Blog #1: Find your reasons and write
This is the first in what (hopefully) will be a long, long series of posts in this section of my blog where I will write not long articles, but short posts with thoughts on whatever I'm interested in.
I've been away from blogging for a few months now. I started at the beginning of 2018 with the goal of creating deep and thoughtful articles about cryptocurrencies and trading, the things that have interested me the most lately. However, I soon figured out it was way harder than I thought to write my goal of two articles a week. I have a demanding job and not much free time, so writing has become difficult.
This isn't just me, of course. How many people out there are in some way interested in writing but can't find the time to do it? We are all so busy nowadays it seems like there isn't extra time for anything. Work, family, house chores, traffic jams... whatever you blame on "consuming" your time.

Photo by Steven Houston on Unsplash
I can't help you make time for it. What I maybe can do is help you prioritize it. I'm trying to do it myself, my goals might meet yours.
Think about so benefits writing can bring you:
- It can help you organize your ideas: you take your internal thoughts, usually a messy bunch, and figure out a way to spill it out for other minds to absorb it.
- It helps you learn: there's no better way to learn about a subject than to explain it to someone else. That's how you strenghten your memories, your knowledge. Don't know what to write about? Here's the motive you needed to go learn something new.
- It can help you make new connections: write enough about different topics and you will learn enough and connect enough dots to have new ideas. In the fast paced world we live in, where information seems to never exhaust, connecting the dots might be one of the best skills you can have.
Sit down and write a little every day. You might suck at it at first (you probably will), but that's the only way to get better. Don't plan it, just write. Be yourself, focus on what you can bring of value to others and you might get a few followers. Then a few more, and more. Set your mind to it and be consistent.
Here's my attempt to do so. I don't dare promisse a post every day, I'll start slow, twice a week, with whatever is on my mind.
Hope you find some value in my thoughts, they will be as honest as I can make them.