I just tweeted two words to the President!

in #blog7 years ago

His most recent tweet was "I will be meeting with Henry Kissinger at 1:45pm. Will be discussing North Korea, China and the Middle East."

The movie "Trading Places" fictionally described the antics of Nathan Mayer Rothschild after the battle of Waterloo. "Sell, Mortimer, sell!"

Also, I'm done with Firefox, it's too slow and writing too much to disk. Guess I'm moving back to Chrome, so Google can spy on me...


And disinfectant :)


Clever tweet! I can think of a few other Noble Peace Prize winners that this would apply to. The corporations have us trapped like rats in a maze... we are lucky to have Steemit and the other decentralized applications that are coming to a blockchain near you!

I haven't seen "Trading Places" yet . How is it ?

EXCELLENT! A must-see. Eddie Murphy is hilarious, as is Dan Aykroyd. Great supporting cast as well. The basic idea is a bet between two wealthy elites, to see if they swap places of a bum (Murphy) and one of their employees (Aykroyd), whether it's "nature or nurture" that makes people successful?

It was produced by Aaron Russo, who later did "America: Freedom to Fascism" and died suspiciously soon thereafter. He mentioned having befriended a Rockefeller, who had told him prior to 9/11 that there was going to be a "big event soon" (and he was referring to 9/11). He dropped that friendship, which may have led to his most-likely-less-than-timely demise.

Rockefeller and Rothschild , their net worth is around 2-4 Trillion . It's a shame that few people control so much wealth . No wonder they manage to get away after doing such hideous crimes .

Talk about a brave move haha!

Right on about Kissinger! Just for that, I have to upvote.

Anyway, I'm using Firefox as well, it's getting laggy for some reason but not sure if it's better to use Chrome just so Google can spy on me. That's a difficult situation. Wonder if we can make a browser that's just barebones...

I've read that Pale Moon worked well for someone; haven't tried it.

This new $4k laptop with a 4K screen (I like that duality :) ) is bogging down; opening a new tab in Firefox, or even, reloading a tab that I already had open, takes five to ten seconds. That's unacceptable, when Chrome takes less than a second!

And, I've started moving "a window at a time" over to Chrome (a bunch of Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+L Ctrl+C Ctrl+W, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+T Ctrl+V; repeat until all the tabs in the Firefox window have been closed) -- and Firefox is still behaving slowly! So, looks like it's a total migration in the near future.

Thanks for the upvote and agreement! :)

Google the spy machine, ☺, i thought only me. noticed that, Firefox consumes data and load too slow i can smash my phone buy another one and it still hasn't load completely. lol

Firefox is fucking slow and it drains data unlike chrome.... Chrome is fucking fast and it saves data

i'll also prefer chrome insteed of firefox... & nice reply on trumps post 👍

Have you tried out Brave? It's by the former CEO of Firefox. There's a lot less functionality than the other big browsers but there's inbuilt adblock and a Brave-specific crypto that can fund the sites you like through ad revenue without ever needing to see ads.

Yep, there's a running discussion about Brave in other comments on this page. :) I think it's neat that they tied it to a crypto -- but I haven't looked into that crypto at all yet!

It "shivers me timbers" to see anyone meeting and talking with Kissinger.

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