I Know
After all the non-self fury storm of "there is no truth in the now" and yet there is nothing beyond the NOW, so there is no truth anywhere to be found. Fuck this shit! ..what do I run into?
I know.
And I don't have to pretend to know, I don't have to fake it till I make it, I don't have to wrestle it into place, I just know. Deeply, profoundly, unshakeably.
One by one flashback puzzle pieces fall into place.
What will come of this knowing I do not know and honestly don't really care. As long as I embody that knowing, as long as that is what floods and fills up my bubble to overflow, I'm solid. I'm good. This is it. This is all I came here for.
You know too. Of course, you do.
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cuddlekitten (55) 5 years ago