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RE: The Battle of Athens: A History Lesson on Guns

in #blog7 years ago

I'm guessing you didn't actually read the post, so let me make this perfectly clear.

You are going to have to kill us to get your way.

This isn't about fear, this is a fact. People like you are tyrants, and we stand up to tyrants in America when they go too far.

Not to mention that public opinion is actually on my side with regards to this issue. Enjoy a post from notoriously leftist Reason saying as much:

This isn't a fight you can win without bloodshed, and because we just want to be left alone, the blood will be on your hands. So unless you're willing to kill people to restrict the liberty of others, you can just stop now.

Because I and people like me are absolutely willing to kill and die to protect our liberty.

Learn how to leave people alone.


"Because I and people like me are absolutely willing to kill and die to protect our liberty."

I am sure the slave owners felt just as entitled.

The ownership of an inanimate object cannot in any way compare to the "ownership" of another human being. This is quite possibly the most disingenuous, emotive, and frankly evil argument I have ever heard from the anti-gun side of things. So congrats on that. Way to completely shit on the struggles that former and current slaves have gone or are going through.

But if you want to talk about entitlement, what entitles you to tell innocent civilians in crime-ridden areas that they are not allowed to have efficient means to protect themselves and their loved ones from gangs, thieves, and murderers?

What is the end game after pushing people into mass graves? What other reason it's there to disarm a populace?

Or do these gun grabbers think they won't be buried as well?

The gun grabber response is purely emotive. They see a problem, and they want to fix it. It's coming from a good place, but because they aren't using their reason they just wind up screaming, "DO SOMETHING!!!" instead of actually coming up with workable solutions that would really help people. Like allowing teachers who are also CWP holders to carry on school grounds. That would protect students, cost the state no money, and wouldn't be forcing anybody who didn't want to, to carry a gun.

The people they're being useful idiots for, on the other hand, definitely have a plan, and it's just "more power," because that's always the way with tyrants. They just want more power for themselves and damn the consequences, and eventually you wind up at North Korea or Nazi Germany. Which is why an armed populace is so important to prevent things like that from happening. If you can stop Hitler before he takes over the Party and becomes Chancellor and has the full might of the military behind it, it counts just as much as stopping him at the height of his power while the gas chambers have been working for years.

Whoa calm down buckaroo, I'm peaceful. I guess that bit about the wild west got you excited! The blood is already on gun advocates' hands, and the NRA. A quick search would bring to light just how much political sway an organization like that actually has. These changes you dread will be made non violently through laws and policies, not physical force. All while you watch at home clutching your piece. Your cache of guns will become a financial liability. These "tyrants", wherever they, are the Boogeyman created by your Lord and savior, the NRA.

But thankfully, that moment of glory you were preparing for will never come to you. I just hope you don't decide to take action with a gun and end up hurting your case!

Okay okay, I'll leave you alone now. But you brought it up so I assumed you wanted to discuss instead of just beating your chest on the internet. Good day.

I don't support the NRA, and I'm not a member.

If a madman kills somebody with a hammer, is it the fault of the hammer manufacturer? What about the law abiding construction workers who use hammers in their day to day work? The average person who just happens to own a hammer for repairs around the house?

The correct answer is none of these people have the blame except for the absolute psychopath who killed someone with a hammer. I am not a murderer, and I've never hurt anyone with a gun, and would never hurt anyone with a gun who didn't attempt to harm myself or my family. I am no more responsible for the actions of absolute psychopaths than the hammer wielders in my analogy. Which, by the way, more people are murdered with hammers and clubs than with rifles, which people like you seem so intent on banning.

Handguns are, of course, another story, but they're concentrated in heavily regulated areas like Chicago, which have very strict gun laws. Despite this crackdown, they're riddled with gun crime, and law abiding citizens are left unable to defend themselves efficiently. Which is why gun control is a fundamentally evil policy.

But this isn't chest thumping. Laws like this have been enacted in America before. Policemen refuse to comply with them. The citizens dare the law to come in and take them, and the law backs down, because doing otherwise would mean open battle with law abiding citizens. The citizens get together with their guns and force a repealing of these laws at gunpoint, because again, we are willing to kill for our liberty. We fought an entire war over it, and will do so again if necessary.

At the end of the day what you're proposing is use of force. People like me aren't going to give up our guns just because you say so, or some politician with some unjust and unconstitutional law says so. You're going to have to take them, and to do that you're going to have to use guns, because we're going to be meeting you with comparable force. So in reality here you're not against guns, you're against private citizens having guns. You're perfectly fine with those guns being used on private citizens you don't like who are now left helpless against not only the police (notoriously racist, sexist, and authority abusers that they are), but against common criminals as well.

So you can keep masturbating to your dictatorial fantasy, or you can get real with the rest of the world. There are more guns in America than people, and plenty of people know how to make more with stuff you can buy at Lowe's or Home Depot. This is a completely unwinnable fight, and what's more yours is a completely immoral position in the long term, despite how good it makes your insides feel for right now as you morally crusade and call for people to be killed because they own a thing you know fuck all about and are pants-shittingly terrified of.

Because literally nothing you propose can or will be done non-violently, not in America. You're going to have to get men with guns to take away the guns from citizens with guns. And that blood will absolutely be on the hands of you, and people like you, because you just couldn't mind your own god damned business.

But don't let me, or facts, or observable reality get in the way of your psychotic need to have another Civil War in this country. I'm sure the side that thinks guns are icky and scary will come out on top of that.

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