Sexual Rejection: Why It Bothers Me A Lot!

Every human needs a release right? Every men in this world are proactive in terms of orgasm and so the ladies for sure. It just so happen that women are not vulgar in expressing their thoughts when it comes to "sex" talks. Although there are some who are very open to express their self either in their partners, relatives or friends but do you guys have any ideas how we feel when we are being "rejected?" Makes you wonder huh?
Ladies are popularly known as a “sensitive flower” since we are not as active as men. We have to wait the feeling of intimacy to be there and not just to get there. It is very difficult for us to reach the orgasm so we need your patience and cooperation to meet the happy ending because if not, our moods will blow off away. Unlike men, every now and then you feel the chill and the need to release. It’s easier for them to do it. With or without a partner, you can be successful.
So what happens when you reject us on the moment we feel we need a release? The following are based on my personal experience and some ideas are from what I read about.
Mood Shift. From that very moment you rejected us, mood will shift from being horny to grumpy. There is a burning feeling inside, a feeling of bitterness and dissatisfaction. The heart beats faster, it feels pain as a cause of disappointment. Negative thoughts starts to linger in the mind, asking why and how to be satisfied.
Behavioral changes. From being sweet and thoughtful, we became passive-aggressive. Tantrum is the best example and most of the women who experienced this can relate to me. We become more difficult to deal with, you keep asking like “what’s the problem?” and we respond “nothing” but the truth behind those lines is that there is really something freaky wrong dude. We can’t just tell it straight because it’s so unusual for us to act like we’re so freaking sexually needy. How about learning our hints guys? We also have needs dude so you better think of our needs too!
Sensitive. The next intercourse you might have may become a little reluctant since we avoid to be rejected again. So this time we play like a “hard to get” to build up our confidence. We observed too why there is a sudden changes in your sexual habits so you better be good in doing excuses.
Self-Pity. Yah right, that’s true. We girls are so good in concluding of things. A lot of why’s for sure are lining up on their mind ad these are the possible questions:
• Am I ugly?
• Am I not attractive anymore?
• Am I not a good performer?
• Am I not desirable at all?
• Does he don’t like/want me anymore?
• Does he like someone?
• Is he cheating on me?
• Does he still love me?
It lowers our Self-esteem. Being rejected is like being unwanted. When our love one keeps on rejecting us, we kept on thinking that there is something wrong with us. Sometimes, we lose valuing ourselves as we keep trying to value our partners more. And as time goes on, we ended up of being empty and alone.
Idea of Cheating. Sex is an emotional need and if we are lack of emotional connection, the idea of being cheated might take place. You might notice that upon diverting your attention to other things, you’re already entertaining attention from others. You begin to interact with them more through chat, phone calls or emails and this is not a very good sign.
Grudges. As rejections continue appear in the relationship, one will hold grudges and this is not healthy in relationship. If this can’t be fix, it will damage the relationship and revenge will always be the key.
So to all dudes out there, make time even though you’re tired. Make effort even if you’re not in the mood. It’s not always about you guys, think the needs of your woman. They have passion and desires too. Know their wants and the time of their needs. Feel them and be into them. It’s not always a perfect timing to them but when they do, be there physically and emotionally!