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RE: How to actually get your stuff done
Hm.. it is always interesting to find ways to become more productive! Good suggestions. Have you heard of Trello? I'm just starting to you use that, and it works quite well. Or is that not really GTD-compatible (sorry didn't read the book yet)? I also read about people using Bullet Journals these days. But maybe it is more something for schoolgirls and designers... :D
I also love Trello!
Hi @laracoe, yes I've used trello for work to keep track of short/mid/long term goals etc. However, i've migrated all that slowly to omnifocus just to have everything in one place. The thing I like about GTD is that you have the concept of an inbox in which you dump everything that comes up during the day or in your thoughts. Then once in a while, you process everything from the inbox by assigning them to lists or projects or directly just doing them.
Since you dump everything in this inbox, the things you normally are trying to keep track of in your mind are no longer there and you have time to think about other stuff :)
I'm not too familiar with bullet journals but I always change around the stuff I need to do or keep track of a lot. I think having a paper journal is not flexible enough for that reason. I might still try it one day! (Just dropped it in my inbox :P)
Thanks for your post and reading my article!