Olive Trees..

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I come from and live in the beautiful Crete island, in Greece.

Olive Trees are vital for our island's economy and we value, cherish them. They have been giving us the liquid gold, or olive oil so they mean a lot to us.

In the old times, whenever a child was born, people used to plant an olive tree for them.


I plan to write more about Olive Trees in the future, but till then .. I am leaving you with one of my favorite abstracts from Odysseas Elytis

If Greece is destroyed completely, an olive tree, a vine and a boat will remain. That is enough to rebuild her from the beginning.


I send my best wishes to anyone who might be struggling these days


Αυτά τα δέντρα είναι βαριά κληρονομιά !

(Αν θες διόρθωσε : leave ->live στην αρχή )

Ευχαριστώ Γιώργο!!!
Αυτά παθαίνει κανείς όταν γράφει ποστ μετά από 10 ώρες δουλειάς :)

it is a beautiful example of the grik aksent in ingliss

Or perhaps it was a way to express a secret, untold, undiscovered wish

Κάνε κράτει Κατερίνα . Χρειάζεται και λίγο ξεκούραση ο νους και το σώμα.

This is one thing we would like to have at our place. Olives, olive oil we like them. It's good food. I'm sure there's more benefits other than it being food.

Do they still plant olive trees for each newborn? :)

Thanks for dropping by @lovenfreedom!

Do they still plant olive trees for each newborn? :)

I do not think so :)
However what is still a tradition here, is to keep the wine made in the year a child is born and drink it at their wedding!

Το λατρεύω το λάδι... Μου αρέσει να κολυμπάει το φαι μέσα στο λάδι...

Κι εγω το αγαπώ αλλά το πολύ στο φαγητό δεν το μπορώ!

i've been known to drink it if there is no bread left.

!owlbot kat needs a compliment

hey you! yes @katerinaramm, you are awesome! If you were an owl you would have a fierce shiny beak. Just keep being you, you are great.

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