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RE: Quitting Steem? Quality/Quantity? Racism Against White People?
I’m not a self-hating white person. This sentiment in @valorforfreedom’s work reeks of priviledge and bigotry. I read a few more of this guys posts and they are unanimously short-sighted, nationalist, and incendiary. At one point in his post about feminism, @valorforfreedom quotes Hitler. Need I say more? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some hyper-partisan SJW hack, and I think a lot of that stuff gets taken way too far. But it’s just sad to see someone sooo afraid of feminism and multiculturalism. In Germany, no less. I swore there was a MAGA hat behind these posts.
There's nothing wrong with nationalism. Quite the contrary.
I agree. However, there’s people that love their country, and then there’s people that detest others’. The latter is unhealthy nationalism.
I understand your reaction k0wski1 because that is what you have learned, however, here is my answer.
To love your country you have to detest others.
If you cannot hate what destroys what you love, then you do not love.
Hate itself is not wrong k0wski, in fact, right and wrong are human imaginations (and every nation has a different idea of right and wrong).
Afraid of Feminism and Multiculturalism? If you live in Europe you see the destructive effects of it every day. Families ruined, white people ain't getting children anymore, we have become suicidal and we do not get rid of things and people that are certainly damaging to our nations, for example Angela Merkel.
And there is nothing wrong about quoting Hitler, you need to question things that everyone seems to BELIEVE is the "truth" and not blindly accept it as such.
Just because I quote him does not mean that I consider everything he did as good.
But there are things he did which I consider good, for example getting Germany out of the financial depression in just a couple years and creating jobs.
Draw your own conclusions after deep and purposeful research (on both sides of the coin), don't be a parrot.
Best Regards,
nationalism would be cool if it didn't require genocide or imperialistic displacement of others to work.