Are you Insured, or just scared?
What is insurance?
The basic premise of any insurance policy is essentially the same.
You pay your money to a company, to insure a item, or person.(health, car, house etc.)
In the event of some negative occurrence, with respect to the item insured, your company – the insurers – reimburse you for any financial loss.
Simple, right?
Peace of mind, right?
Or is insurance something way darker, and way and way more insidious than just monthly payments?
If you think about it, what are you actually doing, when you hand over your hard earned cash each month?
You are giving your hard earned money - your wealth - to someone - for something that may, or may not happen, in the future.
This only makes any logical sense if you have a fear of something bad happening times to come.
And this is the insidious nature of insurance.
It grinds the population down, one policy at a time, to have a fear of the future.
You would be truly crazy to give your money away freely, and not expect anything back at some point, right?
You would only expect something back if you knew something bad was going to happen. Right?
Legislation (government control) stipulates certain types of insurance.
This isn't for any other reason, other than transfer of wealth - through legislation.
Theft is another word for it.
Insurance companies have to pay out less, than they receive, to work as a company.
Some one HAS to lose their wealth, somewhere, in the equation.
The argument for insurance is a persuasive if one, but only if you are using fear of the future as a selling point.
Now try to think of selling insurance WITHOUT that concept, without a paradigm of something bad not happening?
Try to come up with a convincing argument for insurance, NOT using fear of the future....
Not quite so easy.
If people look forward to the future without any fear, there isn't as much room for the insurance companies.
It's all about instilling fear, not the insurance policy.
Instilling fear is about your own personal freedom, or ease of your own enslavement.
This is so true. In Maryland I am legally bound to have car insurance. In Tennessee I was not, it's a free market. Guess which state costs 5X more?
Yup - Legalized theft.
The services you actually receive in the "Free State" are horrific compared to States like Jersey or Pennsylvania. It's like after they rob you, they do not even run away but stay around to beat you some more....
ain't that the truth!
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