in #blog6 years ago (edited)


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Have you ever had a close friend who is critically ill and you are perturbed about the right clinic to move him or her to? You know what you’re really looking for; the best cardiologist that can save you the heartbreak of losing a great friend, yet you couldn’t fathom how to go about it.



You placed lots of calls on people, and you finally got directed to someone that attends to patients with cardiovascular issues. Money wasn’t your problem; you just don’t want to lose Him.

A sudden thought of your childhood days just flashed through your memory, how he prevailed on his rich parents to once assist in paying your bill once, when your dad lost his position with the Food production firm he worked for. These and lots more were going through your mind when the doctor calmly came out of the theater and after some quite time, released the dreaded news to you; “WE LOST HIM”.



When it seems like you’re coming through the trauma of losing a friend that means the world to you, you were told that one specialist down your street is simply the best in the cardio related issue that attacked your friend, and would have saved his life; if he was the person that administered to him.


This is not just a story; but a real life experience from a friend I prefer to call Mr K, and it happens around us, daily. This is one amongst many issues that hinges on the progress of patient's health and the health sector at large. According to the narration, certain things are obvious and that includes;

  • How do we know the right hospital that is competent in a particular area of medicine and having the right equipment, drugs and personnel to handle such issue; without paying exorbitantly for the service.

  • How do you make sure that you are getting a non-counterfeit drug from a dispenser, with the efficacy guaranteed and the pricing very affordable

  • How do you get the need for medical urgency outside your state of residence, and doesn’t have to pull calls across to your medical center or doctor for your medical history before being attended to without the attendant risks

  • How do medical centers ensure that they are recruiting the best personnel in a field of medicine, and not just managing anyone, and putting people’s life on the line

  • How do you access health insurance cover, that reflects the actual cost of service you received

  • How do we have a competent health system that is relatively affordable, and quality driven

These and many other questions, has been attributed to a streamlined, transparent, and well-coordinated system; integrated into a NEM Blockchain, for decentralized and transparent health interactions and financial transactions.

These answers were made possible, courtesy of the innovative prowess of an honest and successful enterprise called the Atlantic International finance and loan limited. They are making every effort to exploit the needed resources in bringing to your doorstep, a project that has been tagged; “The ATLANTICO NETWORKS”.

The project holds the answers to the raised issues; giving credence to why i made it the backbone of this review. Having introduced the project her:
let's take a look at what it stands, how it works and the benefits it holds for the teaming health sector.


This is a blockchain and cryptocurrency based project, centered on the NEM technology. It can better be visualized as a decentralized network for the medical sector (doctors and medical centers), pharmaceutical sectors (producers, wholesalers, and pharmacies), the insurance sectors (health insurance) and the Patients.
As contained in the business proposal, the platform will be having three levels in each module they deploy; and that includes;

    Here, the system brings about real time interactions between the medical centers and the patients, in delivering treatments; the medical sector and the pharmaceutical chain interactions for the tracking, demand and supply of quality pharma products at affordable rates. The tracking of the chain of supply will weed out the introduction of counterfeit drugs, and ensure the pricing weren't bloated.

    Here, the products and services supplied, will be reviewed by the respective partners on the platform. This will attach varied ratings to the products and services, which ends up being published on the decentralized ledger, making it easier for other users to have access and form their opinions, and take respective action.

This is the feature that would have saved the victim of the above narrated story; had it been it's already in use. Preventing a repeat of such happening seems like the best this will offer and it's better than leaning it to continue in perpetuity.

The pharma products will be subjected to similar reviews and ratings of their efficacy hence; helping to enthrone a regime of highly efficacious and affordable drugs.

    This level allows the invitation of new people by the platform users, to benefit from a more coordinated, enhanced and affordable health. It also allows interaction with other platform users and to the rating records for better health opinionated decisions.

These levels were factored into every module of the Atlantico application hence; enthroning transparency and encouraging unrelenting positive contributions to the health sector.


Having tied the partners i.e. the medical and the pharmaceutical sectors, to an agreement in providing the roles required of them according to the demands of the platform; the Atlantico applications, which they'll utilize in the deployment of their services, will bring about the needed interactions, reviews, ratings and publishing of necessary healthcare records; to be accessed with the primary token of the Atlantico platform called; the “ATL Token”.
The token which is NEM based will also serve as the internal currency for transactions and a medium through which other utility activities will be anchored. The robust application, will be both web and mobile based.

With the platform already provided, the partners signed up and willing to serve; the patients and the insurance companies only need to register on the platform to access the full benefits attached to the platform.


From the pharmaceutical sector view;

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pharmaceutical chain

They manufacturer will register their products with the ATLANTICO Network; with an identification number generated for it. The weight of the product, the release date and ingredients will all be recorded and shipped to the wholesale pharmaceutical company. Having done this, the platform will in turn, record the lot number, dates of receipt and shipment to pharmacies.

When the products appears in the pharmacies, it will be assessed by the platform using the following criteria:

  • date of receipt,
  • how long it has been on sale,
  • the product’s lot number,
  • the amount of goods in stock and its price.
  • The cost and price of goods

Having done these, the information will be stored publicly; allowing the platform users weigh how reasonable the markup price of the products at the pharmacies are thus; bringing about certainty in the uniqueness of a product and reductions in the product prices.

The manufacturers will also be able to keep track of their products and the pricing hence, helping in the regulation of the prices and creating an environment that will discourage counterfeit introduction via the tracking ability and accessible nature of the decentralized ledger.

From the view of an insurance company;

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With the ability of the insurance sector to monitor prices, and quality of the medical activities for payments made; they will find be able to find succor in knowing that the era of price inflation that comes with a monopolized access to medical records and bills are long gone. This will bring about a drastic reduction in cost and an enhanced profitability to the insurance sectors.

From the view of medical centers;

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medical centers

With the performance and qualifications of the health personnel all reflecting on the ATLANTICO Network, medical centers will be able to engage the services of well skilled personnel in providing high quality

This will boost their ratings and help in attracting more patients to their centers thus; boosting their revenues. This will also boost their chances of gaining extra revenues receivable from the platform for improved and highly rated health services.

From the Doctor's perspective;

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For every doctor on the ATLANTICO Network; they will be able to gain more insights into their career, by comparing similar patient diagnoses, make better diagnoses, and always be ahead of the peers outside the platform in knowing the most modern and innovative medications in the market.

The platform will also serve as the needed lead to the most advanced medical centers in the world, if they become outstanding; as such centers will be out for dedicated and gifted personnel, working for their brand.

Outside the above stated, doctors also qualify for extra income, as through their reviews they can receive bonus ATL tokens that are going to be bought back by the platform annually.

From the Patient's perspective;

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Patients using the Atlantico platform will be able to find the closest pharmacies, medical centers, insurance companies, view their ratings and chose the ones they'll patronize when the need arises. They will also have access to their work hours, book appointments, and receive discounts for the required services; leaving comments and reviews in the application after treatments; for other users to see. This will boost the customer service level of such establishments, outside the medical inputs.

There's no doubt the above discussions will be easy to comprehend. It is even easy for someone to look through and list out the advantages that such platform will be bringing to the health sector. To add to your list of benefits, make you see that the benefits were also decentralized, see below:


  • Easy choice of medical centers and pharmaceutical products that reflects quality
  • Easy access to medical records needed in emergency situations
  • Affordable healthcare and discounts in medical services in Atlantico Network mobile application.


  • More direct communication with the consumers
  • Lower costing of services offered, leading to gross profitability
  • Creates easy marketing opportunity for subscribers


  • Encourages higher performance, which brings about relevance and increased employ-ability at renowned health centers.

  • Improved financial remunerations in ATL tokens, which will be monetized on company's year end buy back

  • Improved access to resources on effective treatment and diagnostic measure in the industry

  • enhanced employability


  • Access to top notch medical personnel to employ through the continous analysis and rating of doctors' activities

  • Access to quality healthcare equipment and pharmaceutical, at affordable pricing

  • Improved remuneration from the platform in ATL tokens, which will be bought back at year ends

  • Better interactions with insurance companies


  • Improved Total Quality Management, due to the continuous user ratings

  • Higher patronage and earnings, due to bigger clients

  • closer interactions with the medical field, making logistics easier and more affordable


  • Easier access to pharmacy networks for supplying quality products at an affordable prices

  • Improved revenues, leading to bigger profits for the company

  • Reduction in the tendency of possible expensive audits, courtesy of the feedback from from the partners on the platform


  • Closer logistical interactions with clients, doctors, medical centers, and the pharmaceutical chain

  • Reduced publicity cost owing to a marketable products rating

  • Flexible improvement of product quality owing to third party analysis and inputs


I don't know what you did make out of this project review; but i see a project that will end the monopoly of quality healthcare for few individuals, shoot up the value of life expectancy, cause our health sectors to sit up and get counted for a continual performance. It didn't just make business sense, but health sense too.

This is a project that is worth being supported by all and sundry. Kindly do your own bit by becoming a part of the community, and getting some ATL token for the needed access. Good health is is for all, let's make it so!

N.B: Kindly check out the reference section below for more details.



Website :
Whitepaper :
ANN thread :
Twitter :


wow Karl, this is beautiful.
The health system is definitely get some new status, courtesy of this.
Thanks for making my day!

Great post, these benefits to medical centers is my best part

I appreciate the effort you put through making this article, it explains more about the project and I hope they will deliver the project successfully..

This is so touching story and the project is heading in the right direction to solve this issue, I will be keeping my eyes on them

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