Steemit drama festival - And the drama queen award goes to...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Hey steemies!

Get your popcorn machines ready, you are going to need lots of it. Like any other day, there is no shortage of drama in the steemit ocean especially around spam farming vs downvotes controversies. The latest revolves around anybody who has @themarkymark as a witness. The newest member of the butt-hurt squad, @themilkymark, has been going around farting dust bunnies into everyone's wallet with downvote threats with his lease of 100k SP if we do not remove our vote. At least he was a polite bully...we all need manners. 😂


Here is the memo:

2020-02-11 (2).png

Of course I had to do a little investigation into it, is it just another harmless 10% downvote troll farm? This one appears to be a new cry baby. I have to admit, taking a stroll down drama lane into his wallet, there was some entertaining replies, gotta love transparency! I thought about wallet spamming him back but on second thought, I figured there was enough comments that drove the point home, maybe I shall add the dust to my bunny farm I call my steemit empire in case you ever grow a spine and post something that I can flag you back with my meaningless minnow SP... at least mine was earned and not leased.

geese (1).jpg

2020-02-11 (3).png

I have an idea who this twatwaffle is by looking at his posts on other platforms, your broken English really gives you away buddy, I'm pretty sure you and your band of circle-jerkers have already been downvoting my blog on occasion with your other trashy account anyway.

Link from Rodrigo Gier youtube page.

Here is additional literature:

With no shortage of commentaries to be had, even tho I'm keeping the dust, I still had something to say to your shattered ego, maybe my dust bunnies can multiply by making a post instead so that I may flag you better in the future.


I don't take well to your terrorism tactics against a reputable steemian when you are too much of a yellow belly to even fight your own battle under your own name, you had to start a shadow account to threaten everyone with your non sense. My stake, I vote whomever I want with it on posts or as a witness, deal with it, just like I choose to deal with the possible pettiness you want to drag my account into. If you are who I think you are, your content was bid-botted fucking garbage spam to begin with and I'm glad it's getting flagged and I did throw a few of my meaningless flags at it when I saw it into the trending page. While you and your friends had enough stake to continually rape the reward pool long term to undetected levels for quite some time, now the community is taking it back. It's not yours until payout nor are you entitled to anything, he did not steal from you, grow up.


Thought you were clever from your throne... King shit of turd island, turns out you can't even organize a circle jerk in a whore house and your scam finally fell apart...Good riddance, don't let the door hit you on the way out. You could have option A: stepped up your content to an acceptable level like an adult or power down and disappear like a fart in the wind. Instead, you chose option B: turn into a vengeful troll and threaten steemians with actual content who contributes positively to the platform with downvotes purely based on a witness vote. What is this pre-school? I bet even they are still more mature. I hang around wild animals that could eat or trample me and they have more civility and common sense than you.

Flag, don't flag, I don't care, my witness vote stays and I'm not here for the $$ anyway, 100k Sp still doesn't buy you much damage... what is that like 80 cents - $1 at full strength? Shakin in my boots already...LMFAO, what a chump. My unvote is going to cost you a few more dust bunnies than .001 especially since you are looking to trash our beautiful flourishing community with your circus freak show. I thought I would write this so you have something to flag to get your pathetic journey started in case your panties are still in a like the rest of us girls do...stuff em in your purse.


Whoever delegates to this weirdo, I please ask that you consider taking your delegation back and use it in the best interest of platform instead.

Happy flaggings @themilkymark! X🐞X


What would this place be without a little drama? I swear, sometimes this place really does feel like being back in grade school...

I'm seriously considering sending his 0.001 back and letting him know that I have a PRICE for doing things, and that price is 100,000 Steem...

Right!?! hehe . It does feel like being back in grade school some days.

You should, that's funny !! I thought about doing it too but I wont, I think this post will probably instigate

Whoa lmao this is interesting ! I didn’t know things like this go down here. Crazy!!

lol lots of crazy stuff in the background! Keeps it interesting. Lot of history and bad blood built up over the years combined with a collective change in ethics to make steemit a better place, don't let it bother you tho, I'm sure you will discover it in time.

Hi it isme. Delegator is account: joele (source

There you are! you have been pretty quiet these days, hope all is still well.

Thanks for the info, I just checked and that user also got threatening wallet spam. OMG I heard rumors of it but I didn't think it was true. That's too funny, bully his own delegator.

Well said @ladybug146.

Popcorns are going to be flying off the supermarket shelves now, better to and stock up quick!!

Thanks! LMAO yeah, clean the popcorn shelves before the rush!!

Well said i love it when some one stands up for their selves i am toasting a glass of red wine to that ... Cheers 🍷

I know some people removed their support in fear, I don't blame them either. I just want some people to know they are not alone if they chose to stand together and keep our vote in place, he can't ding us all as much. Cheers! xox

It's a shame that we have people like that here on Steemit when we all should be working together as a team but some mother's do have " 😣

it is, it takes all kinds to make a social platform!! I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit, not that I like drama but analyzing social and individual behavior patterns and outcomes. For no reason really...I'm just weird like that. Honestly tho, this platform has massive future potential if we all work together to get most things right, not saying there wont be blunders along the way this could be pretty revolutionary not just on a social media aspect.

This is true it can be a very rewarding social media in many aspects and the drama people is the ones that end up with the bad end of the deal at the end i believe in karma.

"analyzing social and individual behavior patterns and outcomes" i like that you should be doing part time social worker people need people like you...hehe 😊

Did you hear the good news Tron has merged with Steemit good things are ahead for Steemit 😊

You are absolutly right on the karma thing, I've been at both ends of that

My dealio is I'm an introvert that is always ends up in highly interactive social settings all of my life paving my way where I want to go and taking chances some riskier than others and that requires social analyzing so I don't make reckless decisions.

I'm not too sure about social worker ,hehe, I have no social skills and tell it like it is. I'm more of the clear the path for others kind. I have been pushing women equal rights to a safe work place/opportunity in male dominated industries for the past 13 years, technically still using my skills for social good...more like a warrior.

I did hear the tron news, I'm undecided on my opinion of it, I'm reading more into it first. Seems good but what's the catch?

Karma is a lesson we all learn by. Treading a path cautiously is definitely a very wise way to analyze it we can't always be right but we do our best at it.

And good on you pushing the women equal rights why shouldn't they have the equal rights we are all one.

Well hope Tron do the right thing for the platform time will tell i suppose.

You have yourself a great weekend my friend 😊

Ridiculous. I mean... this is seriously happening? I will probably give my wintess vote to @themarkymark just because of this :D

lol I bet you are not the only one with that thought! I can't say I agree with everything he does or says but he does more good than bad overall and actually catches a lot of spam and scams, plagiarism, I think he's involved in curation trails too. A lot of this drama I suspect stems from unrealistic expectations and a lack of awareness on their own behaviors that may have gotten them flagged in the first place and just loose their sanity over it. Some of these people have 100's, I even saw a post about one having 1000 or more accounts of alt accounts spamming for 1 user. It's ugly what goes on here and scam rings that get busted if you pay attention to the background clean-up.

Oh wow, that sounds crazy. I didn´t know we have so many spammers here... They can be very annoying, especially those who won´t stop even after being flagged to below zero.

Yeah, well some just turn right vicious too and take it out on everyone. I know, I'm seeing a lot more of that the last few days. Some of them just don't know any better, you flag them once and tell them why and they change a bit while others are so stubborn. I think the ones that don't stop must be bots or something because I can't even imagine how much effort it must take to post 50 times a day that nobody is ever going to look at, even if it's just a picture.

I love that report thing and those are cute animals in your first photo.

Haha the Butt-Hurt report?!? The animals are North-American River Otters. Thanks for stopping by :)

haha yes exactly

...twatwaffle ...?

I do love STEEM as it is such an educational place. Having spent a good amount of my adult in the military culture; I thought I was familiar with every unsavory exclamation directed to a person who would dare raise my ire. Evidently, not!

Thank you so much for adding to my vast vocabulary of disparagements! Also; thank you for giving me a great laugh this early St. Valentine's Day Morning. This post is, without a doubt, the most epic of contributions!

Have a groovy and safe weekend!

I'm from the oil fields, we are also stuck with each other too much with too many hours in a row in unfavorable conditions, we have creative terms and ways to interact. Plus being a woman working in a man's world (around 1-2% of the workforce) requires me to have a big invisible set to not get picked on. Not quite the same as military but similar camaraderie and clashes. I'm always happy to teach new insults!

Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad it gave you a laugh. Have a great valentines day and weekend! xox

This is why the DRAMA token was created. (I think) Too many drama going on about who gets downvoted and why and such. I mean there are community rules but I dunno people will just be people... 🤷

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