpowers our base instincts many time. It is like those BS posts on facebook "would you stay in this crapy house for a month with no internet for 1 million dollars?" I am like " yeah, that is what we would call my childhood. " I think you owe me about 16 years and 11 months intrest on overstaying the bet. People will do anything for money.
If anyone has a haunted house for me to do stay in, for a million dollars, I'll go get packing!
Change 'money' for 'resources', and you have your answer.
It is very human to acquire resources. That is a survival instinct.
I could see that. I always associated resources with food, clothing, stuff like that but i guess the source of the resources would qualify as a resource in its self
In that situation, I'd like to think I would wait until the £1,000,000+ hit my bank then disappear. I'd rather be a thief than betray my husband ;) do smart contracts work?
Very interesting take on this subject. Thanks!